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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:49 pm
by club_Levis
grayghost wrote:sell him and get Adriano from Sevilla.

He is hardworker...For a squad player can be kept..not good enough though as a first teamer.LFC need better.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:13 pm
by heimdall
Keep him, he's a had a bad season but he is a quality player and very versatile. I stil think his best position is left midfield and I think he could be turned into one hell of a left winger. The problem this season is that when he has been asked to play left mid the left back has been so poor that he had to keep dropping back. If we could get a quality left back then that would release John Arne. Also wouldn't be a bad idea to buy his brother he is a great prospect for the future and is actually very good already and would be cheap.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:21 pm
by luvliverpool
I would defo like to see him sign a new deal with us!

I thought he has been excellent in some of our big games.........especially against Barca in the CL.

Although I would lilke to see Aurelio be 1st choice for left back as I think he is a better Defender and Attacking fullback.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:05 pm
by Rupi

Definitely we need him in our team. Our shopping list is long enough and LB rare enough. As it was said, versatile, but good work rate and could play LM.

No way to let him go!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:31 pm

He's not had his best season this year and I think his shortcomings have been somewhat magnified by this. He does go missing occasionally when he's at left back and we DID concede goals on a couple of occasions cos of this. If Aurelio can comeback next season in the form he was showing before the injury and stay fit as well then I'd imagine he would be first choice at LB. 

The reason for keeping JAR is that should he regain his full form then he can be a damn good asset to Liverpool F.C. He provides the versatility of a LB, LM & should we go with a three man back line at any time he offers the option of LWB. His forms not been the best this year but then again neither has the form of Alonso, Gerrard and many others in the Liverpool squad. Gerrard has naturally been given a new contract, Rafa's supposedly trying to get Alonso to put pen to paper so I can see no argument for not giving Riise one.

As others have said we don't need another position that needs strengthening adding to the shopping list this season so it would be foolish to add to that by getting rid of a player that has over 6 years premiership experience and is a full international.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:15 pm
by Elchris

Keep him.Will occasionally chip in goals..!!Fantastic goals
If Liverpool are to challange the premiership we should have a versatile player like him , i don't think he would mind being rotated in the squad.He's defending skill might not be great but he has the ability to go forward and score

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:40 pm
by Emerald Red
There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. One of the best left foots for a full back on the planet. For that reason alone, he  stays. Deal!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:55 pm
by Rafa D
Would I renew Riise's contract?

Of course I would. Firstly because there would be a whole suit of team willing to pay good money to take Riise off our books. Chelsea have been linked, but so would Zenden if he scored as many as Riise has past them  :D

He's an adopted scouser, he loves the team and the city and there is no reason for him to want to up sticks and leave. He's at the best club in England, one of the best clubs in the world and he's getting a game regularly for us. I know he has not had his best of seasons this year, as he has made some glaring mistakes in his own half with the ball (Newcastle away and Chelsea in CL spring to mind), but I'm fully confident in his ability as a footballer for this club.

Also if you look at Riise's progress since he came here, he does have a very inconsistent record, per season to season. So pointing to his previous records, he is due a belter of a season next year.

I too believe that we will see a big push from Fabio next year for that left back spot, and it will be interesting to see if Riise can step up to the challenge much like Stevie Finnan did with Josemi a couple of years back.

Also think back to whenever Riise has scored, he always scored in BIG games, United at home, the Carling Cup Final, the Community Shield, Barcelona away, he is a big game player, and more often than not, he delievers.

Coupled with the fact he has not had anyone decent on the left side of midfield to play with, I think Riise is being grossly undervalued this year.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:12 pm
by Sabre
maguskwt wrote:
Sabre wrote:Yes, I would.

There are not lots of LB in Europe, and some teams have aged players in that position or playing players out of his natural position.

Riise is a decent LB, and a good option for LM. He's versatile, he provides the long throw in (that's important aswell), he provides goals, he provides stamina, and he's rarely injured.

Vastly underrated player.

i can't agree with you more...

hmmm but then again i wouldn't say he's as under-rated as finnan...but i'd definitely keep him...

Finnan is a player I like aswell mate. He's one of those player that makes his stuff well and with few mistakes. He's not a good player for youtube but the coaches will like him.

But in this specific forum, in the past, there have been loooong threads talking about Riise, with many people against him. That's not the case of Finnan, who I think receives more credit from the mates.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:38 pm
by redhayesy
Rafa-Dodd wrote:Would I renew Riise's contract?

Of course I would. Firstly because there would be a whole suit of team willing to pay good money to take Riise off our books. Chelsea have been linked, but so would Zenden if he scored as many as Riise has past them  :D

He's an adopted scouser, he loves the team and the city and there is no reason for him to want to up sticks and leave. He's at the best club in England, one of the best clubs in the world and he's getting a game regularly for us. I know he has not had his best of seasons this year, as he has made some glaring mistakes in his own half with the ball (Newcastle away and Chelsea in CL spring to mind), but I'm fully confident in his ability as a footballer for this club.

Also if you look at Riise's progress since he came here, he does have a very inconsistent record, per season to season. So pointing to his previous records, he is due a belter of a season next year.

I too believe that we will see a big push from Fabio next year for that left back spot, and it will be interesting to see if Riise can step up to the challenge much like Stevie Finnan did with Josemi a couple of years back.

Also think back to whenever Riise has scored, he always scored in BIG games, United at home, the Carling Cup Final, the Community Shield, Barcelona away, he is a big game player, and more often than not, he delievers.

Coupled with the fact he has not had anyone decent on the left side of midfield to play with, I think Riise is being grossly undervalued this year.

ffs of course it"s deal !! i agree with rd when he says he"s not had the best of seasons, but let"s face it there"s quite a few players in the sqaud who haven"t had the best of seasons!
JAR is a quality player who has fought off challanges for his
place in the side, he has never argued about what posistion he"s played in he just loves playing for the team! & if that means swapping between LB & LM so be it i think he is a credit
to the side - a real team player who really loves the club &
for me he totally deserves a NEW CONTRACT because his
attitude & desire is what i want to see in a liverpool player
it really fecks me off to see him questioned like this!
stevie g, momo,bellamy,to name 3 haven"t had the best of seasons but aren"t subject to debate why ? i just hope
raffa will reward JAR with the new contract he deaerves
as for me i can"t think of any player i would rather have on the left hand side either in defence or midfield for LFC, riise
will so us again next season just why he has made himself
a regular in the side with raffa"s faith in him, he"ll prove it  :buttrock

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:44 pm
by The Manhattan Project
Yes offer him a new contract.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:30 pm
by Naomi
Definately a new deal, can be a little inconsistent but overall he is a quality player who is committed and dependable IMO

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:03 am
by Raoul
Get rid of the useless waste of space.

OK, actually, I agree with everyone else - I want him to stay - for all the reasons everyone has already said.  Also, him an Gerrard are apparently good mates.  If he gets on as well as the rest of the squad, then that is worth keeping in mind too.  Players don't have to get on to play well together, but it doesn't hurt!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:15 am
by mungi
offer him a new deal on the condition that he starts working on his defensive skills on not on his biceps!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:26 am
by RedorDead
Amen to everyone elses' posts - DEAL!
I think he would get into most of the Premiership teams' starting elevens, he is versatile, quick and whilst not the best defensive player in the world he does make us all jump around with the occasional rocket :D