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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 9:56 am
by kopper
Good work Owzat....I let u do all the hard work. :)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 11:19 am
by Owzat
I'll laugh in twelve months tme if O'Neill is manager and Cisse is a player and we're sitting in exactly the same position as we are now!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 12:20 pm
by Starbridge42
1: Houllier is leaving at the end of the season, without question. It has already been decided by the club after he offered his resignation in October, it was refused point blank and Parry begged him to reconsider which he did and decided to remain to the end of the season.The board DO NOT want him to leave but accept that he feels it is time to move on.

Gee, that almost makes me feel sorry for him, he knows hes useless.  I don't know why but when someone admits that (and its true) I feel sorry for them.

Smith picks up more yellows than goals, yesterday being a welcome exception. Heskey will never want to leave, this is as big a club as he will ever be (sh1t) at.e

Hey, I happen to think Smith is quite a good striker.  So he's got a little bit of a discipline problem, so what?  I don't care, the manager doesn't care, Leeds don't care, do any of you really care?

5:The Cisse deal is apparently still NOT complete.There is disagreement over the size of the minimum fee release clause in the contract which Cisse & his agent are insisting on

Actually I've heard that story too.

I'll laugh in twelve months tme if O'Neill is manager and Cisse is a player and we're sitting in exactly the same position as we are now!

I'm glad someone will be able to because I certainly won't.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:51 pm
I hope Micheal goes for his own sake, a quality player who deserves to be playing at the highest level and unfortunately Liverpoool will never be that again. We don't think big at boardroom level, where is our Kenyon etc we should have a global brand that competes with United on and off the pitch but sadly, we believe in this family club s##t. That's small mindedness as far as i'm concerned.

Good luck Micheal hope to see you digging it to the Manc ba#ta#ds in Europe

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 9:24 pm
by stmichael
owen will not be here next season. the guy's talent is being wasted in this joke of a side.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:46 am
by jonnymac1979
kopper wrote:This information was obtained from a guy who claims to be close friends with one of the high ranking staff of LFC...Like I said rumour, not sure if its true but alot sound ligit'..

Finally, on international weeks last year on 3 separate occasion, 2 Manc players who shall remain nameless but are defenders, tried to tap Owen up on behalf of Ferguson who was aware that his contract was running down. Owen said to tell Ferguson that he would never sign for another english club, and if he signed for the mancs he's never be able to leave his house again!!!!!

Dont nail me to the wall here lads, I'm only the messenger, but this is from an extremely good source who knows and plays with on occasions the top players from our club. As I said ive known the bloke all my life and he often gives me info, but not much regarding our club until now and I just had to pass it on to the boys in here, with permission of course

This is what I was getting at - this is why I started this thread, I want to know where the information comes from.

Were the mancs Rio Ferdinanad and Gary Neville, the two pieces of s##t?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:10 am
by Dalglish
Elo has Diouff has MORE yellow cards than Smith and we paid 10 milion for him??? Owen's leaving and to be honest (and it hurts to say this) who would blame him ? He's at a prime stage in his career and MANY teams can offer him better prospects than LFC (including at least 3 other Prem teams and the way its going potentially another 3 if we don't get our act together). he won't go to any of them thankfully but he will be away soon and i'll be amazed if she stays for start of next season. I don't claim insider knowedge just a realiasation that we are simply not good enough and until GH accepts the show is over we won't be ......... :(