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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:01 pm
by Leonmc0708
ivor_the_injun wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:
EddieC wrote:We're applying for a new work permit for speedy on june 1st.

Hopefully it should go through this time as Chile have broken into the top 70, but what do we do with him if it doesn't?

Loan him out again? Sell him? Or have him training with the squad to get used to LFC?

Your thoughts.

Could that not have gone in HERE ?????

Well, you say that, but that thread's about Sabre keeping us abreast of Gonzalez in action in Spanish league games.

It's also 19 pages long, and news of a new application process is a good point to start a fresh thread.

So we should start a new thread about the same topic either:

1) When the thread is more than 19 long

2) When the story is the same thing we already knew


3) It is started by Sabre.

Good point.

Mods - can we have these rules added to the forum ones at the top of the thread.

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:06 pm
by Sabre
Do not discuss guys, both views are valid if you ask me. I'm a bit like LeonMc when it comes to minimize the opening of threads, if I can stick to one thread, I stick to it.

But I understand also that my topic was about Gonzalez in San Sebastian, as he's not here any more, I can understand that a new thread is opened.

So keep on the discussion, about Marky!!!

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:27 pm
by Kukilon
Canal 13 Chile with TvAnts works for me if you need a stream.