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PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:43 pm
by Owzat
stmichael wrote:the same tactical genius who sent us out for the second half against marseille with the first objective of "not conceding". yeah never mind scoring. that's not important in football.

Bizarrely enough I thought we looked more like scoring than not conceding in the second half.

Couldn't believe Henchoz was right-back and Biscan centre-back. We should have stuck as best we could with the team from the previous few games. The back four will not gel if we keep making changes, Carragher could have played right-back and Riise left-back or better still, Biscan could have played right-back and minimum changes would have been made

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:58 pm
by King Dog Leash
GH makes bad decisions the one sticks in my mind most is in the champs league a couple of years ago away to bayer leverkusen we were 2-1 up or somthin like that just had to see out the game to get to next round when Houllier took off Hamann and brought on Murphy, we conceded 2 and went out, from that point on i stopped supporting Houllier, he thinks that players at this level can play any postion well that is true up to a point Hyppia could play up front and score  goals but he wouldent be a 20 goal a season player Owen could play in defence and use his pace to nick the ball off people but would be s##t at defending corners, hamann is a defencive midfeilder hes better than murphy at it, murphy is a all rounder to this day i dont understand why houllier took off hamann and from then on hes made strange decisions every now and then. The strangest being not resigning at xmas!!