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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:15 am
by woof woof !

:D  Good Man .

btw, in your introduction on their site you say

"On our forum we do an article that looks at are opposition"

Don't go making a show of us , I think you mean "our"

:rasp   :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:53 am
by Judge
dward wrote:This is the 9000th topic in LFC - General Discussion

a few days ago he was moaning about multiple threads

gen chat please oh please thread springs to mind


PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:02 am
by woof woof !

I don't see this as a multiple thread .Each team we play gets it's own seperate interview , just as each time you go to a match you get a seperate programme .

Keep up the good work Rafa-Dodd


PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:17 am
by Rafa D
Look at the problems I have caused.

1) Real Sociedad are the classiest team in Spain in my view.

2) Judge likes to sniff my undies

3) Woof Woof is a teacher.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:22 am
by Judge
Rafa-Dodd wrote:Look at the problems I have caused.

1) Real Sociedad are the classiest team in Spain in my view.

2) Judge likes to sniff my undies

3) Woof Woof is a teacher.


:angry:   :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:33 am
by Sabre
Rafa, I'd still love to have that Real Mandril forum link. One of them is just not enough, too boring. If possible I'd like to provoke them in my own language, or is it an English forum?

If it is it must be a lonely forum, 4 years without wining an award will have removed lots of their loyal fans. :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:35 am
by dward
I wasn't moaning that this is the 9000th thread. Just letting people know because it's a landmark I suppose :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:38 am
by Rafa D
Sabre wrote:Rafa, I'd still love to have that Real Mandril forum link. One of them is just not enough, too boring. If possible I'd like to provoke them in my own language, or is it an English forum?

If it is it must be a lonely forum, 4 years without wining an award will have removed lots of their loyal fans. :D

He is a MODERATOR on the BARCELONA Forum its in the first post just before the questions mate.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:46 am
by Sabre
I saw the link to the barcelona forum, but missed the mod bit,  that would be like having a bitter as a mod here :D I guess he's in the proccess of swapping teams. 4 years without silverware, it's time to change of team :D

Thanks Rafa!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:48 am
by Poor_Sunyol™
Actually it makes an excellent platform for objective debate.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:54 am
by Sabre
Objective and archrival are difficult to match IMO.

Back to the oppo, don't think that the overconfidence that there's in Barcelona is because they underrate Liverpool. If in that forum the people respects us more, it's because they know us better.

But Barcelona was used to pass above english teams in the nineties, including embarrasing 4-0 against Manchester Utd. They think they're just better. And even if they didn't win in the nineties and they wouldn't be the current champions, they'd still be overconfident. Zaragoza got them out of the King's cup last year, placed a 0-1 in the Nou Camp this year, and they were still overconfident.

Nothing will change that. And that doesn't harm us. It's their problem.

I respect F.C Barcelona big time, but the reasons that they haven't won more european silverware are things like these.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:02 pm
by Poor_Sunyol™
I think you are right to say that in the past we have been a little overconfident and that has meant we have not won as many CL titles as we should have done.  However, that confidence comes from our style of play and we know that if it is on song there really is nobody that can stop us. 

However this season we have not been playing well at all which means that we are much more cautious than usual and our recent battles with Chelski mean that we are much more prepared to face the English menace.

It will be a battle of two styles.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:33 pm
by Beast
Sabre wrote:1- We have produced more primera players than your bloody club, more international players, and we have done it so without money. I'm proud of being a supporter of a humble club, you idiot, our football values have nothing to do with trophies, which are the only thing that Real Madrid fans talk about, since they usually know fúck all about football and are easily ridiculised -- don't make that mistake.


2- As for the quality of the signings, we bought quality players like Karpin, Kodro, Kovacevic, Oceano (which were tracked by big clubs) and we didn't stop producing home grown internationals like Bakero, Begiristain, Xabi Alonso, De Pedro, Aranzabal in the last 20 years. Any youth system including yours and the one of Bilbao all together cannot compare to ours. Even the "stars" of Bilbao like Etxeberria were of our youth system.

3- If we're relegated I won't leave my team. Liverpool fans didn't do so with LFC neither. I know that's hard to understand for a puto Madrid fan.

4- 4 years without wining an award will have removed lots of their loyal fans.

LMAO such a funny Sabre indeed... quickly

1- you NEVER PRODUCED more international players then Real Madrid, and your youth system never produced more International players/stars like Real..
anyone who watched the liga for more then 5 years can tell you that eyes closed

2- Quality??!! Karpin(played for you 2 seasons then came to end his career there LOL).. he is a celta legend if you really watch the liga as you claim ,not an imposter) ,Oceano & Kodro sure... and i'm Axel Rose welcome to the jungle

Bakero, Begiristain, Xabi Alonso, De Pedro, Aranzabal.. those are your pride & joy?? are u comparing an ant with a lion?

how about Raul,Guti,Casillas,Michel ,Butragueño , Manuel Sanches,Camacho Martín Vázquez ,Juanito?

3- yes i can see that's why your hanging in Liverpool forum  :rasp looking for a back up cause you can't face other liga fans.. no wonder since you don't know ABC about Liga teams
. i've been a fan since 1984 ..and when you get a little bit older & watch the liga more and pass through difficult times you know that in football you win & lose.. the important thing is to have the will & the history in the Club to rise up again as we did after Barcelona dominating the early 90's we built a team that went to win 3 Champions league in 6 years.. but i guess words like "will & History" is not in Sociedad book ..

4- Gosh 4 years would make me change my team ? should have done it in the early 90's though

.. i guess its common for you changing club ethics.. and its been 25 years since you last won the league.. that must be awful having no ethics or trophies to hold on too.. i guess your here cause of Xabi Alonso the only decent thing coming from Sociedad since i last remember..

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:42 pm
by Poor_Sunyol™

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:42 pm
by Poor_Sunyol™
And Raul is a product of Atletico