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PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:36 pm
by tubby
red till i die!! wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Not that this is directly related to the blimp or anything but a few months ago there was a local MP from somewhere (I think) and he tore up a S*n newspaper on stage. It went something along the lines of - "In Liverpool they learned to do this a long time ago".....

If anyone remembers please let me know as id like to try dig out that video if possible.


think this is what your looking for bav. its around a min and a half in. :D

Yes!!!!! Thanks guys.  :)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:38 pm
by redhayesy
brilliant news! great work by all,thanks for the info ivor mate hope all goes well an that any tv crew film it an show it world wide if possible, any covarage will be boss! i'm just gutted i can't make it on sat but any futher help when the next time it's used i'd be their to help in any way i could.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:47 pm
by kazza
Good job Ivor

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:50 pm
by J*o*n*D*o*e
Ivor maybe a few lads with buckets at the site might bring in some money for future Helium, im sure people will be only to willing to help out once they see it.

well done to all involved.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:42 am
by Kharhaz
I would rather we give the rag no attention whatsoever. All this blimp is doing is showing they exist. For many of us, we dont buy it, we dont even acknowledge it, and we sure as hell dont want to give them free publicity. A well intentioned motive doesnt make it right. I would change it to "Justice for the 96". A more worthwhile effort.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:52 am
by ivor_the_injun
Bit late like.

There will be Justice For The 96 banners made for it in time, I'm sure. Maybe even in time for the anniversary in April - this is something I'm going to be discussing while I'm up at the game.

Bear in mind that there's an ever-growing OOT presence at Anfield, and particularly from overseas. Bear in mind also that there's a section in amongst the generation of young 'uns now that aren't necessarily getting the history passed down to them that the generation that came up in the 90s were. If it gets a handful of little uns asking their dad, grandad, uncle or whoever why they shouldn't buy The Sun, it'll have served its purpose.

Some people have viewed the blimp as being pointless as the boycott is still strong. My view is that now is the time to ensure it's reinforced then, not in a couple of generations when the apathetic youngsters of today are failing to pass on the history to their kids.

My view is also that it isn't so much a boycott as a core belief instilled into Liverpool fans now. Get people talking about why they believe what they believe and the message will spread.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:24 am
Absolutly brilliant work there Ivor lad, :bowdown  :bowdown

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:34 am
by Kharhaz
ivor_the_injun wrote:Bear in mind that there's an ever-growing OOT presence at Anfield, and particularly from overseas

Thats true, but as nanny put up in a topic from my end, the ole girl who lived and breathed Liverpool from Grimsby, we are OOTers, but that doesnt mean ignorance. Also overseas supporters tend to spend their money on programs rather than tabloids. Im not mocking what you are doing, not at all. Their are many who buy the rag, and that the blimp will raise questions to the ignorant. However I think the money and effort put in is appealing to a minority rather than the majority.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:11 am
by ivor_the_injun
I've seen enough Suns in the back pockets of Irish and Scandinavian fans in replica kits to know that the OOT point stands up. I'm certainly not tarring everyone with that brush - I'm from Warrington myself - but as the matchgoing fanbase diversifies, the need for education on this grows.

There are an awful lot of young fans from outside Liverpool that know how many league titles we've won, how many European cups, and can pick most of our legends out of a crowd. That's great. But there's more to Liverpool than our trophy cabinet and our walls decked with legends, and it needs pointing out to an awful lot of people.

Plus, crucially, you clearly have missed the whole thing about the banners being Velcro-backed and changeable. This was why we went away from the original plan to have 1 message printed on the blimp itself. It is planned to be used for all manner of campaigns, certainly by the HJC, and possibly also SOS as well.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:41 pm
by stmichael
excellent stuff. brilliant! well done to everybody involved! :buttrock

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:32 pm
by Leonmc0708
bavlondon wrote:Is l21Leon Leonmac from here?

No its not. LeonL21 is fatter and uglier than me.

Ivor excellent work lad - see you there 8am Satdee.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:34 pm
by Igor Zidane
Leonmc0708 wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Is l21Leon Leonmac from here?

No its not. LeonL21 is fatter and uglier than me.

Ivor excellent work lad - see you there 8am Satdee.

Good to see your alive then .  :D

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:54 pm
by redhayesy
Leonmc0708 wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Is l21Leon Leonmac from here?

No its not. LeonL21 is fatter and uglier than me.

Ivor excellent work lad - see you there 8am Satdee.

:D  you must have a double then mate! good to know you still visit the forum mate, please ,please post more often Leon mate, your knowledge an words of wisdom are very much missed on here. your (PR officer) insistes on it.  :D  have a good day tomorrow mate, i will be their in spirit with yous, just gutted i can't make it myself.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:06 pm
by redhayesy
ivor_the_injun wrote:I've seen enough Suns in the back pockets of Irish and Scandinavian fans in replica kits to know that the OOT point stands up. I'm certainly not tarring everyone with that brush - I'm from Warrington myself - but as the matchgoing fanbase diversifies, the need for education on this grows.

There are an awful lot of young fans from outside Liverpool that know how many league titles we've won, how many European cups, and can pick most of our legends out of a crowd. That's great. But there's more to Liverpool than our trophy cabinet and our walls decked with legends, and it needs pointing out to an awful lot of people.

Plus, crucially, you clearly have missed the whole thing about the banners being Velcro-backed and changeable. This was why we went away from the original plan to have 1 message printed on the blimp itself. It is planned to be used for all manner of campaigns, certainly by the HJC, and possibly also SOS as well.

totally agree with everything you say mate! thankfully for me though iv'e never seen a so called fan with that scum rag, but if i did, i don't know how i'd react at first, but education an awarness still needs to put to the forfront of peoples mindset etc. just a question mate, have you seen anyone inside the ground home or away with a scum rag? cause i haven't thankfully but i know i wouldn't be able to ignore it, it would certainly make my blood boil! an thats why the blimp is such a boss idea.

if it brings new awarness then it's money an time well spent. it's not giving the scum rag free publicity,it's sending out a clear message to the un-educated an ignorance that still may be out their calling themselves LFC fans.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:53 pm
by supersub
Leonmc0708 wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Is l21Leon Leonmac from here?

No its not. LeonL21 is fatter and uglier than me.

That can't be true.... :laugh: