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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:21 pm
by Scottbot
bigmick wrote:The absolute best bit about all of it is that Rafa never ever responds. Unlike Wenger and Bells breath, he just keeps his own council. I think that does Maureens head in more than anything else and it's a superb piece of phsycology.

Agree with that. I like the gaffer to keep his gob shut and let his team do the talking. Everything about Rafa exudes class, from the way he deals with the way he speaks about the fans to the way he deals with the media and transfers.

The only time i have known Rafa to get into anything like mind games was before the league meeting with Chelsea at Anfield this season when he claimed that 'Chelsea were scared of us'. After that i reckon he figured it was best to leave all the meida bollox to maureen, rab.c and the rest of em.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:28 pm
by Sabre
In Spain, to the tactic of being ultra defensive, practiced by the relegation teams in important stadiums we call it "To place the bus (1) in the goal". What's his point, that we play like that?, that we are like Bolton Wanderers last year?

That's bollox.We are not a defensive, anti football team. We just are very good in the part of the game that is about not receiving goals. When we score one, we don't speculate with the score, we try for the second. We play nice football to watch, and that's said by a Spaniard. :angry:


(1) in which you've traveled to the stadium

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:51 pm
by primodua

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:23 pm
by mighty mo
maureen  is scared and liverpool worry him, IN RAFA WE TRUST

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:31 pm
by metalhead
poor jealous maureen!  :D

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:59 pm
by Judge
i think he should concentrate on telling joe cole that he's a clown, mind you he could tell drogba that he's a useless twat while he's at it

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:36 pm
by Lando_Griffin
The silly, silly b*stard.

How, if we are a purely defensive team, have we managed to score 21 goals in our last 10 premiership games? An average of more than 2 goals per game will do me, you poncy f*cking tw*t.

I'll tell you what Moris - try spending some of your blood money on a packet of Pampers and some dummies.
That's usually what selfish little babies that create nothing but sh*t and talk b*llocks want. :angry:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:16 pm
by zarababe
This just confirms that he thinks about us, worrries about us and knows that in Rafael Benitez, there is a master tactician with whom he has a battle on his hands, despite the millions at his disposal. He knows the threat to them, comes from us

Our winning has been accompanied with attractive fooball, in fact I bet he has been stung by Alan Green and co's drooling over our performances, unlike there machine-like displays, extremely boring. At least when the and Mancs won the league they palyed attractive football.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:22 pm
by shanks
he is crapping him self over liverpool

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:35 pm
by 72-1136150807
Mourin-ho is a knob-head.

To echo the majority so far, he is clearly scared of us and the more important thing for me, and something he also knows, is, that this is still early stages for us, we still have a good few players to be bought, both now and the summer, that are only going to increase the overall level of both the first team and the squad as a whole.

Mourin-ho knows that once we have ALL the cogs, that our machine is going to be a serious force in the Premiership and Champions League for years to come. And this is what he is most worried about.

Because if that happens,and we do consistently challenge/win the PL and/or CL in the coming sesons, then HIS job is on the line. Because Roman is looking for trophies, especially the CL, and if he doesnt get it, he will bring in someone who he thinks will win it.
I mean I doubt Roman is exactly flustered by their performances in the Prem at the moment, then you add to the fact WE beat THEM and went on and won the CL, then this season we pipped them to first spot in the group stages, which obviously had the knock on affect of them getting argubably the hardest opponents in the draw. Thus lessening their chances of winning it again. And this will be the third season (under the Russian!) and second under Mourin-HO that they have failed to win it.

My message to Mourin-HO:
'Dont hate, appreciate'

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:23 pm
by The Canadian Red Army
it seems great that you dont hear what :censored: or fergie has to say, that it always now seems to be the little portugese running his mouth. Is our current form scaring him? It seems in the past weeks he has made 3 statements about us to sky. Its what he does, last year in the champions league he was doing the samething. Trying to unsettle our boss, but it shows more of a man Rafa is to not reply to the punk.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:45 pm
by A.B.
I think Voyeur is a proper word that describes Mourinho best.

Obviously we're so important that he has to talk about us every time he has the opportunity to do so. I really don't care, we won it 5 times :laugh: