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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:57 am
by azriahmad
I never thought nor expected that we'd win the premiership this season, I was hoping that we'd finish second and I was expecting that we'd put a far stronger challenge that what we have mustered so far.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:09 am
by The Manhattan Project
Forget the title. It was unrealistic for anyone to seriously expect we'd win it. Fourth place is enough for now. We need the CL spot. A cup win is the other target.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:08 am
by LFC #1
The Manhattan Project wrote:Forget the title. It was unrealistic for anyone to seriously expect we'd win it. Fourth place is enough for now. We need the CL spot. A cup win is the other target.

4th is about right, we're an inbetween team. By that I mean that in terms of ability we're still a way ahead of the likes of Villa, Everton, Bolton and less so Spurs, but we are still not at that top-level where Arsenal, Chelsea and Manure are. At home we are as good as anyone, but our away form is very very average.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:23 am
by Lando_Griffin
fwd_fish wrote:Money is not the :censored: problem.  Did Martin O'Neill need money to sort Villa out?  :censored: no.  Some people need to have a reality check and others need a kick up the :censored:.  Pathetic

Yes, that's right, because Villa are going to win the league aren't they, you spanner?


Money isn't everything. OK then.

Here's an interesting little conundrum for you:

How many poor teams have won their respective title's in the top leagues in Europe (England, Spain, Italy) in the last few years?

Oh, that's right - 1! Valencia.   :oops:

And who managed them to their TWO titles in 3 years...?

Answers on a postcard, dickhead.  :no

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:05 am
by account deleted by request
Ciggy wrote:Anyone who thought we would win the league this season was seriously deluded.

I honestly thought we would win the league this season.  :sniffle

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:11 am
by A.B.
s@int wrote:
Ciggy wrote:Anyone who thought we would win the league this season was seriously deluded.

I honestly thought we would win the league this season.  :sniffle

Most people did. The fact that we signed six players led people to believe that would make us the perfect team and that they would automaticaly make us title conteders.

The media in particular built us up as title challengers and they're the first that are slating us. The same ones who praised Rafa's brilliance for playing Gerrard on the right are slating him now.

Rotation doesn't work my ar$e.

I didn't think that we would win the league because I didn't see us beating the likes of Chelsea,Arsenal and Manure away from home [which we haven't].

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:15 am
by el_stinger
s@int wrote:
Ciggy wrote:Anyone who thought we would win the league this season was seriously deluded.

I honestly thought we would win the league this season.  :sniffle

Can't buy success, not on our budget, not in one season.

I would think that we would need to buy only a few more players and take another 2-3 seasons before we really get it right and can honestly say that we are title contenders. Right now, we can see that top 3-4 is the priority. We need to start winning away from home, and now with the big 3 out of the way, we can believe that we can achieve it.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:16 am
by A.B.
el_stinger wrote:
s@int wrote:
Ciggy wrote:Anyone who thought we would win the league this season was seriously deluded.

I honestly thought we would win the league this season.  :sniffle

Can't buy success, not on our budget, not in one season.

I would think that we would need to buy only a few more players and take another 2-3 seasons before we really get it right and can honestly say that we are title contenders. Right now, we can see that top 3-4 is the priority. We need to start winning away from home, and now with the big 3 out of the way, we can believe that we can achieve it.

Much hasn't changed, we've lost to the top three like we did last season. Granted we lost to Everton and Bolton while we won last season, but we also lost to Charlton and Fulham last season.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:08 am
by el_stinger
A.B. wrote:
el_stinger wrote:
s@int wrote:
Ciggy wrote:Anyone who thought we would win the league this season was seriously deluded.

I honestly thought we would win the league this season.  :sniffle

Can't buy success, not on our budget, not in one season.

I would think that we would need to buy only a few more players and take another 2-3 seasons before we really get it right and can honestly say that we are title contenders. Right now, we can see that top 3-4 is the priority. We need to start winning away from home, and now with the big 3 out of the way, we can believe that we can achieve it.

Much hasn't changed, we've lost to the top three like we did last season. Granted we lost to Everton and Bolton while we won last season, but we also lost to Charlton and Fulham last season.

We simply cant afford any more slip ups on the way. 4th spot isn't guarenteed, and we certainly can't bank on winning the CL to make the competition next season.

I still think we can do it, but there needs to be an overhaul of our attacking options away from home, which I've stated above, does not work. And it hasn't worked all season. So what do you do?

Do you stick with the same formation and set up shop and defend while leaking goals, or do you take a gamble, and take the game to the opposition and counter at every opportunity with numbers and pepper the goal mouth?

With the leaky defence this season, I'd rather go for goal, rather than conceeding whilst being ultra-defensive. It's just not cricket!


PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:03 am
by The Ace1983
I was kind of hoping for a barrage of abuse telling me that only idiots give up this early and that my moaning is what really sucks. I actually wanted a bit of venom and bile coming my direction. Not because I'm some sort of sad Cyber-fetishist who enjoys the verbal abuse, but because it would show me that there was still some hope. But this reasonable discussion and quiet denial tells me that there really is no hope and that maybe I was an idiot for ever believing. It's not your fault, it's mine.
This sucks.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:09 am
by 67-1161385641
Rafa needs to get his Dirk out, we haven't made use of Dirk, he's a class act, can spray balls into back of the net, but we just lack the support and service to allow dirk to spray balls. It sucks and I too thought we could win the league, but I guess I was niave and I guess I had too much blind faith. Maybe next season...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:16 am
by AussieKopite
Ciggy wrote:Anyone who thought we would win the league this season was seriously deluded.

Given our form at the end of last season, I thin it was reasonable to consider at the time, but one we drew with the Blades question marks started to appear.

By the way, long time no see guys... Its (somewhat) good to be back.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:20 am
by dawson99
It is becoming abit embarressing tho. the amount of money we spend, the amount of class we have, and our record against the other big 3 is a joke. our away form is beyond funny. we are a shambles and no one can deny that. alonso is going through another bad patch and is gonna be nicknamed the crab if his passing doesnt change. Kuyt is one of the only players we have who tries non stop.

and as for crouch recently, well did u see his control and passing yesterday?

im not saying its a total disaster, but this team needs to have a long hard look at itself in the mirror and has to pull ts socks up because the fans are not happy

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:41 am
by puroresu
Lando_Griffin wrote:
fwd_fish wrote:Money is not the :censored: problem.  Did Martin O'Neill need money to sort Villa out?  :censored: no.  Some people need to have a reality check and others need a kick up the :censored:.  Pathetic

Yes, that's right, because Villa are going to win the league aren't they, you spanner?


Money isn't everything. OK then.

Here's an interesting little conundrum for you:

How many poor teams have won their respective title's in the top leagues in Europe (England, Spain, Italy) in the last few years?

Oh, that's right - 1! Valencia.   :oops:

And who managed them to their TWO titles in 3 years...?

Answers on a postcard, dickhead.  :no

Valencia were not a poor side. They were not the biggest club but no way were they a poor side when Rafa took over.  They still had some very very good players.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:50 am
by Leonmc0708
The Ace1983 wrote:Please feel free to slate me for this. Some of you will and you have every right to, but I have to get this off my chest.

I'm depressed. I'm not a reactionist by heart, but 3-0 to Arsenal is just the straw that broke the camel's back. At what point does one stop being a reactionist? Before Arsenal there was Man Utd there was Bolton and Everton as well. You can't be a reactionist after all of this.

I guess we were just kiding ourselves. People were picking Liverpool for the title, Pennant and Bellamy were going to transfer us into true contenders and Gerrard would lead us to silverware beyond our wildest dreams. All of this seems a long time ago now. It's not all bad. We haven't lost at home, we're through to the second round of the European Cup and we beat Reading in the cup. And I'm sure we'll win something this year, but the Premiership is gone again. This isn't the end of the problem though. I know it's still early, but teams like Bolton, Villa and Portsmouth are showing real signs of being able to get into the top four and with Arsenal now tucked up behind the top two, we could have a real fight on our hands to land the fourth spot. If we don't get it... Well, its not worth thinking about because we still have a way to go, but it's now a real possibility.

So, instead of the revelutionary push towards the illusive league crown, we have instead gone backwards. Clean sheets are disappearing, goals are drying up (away from home anyway) and our competetors are getting better. And to make matters worse, Rafa seems to be, momenterily at least, losing his influence. Zenden in the middle over Gerrard? Really? Against Arsenal? How did that ever make sense? I'm not going to get on his back because he's brought us a good amount of trophies in just two years, but I can't be the only one worrying about this.

I tried telling myself that away games to Arsenal, Man Utd, Bolton and even Everton were always going to be tough and that getting this lot in a row was just unfortunate. But not winning one, and getting hammered in the process, and not scoring is just poor and it hurts me to say so. What can be done? A rethink? Back to basics? I don't think any of this will work. We just have to keep trying and hoping, but even this may not work. I hate saying so, but I wish we had cash to throw at the problem in January.

I don't know what the significance of this depressing outpour is, but is anyone else feeling this bad? I don't just mean about the Arsenal match, or the current away situation, but everything else. Is it just me who is seeing a bleak future unless something big changes? Am I over-reacting? Maybe it's just the dissapointment of all that "title" talk going up in smoke, but I'm starting to get really worried. I hope I'm wrong.
