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PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:33 pm
by Ciggy
Bam wrote:Thing is, I could imagine Keane spitting the dummy based on his tantrums on field. He probably had a whinge to Rafa, and thats the end result Keane warming the bench for 90.

Thats what has probably happened when keane didnt start.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:40 pm
by Bam
FAO Tonyeh

You have the permission to enter this thread a be the morbid fecker you are, go on son the courts yours :D

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:41 pm
by The_Rock
And Not sure whats the story with keane....but if the rumors of keane being too enthusiastic is right...then i can see why benitez didn't call on keane today.

If u are working for should know what type of person he is.... If he does not tolerate "indiscipliness" or doesn't like his subordinates to undermine his should play play according to his book. Benitez is a coach who took off gerrard in the derby match because he was playing with too much heart and not his head (i am not making this up...benitez did say that)...

So Keane should have know what type of manager benitez is and behaved accordingly...but he didn't.....

At this moment, i ain't sure if beneitz wants to get rid of keane or is keane trying to get out.

But IMO, we have a bigger problem than keane...and thats agger. Agger has the potential to become the best defender in the world...why isn't he starting more matches ?

I said it years ago...and i say it again.....Benitez isn't competent in man management....

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:54 pm
by LegBarnes
Rafa out !!!! frank rijkaard IN !!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:04 pm
by The_Rock
LegBarnes wrote:Rafa out !!!! frank rijkaard IN !!!!!

It gotta be mourinho....our 1st choice before moores and parry went for the 2nd option...

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:07 pm
by tubby
Yeah same here if Rafa went I would only want Mourinho.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:11 pm
by Emerald Red
God forbid any Chelsea fan should stumble upon this forum and this thread. The shame.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:12 pm
by tubby
Why becasue he is a good manager? Grow up ER.

Ok guys take a good look at the table becasue I dont know when we will next be top so enjoy it while is lasts. :D

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:18 pm
by Ola Mr Benitez
Benitez does frustrate you, and I sometimes wonder if a manager with better man management was in charge, how much better would this group of players be? I thought Sammy Lee was the man to do this but after a good start this no longer appears to be working!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:27 pm
by Madmax
life look miserable at anfield at the moment. a guaranteed point for every team. Welcome to anfield the place where you could go home with a point :(

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:01 pm
by tonyeh
Bam wrote:FAO Tonyeh

You have the permission to enter this thread a be the morbid fecker you are, go on son the courts yours :D


Can't be arsed though...I'm knackered after the rant in the match thread.


PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:01 pm
by zarababe
The_Rock wrote:
LegBarnes wrote:Rafa out !!!! frank rijkaard IN !!!!!

It gotta be mourinho....our 1st choice before moores and parry went for the 2nd option...

NAAA MAAAN BIG SAMMM - that's what you ppl deserve .. BIG SAMMMMM YEHHH !

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:24 pm
by tubby
Zara why do you keep posting Big Sam? Whats he got to do with anything?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:09 pm
by bigmick
Can we not do the "I'm the best Liverpool supporter in the World" bit and "anyone who dares to voice an opinion that a draw at Home with Hull is not a fantastic result is a Manc" bit on the match thread? Must we always endure this same nonsense on every thread after a poor result, the posturing of "trusters" proving their "worthyness" by their undying faith?

We get it, we understand. No matter what happens, no matter what the circumstances, you will always believe and maintain that the manager wasn't at fault. it's Ok, we know. If we win anything or win anywhere, the managers a genius and "in Rafa we trust". If however it doesn't go according to plan, it's "the players" innit, "we wuz unlucky". You don't have to keep demonstrating how faithfully you believe, we know. We know you know the words to our song and act out the lyrics everyday, we're fully aware of it. We know that the title isn't won in December, and that we came back from three down in the Champions League final, we know.
We also know that you think there isn't another person on planet Earth who could manage Liverpool Football Club.

It's just that, well some of us despite knowing that think that paying 20 million quid for a striker then not playing him is a bit odd. Equally, paying 8 million quid for a fullback who is garbage is a bit strange (and we know that neither of those decisions is down to the manager, "it's the scouts innit?"). Some of us think that playing Kuyt up top on his own, and leaving him on for 90 minutes when by all accounts he wasn't really doing it is a tad unusual, but then again as you'll no doubt tell us, we weren't at Melwood all week so what do we know anyway.

The topic starter here has made it very clear what the thread is all about. Rather than attacking every poster for their disloyalty, knee-jerkery, cluelessness, Sam Allardyce fan club membership, Mancness etc etc etc why not just give it a rest. Grab yourself a copy of the Champions League final DVD and go watch that to cheer yourself up. Just leave off with all this "I'm a real fan and therefore I believe" b0ll0cks, it's starting to do my head in.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:13 pm
by Lando_Griffin
bigmick wrote:Can we not do the "I'm the best Liverpool supporter in the World" bit and "anyone who dares to voice an opinion that a draw at Home with Hull is not a fantastic result is a Manc" bit on the match thread? Must we always endure this same nonsense on every thread after a poor result, the posturing of "trusters" proving their "worthyness" by their undying faith?

We get it, we understand. No matter what happens, no matter what the circumstances, you will always believe and maintain that the manager wasn't at fault. it's Ok, we know. If we win anything or win anywhere, the managers a genius and "in Rafa we trust". If however it doesn't go according to plan, it's "the players" innit, "we wuz unlucky". You don't have to keep demonstrating how faithfully you believe, we know. We know you know the words to our song and act out the lyrics everyday, we're fully aware of it. We know that the title isn't won in December, and that we came back from three down in the Champions League final, we know.
We also know that you think there isn't another person on planet Earth who could manage Liverpool Football Club.

It's just that, well some of us despite knowing that think that paying 20 million quid for a striker then not playing him is a bit odd. Equally, paying 8 million quid for a fullback who is garbage is a bit strange (and we know that neither of those decisions is down to the manager, "it's the scouts innit?"). Some of us think that playing Kuyt up top on his own, and leaving him on for 90 minutes when by all accounts he wasn't really doing it is a tad unusual, but then again as you'll no doubt tell us, we weren't at Melwood all week so what do we know anyway.

The topic starter here has made it very clear what the thread is all about. Rather than attacking every poster for their disloyalty, knee-jerkery, cluelessness, Sam Allardyce fan club membership, Mancness etc etc etc why not just give it a rest. Grab yourself a copy of the Champions League final DVD and go watch that to cheer yourself up. Just leave off with all this "I'm a real fan and therefore I believe" b0ll0cks, it's starting to do my head in.

And by the same token, may we not have the over-reactionary wave of bullsh*t from the anti's, too?

Just a thought, like - I mean, none of this "two camps" b*llocks would exist were it not for the "Rafa is an idiot" propaganda of the window-licking minority.

You know - the same minority who obviously know best and have proved it over many years in top-flight football...