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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 7:42 pm
by Sabre
what gives someone the right to call another person's opinion s.hit?


it's people like Lando and Judge that pull this forum down

Ah, well . Aren't you doing here precisely what you criticise in your first question?

Most of the best threads are ruined because regular members start fighting. Nobody is asking to remove the general discussion area, just placing some of the best discussion here.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 7:53 pm
by CardinalRed
What is the definition of "The best discussion" surely that's a matter for subjection? Bad Bob referred to the "perceived elitism" of the advanced forum and that is what it will become if it is made more restricted. I'm sure everyone knows what type of stupid/daft/mindless posts that Feeney was referring to so why not let the Mods sift out the rubbish that obviously is nothing to do with the original thread to keep it "pure"

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:15 pm
by Sabre
I want to stress that by best discussions I don't mean the threads of some specific posters, but an attitude.

Where as I remember that the "could we have found a Gem" about Sissoko was created by bigmick, I don't remember exactly without looking who created recently a  thread about dropping Alonso. But that was a good thread, because it was thought and well explained, that was a good discussion.

A bad discussion is one that is created and says "oh Drop Crouch, he's not good enough". And that's all. There are too many of those. And the responses to this kind of threads tend to be things like "get a clue" or an insult. That's a bad discussion. Because it often starts a discussion of many pages -full of insults and "get a clue"-, and that's when it's difficult to read the thread, and some good posts are lost within that mess.

It would be elitism if a thread would be good depending on WHO writes it, I'm talking about making an effort to put our best in here. I never understood this section as an elitist section, if I thought so, I'd never post here, as I know less of LFC than most of you.

Asking the mods to do not only moderation, but content rating, would be asking them too much, IMHO :) they have enough work already.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:23 pm
by Bad Bob
Bad Bob wrote:Seeing as I just had to stop myself from tearing Billy_5_Times another new one (his 3rd or 4th of the weekend from me)...I guess you could say I'm in! :angry:  I used to frown on the perceived 'elitism' of the Restricted Access area of the forum but after having so many pointless "debates" with some of the numpties kicking about of late, I'd relish so actual intelligent football discussion. :nod

I was right p!ssed off when I posted this response because the level of intelligent discussion on these boards at the time was, frankly, appalling.  Having calmed down since then, though, my original misgivings about a restricted access area have resurfaced.

As much as I value quality discussion over lame wind-up attempts and pointless rows, I'm still not convinced that this is the right way to go about things.  After all, as a few have noted, it's not exactly hard to qualify for Advanced Member status so there's no guarantee that the drivel won't eventually resurface in this forum if much of the footy discussion moves here.  The alternative--increased gate-keeping by either the mods or the Advanced Members to keep perceived numpties out--seems like:

a) a lot of work for the "gate-keepers"
b) more than a little cliquish and elitist

Besides, very few discussions end up getting posted in here anyway, suggesting that the state of general discussion can't be that bad!

My solution--and I shall try very hard to practice what I preach here--is to completely ignore posts that are clearly spam, wind-ups, ill-conceived drivel or which attempt to start or extend petty arguments.  If certain posters are perpetually ignored on this board they will get the message and either:

a) improve the quality of their inputs


b) feck off to other sites and leave the rest of us to discuss the club and other interesting issues in peace

Believe me, I know--the impulse to get stuck in when moronic posts appear is strong but the satisfaction is fleeting and, more often than not, it just encourages the saddos that post their drivel to wind us up some more.  Completely blanking sh!te posts/posters is the only winning strategy, long term.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:31 pm
by account deleted by request
I think the forum is great, I enjoy the jokes and often find myself in tears of laughter at some of the posts. I would certainly not want to lose that side of the forum. However I agree that a more serious section for more serious football only topics would be great if people would use it, and use it properly.

         I dont however believe that it should be restricted to people who have made 100 posts etc, but rather, that strict rules should apply, and it should be a privledge that can be withdrawn if members dont adhere to them after receiving a warning. ie no abusive posts, no going off topic, no frivalous posts, obvious windups etc.
          I would hate to see any major changes to the body of the site, as I think its great, well run, and has a good balance of serious posters and jokers, and with people like Lando, Judge ,Dawson etc you can always guarantee a good laugh or an interesting thread when not much is actually happening in the football world.
         I think the main problem will not be restricting access, but in encouraging enough members to participate, to make it worth while having and using the Advanced Debate section.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:37 pm
by Sabre
I think the forum is great, I enjoy the jokes and often find myself in tears of laughter at some of the posts. I would certainly not want to lose that side of the forum. However I agree that a more serious section for more serious football only topics would be great if people would use it, and use it properly.

        I dont however believe that it should be restricted to people who have made 100 posts etc, but rather, that strict rules should apply, and it should be a privledge that can be withdrawn if members dont adhere to them after receiving a warning. ie no abusive posts, no going off topic, no frivalous posts, obvious windups etc.
         I would hate to see any major changes to the body of the site, as I think its great, well run, and has a good balance of serious posters and jokers, and with people like Lando, Judge ,Dawson etc you can always guarantee a good laugh or an interesting thread when not much is actually happening in the football world.
        I think the main problem will not be restricting access, but in encouraging enough members to participate, to make it worth while having and using the Advanced Debate section.

Well, that's very much what I'd like this section to be, Saint. I'd agree that.

I'd ask those good posters that do not feel like posting any more to try to open some discussions here. Everyone loves a fight from time to time, but this would be some sort of place to discuss "more calmly". But it's up to us to use it.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:50 pm
by 48-1119859832
Sabre wrote:
what gives someone the right to call another person's opinion s.hit?


it's people like Lando and Judge that pull this forum down

Ah, well . Aren't you doing here precisely what you criticise in your first question?

Most of the best threads are ruined because regular members start fighting. Nobody is asking to remove the general discussion area, just placing some of the best discussion here.

No I'm not, please tell me where I said Lando and Judge's views are s.hit? I never said that, but with Lando he wades into a discussion and starts mouthing off in the foulest manner and with Judge he'll turn the thread into a picture fest of semi naked women, it's this type of thing which ruins the nature of a topic and not disagreements with other posters or people like Billy_5 _times.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:45 am
by Lando_Griffin
Oasis wrote:
Sabre wrote:
what gives someone the right to call another person's opinion s.hit?


it's people like Lando and Judge that pull this forum down

Ah, well . Aren't you doing here precisely what you criticise in your first question?

Most of the best threads are ruined because regular members start fighting. Nobody is asking to remove the general discussion area, just placing some of the best discussion here.

No I'm not, please tell me where I said Lando and Judge's views are s.hit? I never said that, but with Lando he wades into a discussion and starts mouthing off in the foulest manner and with Judge he'll turn the thread into a picture fest of semi naked women, it's this type of thing which ruins the nature of a topic and not disagreements with other posters or people like Billy_5 _times.

I admit when knobheads like yourself post utter rubbish, I tell you the truth, and add the odd insult (or 10) for good measure.

The thing that gets me about you, Oasis, is that you seem to centre on my intolerant outbursts, whilst totally ignoring the other points I make. (Which, FWIW,  are actually more frequent than my insulting ones.)

If you were a popular member, who'd kept his nose clean, and was supported by your posts, I would perhaps afford you some slack.
The fact that you felt driven to issue an open apology (lasted long) to the entire forum due to your bullsh*t views and inflamitory remarks, leads me to deduce that you are, infact, a steaming pile of donkey poo, with all the charisma, enchantment and wit of a used tea bag.

You may dislike Judge, but at least his footballing opinions are credible. (Which is more than can be said for you, 90% of the time.)

Here it is in a nutshell for you, Oasis:

If you talk b*llocks, insult someone, then add a " :D" to the end as if to disguise your true comments, you will have my posts dogging you from now until such time as you leave this place.

Get it? You festering bubo.


Get f*cked.  :;):

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:48 am
by Lando_Griffin
Oasis wrote:
Sabre wrote:
what gives someone the right to call another person's opinion s.hit?


it's people like Lando and Judge that pull this forum down

Ah, well . Aren't you doing here precisely what you criticise in your first question?

Most of the best threads are ruined because regular members start fighting. Nobody is asking to remove the general discussion area, just placing some of the best discussion here.

No I'm not, please tell me where I said Lando and Judge's views are s.hit? I never said that, but with Lando he wades into a discussion and starts mouthing off in the foulest manner and with Judge he'll turn the thread into a picture fest of semi naked women, it's this type of thing which ruins the nature of a topic and not disagreements with other posters or people like Billy_5 _times.

A thought occurs.

Could Oasis BE Billy 5 times?

Certainly talks as much sh*te.  :suspect:

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:59 am
by 48-1119859832
You call me insulting, when you're the person who does most of it, it's laughable it really is, until I get one little white box against my name I suggest I be quiet. My views aren't s.hit, you just don't like them, therefore they would be. But I won't bother getting into an outburts with yourself it's pointless and you'll just use the same insults.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:58 am
by SouthCoastShankly
Good point. Do you not think 100 posts before you get access to this section is too low? Maybe 250 or 500??

Another point maybe to lock down the forum on matchdays, so no new threads can be opened.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:33 am
by babu
SouthCoastShankly wrote:Another point maybe to lock down the forum on matchdays, so no new threads can be opened.

I like the idea.

But having said that, one of the best threads on here is the one from that glorious night in Istanbul.

I love reading back through, people posting their despair in the 1st half and powerful optimism in second, followed by panic in penalty shoot-out.

I think these threads are awesome, a snap shot of the past.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:43 am
by SouthCoastShankly
Only stop new threads, the existing thread will be open to post in. It stops everyone deciding to create their own threads, which end up dulpicating content in other threads and clogging up the board

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:53 am
by Ciggy
Lando_Griffin wrote:The fact that you felt driven to issue an open apology (lasted long) to the entire forum due to your bullsh*t views and inflamitory remarks, leads me to deduce that you are, infact, a steaming pile of donkey poo, with all the charisma, enchantment and wit of a used tea bag.

You may dislike Judge, but at least his footballing opinions are credible. (Which is more than can be said for you, 90% of the time.)

:laugh: Only lando can use such vocabulary in such a great way :D

But I must be missing something Lando where is Judges footballing credibility :D

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:16 pm
by taff
A post about inane arguments descends into one  ???