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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:08 pm
by Effes
dawson99 wrote:effes, class one going for sami. i think im looking at it from a drinking point not football point but i erckon reina is a mad tequila drinker who would be class :laugh:

Hmm, I reckon Reina would bore you with "ye, but in Spain..." as he's not been here long.
Sami would be one of those were you think he's the sanest person ever then he just goes mad.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:36 pm
by The Ace1983
1. Gerrard

2. Diouf. For that amount of money he should have been so much more.

3. Wenger. The simplest way to answer why? Thierry Henry. Neither of the other two would have the vision to buy an ok winger and turn him into the best striker in the world.

4. Sami. He must have some cracking stories and he completely changed the defence (with Henchoz) to turn it into one of the best around. I'd buy him the beer too.

5. I think Danny Agger and Momo are realy going to be big next season.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 7:44 pm
1. who's the best passer in Europe...both long and short passers?
Either Alonso, Xavi, Pirlo or Beckham

2. Who has been the biggest flop for Liverpool in the last 5 years?
El Hadji
3. Who is the best manager out of Fergie, Wenger and Mourinho and why?
Wenger, season unbeaten play the best football in the league in their day.

4. If you could have a beer with any player of the current Liverpool squad...who + why?
Carra or Robbie, the rest would probably feck off sitting with common flk like us Im afriad
5. Who will be the best newcomer to our squad for the coming season (youth member or new transfer)?
Dunno really from what iv heard, Hamill Anderson or Antwi maybe, transfer wise just sign a qualtiy wide man for the right. Also Mark Gonzalez looks a boss player.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:10 pm
by H_K_LFC
1. Alonso

2. Salif Diao

3.Fergie,great record plus he's scottish :p

4. Carra...Seems like he'd have some great stories

5. Sissoko....Great player for the future

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:02 pm
by crazyhorse
stmichael wrote:This is becoming a bit of a regular feature isn't it? :D

Anyway, here's today's questions for you to get stuck into:

1. who's the best passer in Europe...both long and short passers?

2. Who has been the biggest flop for Liverpool in the last 5 years?

3. Who is the best manager out of Fergie, Wenger and Mourinho and why?

4. If you could have a beer with any player of the current Liverpool squad...who + why?

5. Who will be the best newcomer to our squad for the coming season (youth member or new transfer)?

1. For me the best passer of a ball in Europe is Ronaldinho. He has far more to his game than just blind skill, and rarely gives the ball away. His range of passing is a joy to watch. Steven Gerrard would be second, his long passing is breathtaking.

2. Biggest flop, i would say Diouf. He came over with a massive reputation and did nothing but spit and play badly. Since joining Bolton he hs showed nothing, and was a waste of money.

3. I am glad i am typing this (because if i said it i would choke)but the best manager out of those listed is undoubtedly Fergie. He has managed Manure - not coached, but managed  (which is an entirely different thing altogether) for a long time now. In that time he has won everything there is to win in club football and kept Manure at the top of the table challenging every season for trophies. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of the game and defends his players to the hilt, especially to the media.

4. I would enjoy a Beer with Didi Hamman. An older member of the squad who would be interesting to talk to. He seems like a thoughtful sought of guy to me.

5. Best newcomer to the squad will be the few million we get for some of the flops we currently have. I would like to see some more world class quality in the squad - as long as it improves on what we already have lets not sign any more mediocre players. I am thinking of Defoe here when i say this.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:40 pm
by ivor_the_injun
1. On their day, Alonso, Beckham and Gerrard have a frankly eye-popping range of passing. Gerrard's unfortunately been a bit slack with some of his distribution of late, but he's still up there.

2. To be honest, Morientes. I was extremely excited about his arrival, but he's shown next to nothing for us.

For me, Diouf was moved out to the right far too soon, and once his disciplinary problems started, he looked like a guy waiting to be sold. That said, I think his failure to explode for us was more the fault of the manager than the player. He was appallingly mis-managed.

Also, I was very, very disappointed with Le Tallec after all the talk of these little "gems" that Houllier blinded us with. A few years on, he still looks like a streak of p*ss that wouldn't last two minutes in a vaguely physical game.

Last but not least, I think I have to mention Heskey. I must admit I wasn't happy with him being signed in the first place, but then I saw one of his barnstorming MOM performances and changed my mind completely. Next game, however, he was the worst player on the pitch by a mile. And the week after, and the week after that. Every time he seemed to take a step forward, he'd take 5 steps back.

Honorary mentions to Cheyrou, Diao and Kirkland as well.

3. Wenger. In their unbeaten season, they were utterly frightening. If he manages to turn his current crop of players into a team even remotely as capable as that team, I think he'll have earned everybody's respect.

You can't knock Fergie's record, but he's such an unpleasant b*stard that you can't help but knock him as a person.

Can't even be bothered getting into Maureen. He's a talented guy, but he doesn't half know it, and it'll ultimately prove to be his downfall.

4. Robbie. In an era of incredibly dull sportsmen generally, he's always come across as one of the lads.

5. I hope Anderson gets a run out, as he's still at that age where he doesn't give a sh*t about reputations, and he'll carve defences up as a result.

As for a new signing, I do think Yakubu would be an inspired choice up front. Everything Heskey should have been, and more besides. On the wing, SWP would be nice, but won't happen.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:48 am
by GerrardisKing
stmichael wrote:This is becoming a bit of a regular feature isn't it? :D

Anyway, here's today's questions for you to get stuck into:

1. who's the best passer in Europe...both long and short passers?

2. Who has been the biggest flop for Liverpool in the last 5 years?

3. Who is the best manager out of Fergie, Wenger and Mourinho and why?

4. If you could have a beer with any player of the current Liverpool squad...who + why?

5. Who will be the best newcomer to our squad for the coming season (youth member or new transfer)?

1.Would have to say Alonso,not being biased he`s just class.
2.Biggest flop for me was Diouf just for the fact he was so good in the world cup before he signed and now at Bolton he looks like a good player.
3.Don`t really like any of them but if I had to choose I would say Wenger,he plays the best style of football and is quality in the transfer market.
4.Carragher cos he`s a legend
5.Gonzales looks a class act 


PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:11 am
by Feeney
stmichael wrote:This is becoming a bit of a regular feature isn't it? :D

Anyway, here's today's questions for you to get stuck into:

1. who's the best passer in Europe...both long and short passers?

2. Who has been the biggest flop for Liverpool in the last 5 years?

3. Who is the best manager out of Fergie, Wenger and Mourinho and why?

4. If you could have a beer with any player of the current Liverpool squad...who + why?

5. Who will be the best newcomer to our squad for the coming season (youth member or new transfer)?

1. Alonso's too easy surely? I'll go with Deco. Great vision.

2. Kirkland - without a doubt. Paid so much for him and we've got nothing in return due to (admittedly, not his fault) injuries.

3. Wenger. Got his team playing the best football out of not just them 3, but the whole of the Prem - and for 1 season, possibly Europe. He can also spot potential like no other manager in the world. When he retires from management, i'd pay him whatever it took to get him on the scouting staff.

4. Carra - lucky enough to have a bevvy with him in the past (in the Strand Tavern years ago, Youth Championships on telly in some foreign country, he'd just come back from them and there's me bladdered telling him Brazil are going to p!ss it - like he doesn't f*cking know already!) and he done me a good turn recently by getting a shirt signed for me for a charity. Top bloke.

5. Toss up between Agger and Gonzalez. Agger has already shown some potential and the faith Rafa has in Gonzalez shows there must be something about him that's worth waiting for.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 3:57 am
by Lando_Griffin
stmichael wrote:This is becoming a bit of a regular feature isn't it? :D

Anyway, here's today's questions for you to get stuck into:

1. who's the best passer in Europe...both long and short passers?

2. Who has been the biggest flop for Liverpool in the last 5 years?

3. Who is the best manager out of Fergie, Wenger and Mourinho and why?

4. If you could have a beer with any player of the current Liverpool squad...who + why?

5. Who will be the best newcomer to our squad for the coming season (youth member or new transfer)?

1. Xabi Alonso. Unquestioned.

2. Diouf.

3. Wenger because the other two are utter sh*tebags. He's only a sh*thead.

4. God.

5. Anderson hopefully.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:18 am
by Judge
stmichael wrote:This is becoming a bit of a regular feature isn't it? :D

Anyway, here's today's questions for you to get stuck into:

1. who's the best passer in Europe...both long and short passers?

2. Who has been the biggest flop for Liverpool in the last 5 years?

3. Who is the best manager out of Fergie, Wenger and Mourinho and why?

4. If you could have a beer with any player of the current Liverpool squad...who + why?

5. Who will be the best newcomer to our squad for the coming season (youth member or new transfer)?

1. there are several contenders, equally as good

2. Cheyrou

3. Wenger - more of a gentleman

4. fowler

5. Jack Hobbs