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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:59 am
by bigmick
GYBS wrote:
bigmick wrote:Didn't Lucas play in 40 games last season or something ??? Just shows you anything is possible.

Lucas played around 26 ish games - mainly filling in for Masher or Xabi when they were injured or coming on as a sub .

In all comps mate ???, I thought it was more than that. Maybe it just felt like it was.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:00 pm
by maguskwt
GYBS if you look at my original post, I suggested Carlton Cole not only as back-up but also as Torres' partner. I believe that we need to put much needed 'steel' into our front line and that's what Cole can provide. He can plant himself in the box and Torres can run onto the balls Cole set up for him. Cole has a very decent record of assists. He will give us the option of reverting back to 4-4-2 if we so wish to. This will resolve our current over-reliance on Gerrard and Torres. That is where I'm coming from. St Michael mentioned that Keane and Villa don't really gel with Torres and I agree because Keane and Villa are basically "ball hogs" in that they need to run with the ball and shoot. Right now Torres is our main striker who does most of the scoring and therefore Cole can bring a partnership with Torres similar to Owen and Heskey only better because Cole is much more talented than Heskey. I've highlighted Cole's abilities which right now we dont' have and this can very well compliment Torres'es.

We've managed to lure Robbie Keane Spurs captain to join us I don't see a reason why we can't lure Carlton Cole from West Ham. If we have money that is. The thing is if we can't spend 12-14 millions on an english international then that is pretty pathetic and it is not my fault that our owners won't sanction that kind of puchase  :)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:02 pm
bigmick wrote:
GYBS wrote:
bigmick wrote:Didn't Lucas play in 40 games last season or something ??? Just shows you anything is possible.

Lucas played around 26 ish games - mainly filling in for Masher or Xabi when they were injured or coming on as a sub .

In all comps mate ???, I thought it was more than that. Maybe it just felt like it was.

No idea just going by the stats from the offal - i know he come on as a sub 20 times during the season .

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:06 pm
maguskwt wrote:GYBS if you look at my original post, I suggested Carlton Cole not only as back-up but also as Torres' partner. I believe that we need to put much needed 'steel' into our front line and that's what Cole can provide. He can plant himself in the box and Torres can run onto the balls Cole set up for him. Cole has a very decent record of assists. He will give us the option of reverting back to 4-4-2 if we so wish to. This will resolve our current over-reliance on Gerrard and Torres. That is where I'm coming from. St Michael mentioned that Keane and Villa don't really gel with Torres and I agree because Keane and Villa are basically "ball hogs" in that they need to run with the ball and shoot. Right now Torres is our main striker who does most of the scoring and therefore Cole can bring a partnership with Torres similar to Owen and Heskey only better because Cole is much more talented than Heskey. I've highlighted Cole's abilities which right now we dont' have and this can very well compliment Torres'es.

We've managed to lure Robbie Keane Spurs captain to join us I don't see a reason why we can't lure Carlton Cole from West Ham. If we have money that is. The thing is if we can't spend 12-14 millions on an english international then that is pretty pathetic and it is not my fault that our owners won't sanction that kind of puchase  :)

Yeah like i said in my first post the main problem is the funds available - as for the player with torres up front - not sure mate - i havent seen torres gel with anyone else on the pitch bar gerrard - not sure how torres would work with a big striker up top - he sort of worked sometimes with crouch . he seems to work with kuyt but think thats mainly due to kuyut dropping deep to give torres the space . then there there is the oldage changing of the formation to 4-4-2 with us lacking a real right mid - kuyt does well in a wide of three but in a four not as much . I think when Aqualini gets fit and starts to play things will be different and we wont be thinking about a partner for torres still jsut a back up - we dont seem to have a problem scoring at the moment .

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:08 pm
by DrPepe
maguskwt wrote:GYBS if you look at my original post, I suggested Carlton Cole not only as back-up but also as Torres' partner. I believe that we need to put much needed 'steel' into our front line and that's what Cole can provide. He can plant himself in the box and Torres can run onto the balls Cole set up for him. Cole has a very decent record of assists. He will give us the option of reverting back to 4-4-2 if we so wish to. This will resolve our current over-reliance on Gerrard and Torres. That is where I'm coming from. St Michael mentioned that Keane and Villa don't really gel with Torres and I agree because Keane and Villa are basically "ball hogs" in that they need to run with the ball and shoot. Right now Torres is our main striker who does most of the scoring and therefore Cole can bring a partnership with Torres similar to Owen and Heskey only better because Cole is much more talented than Heskey. I've highlighted Cole's abilities which right now we dont' have and this can very well compliment Torres'es.

We've managed to lure Robbie Keane Spurs captain to join us I don't see a reason why we can't lure Carlton Cole from West Ham. If we have money that is. The thing is if we can't spend 12-14 millions on an english international then that is pretty pathetic and it is not my fault that our owners won't sanction that kind of puchase  :)

arguably we already have the personnel to add someone in that position: stick dirk up with torres  :kungfu:  (DK also has a very good record of assists)

also allow gerrard to drop back into CM or play from the right

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:12 pm
by bunglemark2
We haven't played decent opposition yet though...Spurs on Day 1 I think was a totally unexpected result, and if you look at their defence on paper, it's still a very potentially porous defence.
We haven't come up against teams yet who actually CAN defend e.g. Chavski, Manure....It's great saying we can score goals at the moment, but against who - West Ham, Burnley, Stoke...gimme a break....

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:18 pm
umm wasnt scoring against those teams last season one of our main problems ? ! Breaking down the smaller teams ? Now it means nothing just because we score against them ?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:36 pm
by stmichael
To be honest it makes a mockery of the money we paid for Babel to think we could have just kept Bellamy. And no I'm not saying this merely off the back of his performace yesterday. I think he's an excellent player and always have done. Babel or Bellamy. For me it's a no-brainer.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:34 pm
by maguskwt
DrPepe wrote:
maguskwt wrote:GYBS if you look at my original post, I suggested Carlton Cole not only as back-up but also as Torres' partner. I believe that we need to put much needed 'steel' into our front line and that's what Cole can provide. He can plant himself in the box and Torres can run onto the balls Cole set up for him. Cole has a very decent record of assists. He will give us the option of reverting back to 4-4-2 if we so wish to. This will resolve our current over-reliance on Gerrard and Torres. That is where I'm coming from. St Michael mentioned that Keane and Villa don't really gel with Torres and I agree because Keane and Villa are basically "ball hogs" in that they need to run with the ball and shoot. Right now Torres is our main striker who does most of the scoring and therefore Cole can bring a partnership with Torres similar to Owen and Heskey only better because Cole is much more talented than Heskey. I've highlighted Cole's abilities which right now we dont' have and this can very well compliment Torres'es.

We've managed to lure Robbie Keane Spurs captain to join us I don't see a reason why we can't lure Carlton Cole from West Ham. If we have money that is. The thing is if we can't spend 12-14 millions on an english international then that is pretty pathetic and it is not my fault that our owners won't sanction that kind of puchase  :)

arguably we already have the personnel to add someone in that position: stick dirk up with torres  :kungfu:  (DK also has a very good record of assists)

also allow gerrard to drop back into CM or play from the right

One thing we don't wanna do IMO is play Gerrard on the right. And as much as I like Kuyt, he needs acres of space. Kuyt as a partner for Torres won't be as effective as Cole as a partner for Torres IMO. We have seen Kuyt and Torres play together and it is nowhere near the scenario that I painted in my first post. Cole has physical abilities in the box that Kuyt doesn't have. Also Kuyt is better off playing on the right and he's being very useful sweeping up balls on rebound and scoring. Kuyt is one of my favourite players because of his workrate and attitude but believe me he can score better because the attention is not on him...  :D

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:25 pm
I think Cole needs another half a season to see how he gets on to judge how far he has come - he is looking lively at the moment but will be interested to see if he keeps it up - i dont feel his sort of striker would work well with torres as he suffers from a little bit of lack of mobility and would take up space that torres loves to drive into . Think torres would work so much better with a deep lying striker - hence why i think he works really well with gerrard .

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:28 pm
by tubby
He definatley looks a more complete striker now compared to a year ago.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:32 pm
We have seen a lot of strikers have an indian couple of months then loose form or just become decent strikers - have to see what happens with cole.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:39 pm
by maguskwt
GYBS wrote:We have seen a lot of strikers have an indian couple of months then loose form or just become decent strikers - have to see what happens with cole.

sure and then we can pay 10 more millions...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:11 pm
maguskwt wrote:
GYBS wrote:We have seen a lot of strikers have an indian couple of months then loose form or just become decent strikers - have to see what happens with cole.

sure and then we can pay 10 more millions...

even now i expect west ham would look for around 15 mil plus for him just because he is flavour of the month - for me thats way over priced for someone of his ability .

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:45 pm
by bigmick
GYBS wrote:
maguskwt wrote:
GYBS wrote:We have seen a lot of strikers have an indian couple of months then loose form or just become decent strikers - have to see what happens with cole.

sure and then we can pay 10 more millions...

even now i expect west ham would look for around 15 mil plus for him just because he is flavour of the month - for me thats way over priced for some of his ability .

Surely if you buy him though you get ALL of his ability, not some of it  ???