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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:38 pm
by supersub
peewee wrote:i dont really remember people selling food pitchside so this may be a myth

The only food pitch side was spearmint gum and mars bars,that I can remember.How the sellers hit the target used to amaze me as a young lad.For those who don't understand.....if you felt like some chewy,you threw your sixpence down onto the walking track around the pitch and the seller would throw your spearmint gum 60 feet up into the Kop....some big guy would catch it and hand it to you.Then he would role up his echo and in your pocket at half-time for not giving him a stick in gratitude for catching your gum.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 12:36 am
by Sabre
The only food pitch side was spearmint gum and mars bars,that I can remember.How the sellers hit the target used to amaze me as a young lad.For those who don't understand.....if you felt like some chewy,you threw your sixpence down onto the walking track around the pitch and the seller would throw your spearmint gum 60 feet up into the Kop....some big guy would catch it and hand it to you.Then he would role up his echo and in your pocket at half-time for not giving him a stick in gratitude for catching your gum.

Fair enough ! :D I'm loving this thread, I love history stuff. The throwing thingy is not rare to me, that's the way to make bets around here, the bets dealer offer a bet, if you accept he throws the bet (a paper inside a ball) to the crowd. But that's only seen in basque country, and some sports, they don't allow that bets in football stadiums, due to the proffesionalisation

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 12:04 pm
by drummerphil
supersub wrote:
peewee wrote:i dont really remember people selling food pitchside so this may be a myth

The only food pitch side was spearmint gum and mars bars,that I can remember.How the sellers hit the target used to amaze me as a young lad.For those who don't understand.....if you felt like some chewy,you threw your sixpence down onto the walking track around the pitch and the seller would throw your spearmint gum 60 feet up into the Kop....some big guy would catch it and hand it to you.Then he would role up his echo and in your pocket at half-time for not giving him a stick in gratitude for catching your gum.

totally agree,i had a mars bar virtually every game from 1974 onwards.I even remember one week the guy only having twix because his mate had let him down the night before with his mars bar short term memory might be toss,but my long term one can still retain shíte.    :laugh:

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 6:36 pm
by Bad Bob
A nice display from the Kop at the match today (on telly anyway).  They even picked up the British feed over here a bit early to discuss the 100th anniversary and show the scenes: banners, singing, the works!  Brilliant stuff and how great was it to get both goals at the Kop end today? :bowdown

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:54 am
by 112-1077774096
another link with further sories from the echo


PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:27 pm
by GFB_oNuR
The KOP stands , Liverpool Fans' Lifestyle ..

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:37 pm
by LiverpoolTurkey
u can read a history but u must be with them for seeing KOP LEGEND.

i was at Anfield (2002 LFC-GS - 2004 LFC - everf..ton) and we were here last year.......i can't explain my feelings. sorry for my bad words.

arghh i forgot to crop that car sorry :)