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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:26 pm
by puroresu
DonnieDarko wrote:
Bellamy was signed as he had a clause in his contract meaning he was affordable

If you watched Bellamy at Blackburn last season, he (and Gamst) carried the team on his shoulders. He was phenomenal not only against mid table teams but also against the likes of Chelsea, Man U, and Arsenal. Even if he is not scoring, he is always working hard and trying to make everyone around him better. I am convinced he will succeed

Wow though, what a game by Garcia today. Horrible last weekend, great this weekend. It boggles the mind.

I think Bellamy is great in a side like Blackburn where he is the star and the main man.  At Liverpool where he wont play every week and the pressure to succeed is a lot higher I am not convinced he has the ability to become a top top striker.  He didnt like living in the shadow of Shearer at Newcastle.