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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:00 pm
by MightyLFC
Really people carnt say what they would wanted because they will never now !

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:14 pm
by J*o*n*D*o*e
is this something put forward by the club or a fan. we havnt done it in the present ground so dont see the need for it in the new one, we have the memorial and as long as that in build into the new stadium then thats fine, myself i would sooner they built a memorial garden near to the new ground so everyone has a chance to visit it and pay there respect.

were would the seats be as im sure the fans we lost that day came from all over the ground.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:25 pm
by redhayesy
last week i took my 13 year old son to the ground for the official tour & museum guide
(if you haven"t been it"s well worth the money,time, & effort) anyway whilst on the
the tour i had a long chat with one of the guides & i asked the question did he know
what the club were going to do regarding a memorial for the 96 fans & he said
that he had heard that the pitch will stay intact as there is a man"s ashes
put in the ground at the kop end plus they were going to make the pitch a
garden of rememberence to the 96 which would lead out of the ground
and then follow on to the new ground which i think would be a fantastic
and best tribute to the 96 i have heard so far.
because before every game i would make a point of taking that route
to remember them,say a prayer for them, and let them know the team news etc!
i sincerly hope the club leave the existing memorial as it is(i"m sure they will)
i just hope whatever descision is made, the families of the 96 are consulted
throughout, and have a say in what actually happens.

R.I.P 96 Y.N.W.A

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:46 pm
by Forever_Red
I read about this on the BBC sport site, I do like the idea of putting something unique in the stadium to remember the 96.

I have to agree with Bamaga Mans point about it maybe taking the enoyment out of a game

Can anyone else think of anything to remember the 96?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:38 pm
by crazyhorse
I dont like 96 seats in a block... But if they were in a block it would be nice to give these seats away on a weekly basis to kids or charities.. Or what about offering the family of each of the 96 a season ticket for one of the seats for free, but i would guess that the club already do this as part of its community work.

I think that the current memorial is dignified and correct and would be against the original idea of a 96 seat block... surely it could have already been done within Anfield if it were necessary?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:28 pm
by maypaxvobiscum
Forever_Red wrote:I read about this on the BBC sport site, I do like the idea of putting something unique in the stadium to remember the 96.

I have to agree with Bamaga Mans point about it maybe taking the enoyment out of a game

Can anyone else think of anything to remember the 96?

everytime a match is played on the date of the disaster, all liverpool players should wear their usual jerseys BUT instead of their own numbers, all to wear the number 96.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:43 pm
by yckatbjywtbiastkamb
maypaxvobiscum wrote:
Forever_Red wrote:I read about this on the BBC sport site, I do like the idea of putting something unique in the stadium to remember the 96.

I have to agree with Bamaga Mans point about it maybe taking the enoyment out of a game

Can anyone else think of anything to remember the 96?

everytime a match is played on the date of the disaster, all liverpool players should wear their usual jerseys BUT instead of their own numbers, all to wear the number 96.

hmmm.......the ref would have a nightmare trying to book someone if they all wore number 96!
i always thought a good idea might be a large ornamental column on the plaza outside the ground with a big bright eternal flame burning.
the column would have to be pretty high, at least as high as the stands, probably higher, and surrounding it on big stone plinths we could have statues of reds legends like billy liddell, shanks, bob, kenny etc.
the statues and the bottom of the column could be lit by red spotlamps in the floor, it would look stunning at night as you walked towards the ground.
the flame would be a local landmark and people could see it burning for miles around, and the surrounding statues would be like an american style hall of fame where servants of the club to aspire to be immortalised.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:47 pm
by maypaxvobiscum
how about a small seperate monument shaped like an eternal flame? since the monument itself is shaped like a flame, there is no need for a real candle or fire. instead use lightbulbs to light it up. then at night the entire thing will light up. like christmas everyday. then on the main board there will be the names of the 96 and pics. flowers can be placed all around this monument. something like this ---> (sorry for the horrid drawing)


PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:28 am
by The Manhattan Project
96 seats forever empty and featuring the names of each person lost at Hillsborough would be a greatly respectful gesture.

I would recommend placing them in eight small rows of twelve seats.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:33 am
by Emerald Red
I'm not sure if the business end would allow for this. How much money would 96 seats amount to over a year? Wouldn't it be more fitting that the takings for those 96 seats over the year be donated to charity or something? I think that would be more worthy.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:35 am
by The Manhattan Project
An alternative could be a small "Hillsborough Museum" inside the stadium.

Which would basically humanise each victim. Putting the face to the name.

Also it would give us a forum to tell people the truth about what happened that day.