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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:47 pm
by Dundalk
Lando_Griffin wrote:Is it just me, or is Jamie Redknapp a c*nt?


PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:58 pm
by bigmick
Thommo was probably one of Liverpools most successful managers of recent years in the brief period he held the riegns as well. During that period of time I saw the team play only once, away at Charlton and they were at that stage outisders for the Premiership. Thommo was even saying in interviews "we're going all out for the title" which I loved, and we were. We went to Charlton that day, didn't play great but it never looked like being anything other than another win. I think Redknapp got the first and I can't remember the second. That was probably the year we ended up finishing second (though I might well be wrong on that).

  I must confess I always thought it was an error by the club letting Thommo go when they did. Particularly when you consider the fact they were bringing in a manager who with the benefit of hindsight was about to undergo (and arguably still is undergoing) a steep learning curve with regard to English football, keeping someone who had passion for the club and an understanding of the leagues inner workings had to make sense.

Thankfully we've gone some way towards addressing that now four years later, with the employment of Sammy Lee who I'm sure will be a good addition to the set-up. Whether he'll prove to be any better than Thommo would have been though is anyone's guess, hypothetical you might say  :laugh:.