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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 8:27 pm
by Leonmc0708
The big problem with Mr Moores is he does get a little too freindly with the managers.

Dont get me wrong, the man has put his money where his mouth is time and time again for my beloved team but he needs to stop letting his heart rule his head.

Donnt want the chairman to go.

Just the manager.


PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 8:30 pm
by DrLiverpool
He has given alot of money for transfers.

Is it true that there will be only 30mil available for transfers this summer ?

I have the Tottenham match on here but the scum are up 2-0.


PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 8:30 pm
by kenco
He brought the manager in , gave him the money to spend, and back him to the hilt. He's watched the decline, and done nothing about it.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 8:42 pm
by DrLiverpool
Did you hate houllier 3 years ago ?
Or the chairman ?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 9:00 pm
by banana
Carragher was awful today, he could/should have stopped 3 goals. Biscan was awful as always. Hyypia out of position all the time. Riise was decent, and as far as I remember Arsenal created only one chance on their right side against 10 - 15 on their left side(Carra). Heskey is a big strong guy, but he is never in the box. Why did GH bring on Murphy? For me that means he had already given up.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 9:08 pm
by kenco
Wachted L.F.C. since 1958 just hate to see them slowly heading in that direction {dr liverpool},

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 3:14 am
by SantaGiveHoullierTheSack
Not jumping into sack Houllier's bandwagon just this season...
I have been supporting Liverpool since 1974 and while we sucks during the Souness era, we have never play so cowardly and introduce long-ball (remember Wimbledon) & play boring football (remember George Graham & Howard Wilkinson), even during the treble winning season (remember we once bored the entire Barca team to sleep and attract so much criticism for our style of play?).
This season it got worst. Houllier tried to introduce attacking football but after every lead, we sat back and defend the lead. Against a world class team like Arsenal, we got beat time and again.
First Traore, then Biscan suddenly became his favourite central defender. Hyppia's form suffered as a result. Team's confidence went South while the likes of Chelsea and Arsenal keep on improving.
At this rate, I would rather we not qualify for CL (it hurts me to say this) and get a change of manager. Then we can consolidate and have a good 04/05 season. If we do qualify, Houllier will stay for another season and we will still talk about how sh*tty we are this time next year. Nothing will change unless Houllier goes...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 5:01 am
by The_Rock
red_rebel wrote:Kewell is awful, he can't finish for sh*t, the annoying thing is if we don't get into the Champions League it'll be his fault and he'll eventually leave us like he left Leeds to go to another club. You can't trust him and he's an overpaid idiot.


Kewell is not sh##e.......If u play in a team with sh##e tactics, you play sh##e. Even the real Zidane will look like Cheryou if he plays for liverpool at the moment  :p

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 7:38 am
by chiggz_likes_owen
I can't believe we got absoutely thrashed in the second half, i actually thought we were gonna win the game and i was remaining positive. None of the players looked like they gave a f##kin cr#p in the second half except for Gerrard.

Henry's goal was good i agree, but its just a defence is outa this world..! Certainly something has to be done and it had be done soon :( 

we should really consider so players e.g.
Van Buyten
Wright Philips

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 9:40 am
There are some abolute knob heads on this forum. I cant stand certain people when they criticise our best players. First it was Owen now Kewell is flavour of the month. Next Gerrard? You all seem to have very little football knowledge. These players are the ones you build a team around and will  guarantee success. But, these three on their own cant beat great XI's. Our run lately might have got us points, but look at the opposition. We come up against a good team and back to reality, a team failing, and unable to cope with the pace, accuracy and movement of the top three. That gulf in class that we seemed to have closed 2 seasons ago has got even bigger.

The bottom line, Houlliers and moores, cant believe the board has sanctioned so much money on players transfer fees and wages that are mediocre by french league standards. Have Monaco (debt ridden) missed Riise? Do Lens miss Diouf? No! The french teams look at Liverpool and see a club with no direction, business sense and a soft board who throw money at them.

Houllier and his duds go, somebody oust Moores, and more importantly get the team playing attractive fluid Football. Pass and ove thats our groove isn't? Or is Arsenals?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 10:29 am
by Owzat
banana wrote:Hyypia out of position all the time.

Which could be due to the players alongside him.........

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 11:14 am
by Leonmc0708
banana wrote:Carragher was awful today, he could/should have stopped 3 goals. Biscan was awful as always.

Banana, I feel that I must pull you up on your point above.

Carragher was not awful, the reson he looked bad was that he was asked to constantly pick up the runners, thru the middle when the job was clearly Biscan or Hyypia's.

Carra was simply mopping up, and if Henry starts his run and has a start on Biscan or Hyypia, he has an even bigger start on Carragher who has to identify the failings of the centre half, then get over and do something about it.

Again IMO the buck stops with Houllier. Playing Biscan out of position puts extra pressure on our defenders. In all honesty Carra and Hyypia were the only defenders on show. Biscan is a failed midfielder, and Riise also was left mid/winger prior to moving to us.