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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:59 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
Hopefully he will leave in January. And why do we need a replacement? We have Riise and Warnock for left back, and we have another centre coming in January. Get rid I say and no replacement is needed.

I was shocked when Rafa gave him a new contract.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:04 am
by 115-1073096938
Well said Luke.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:07 am
by A.B.
Benitez mentioned that he would play the starting 11 that was the most fit. For instance, Cisse had a muscle injury and wasn't fit enough to play for 90 minutes.

Alonso has played in most of our games, and I think he deserved the rest. I can see why Benitez opted to go with Hamann and Sissoko, as Bolton have the physicality in their game. Unfourtanetly it didn't work out like he wanted.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:12 am
by ivor_the_injun
I think you have to face it - Rafa sees something in Traore, and to be fair he does occasionally show you that he can play. By the same token, his name on the team sheet alone sh*ts you up, long before kick off.

Also, if Djimi's screamer today had gone in, this would be a very different thread. Funny game innit? :D

And Stu - the number of threads I've had the misfortune to read where you've moaned over and over in that holier-than-thou way you sometimes have about people having an opinion about games they've "only" watched on you really think it's wise to let loose with such a diatribe following a match which you admit you haven't even seen?

Yes, Traore is dodgy, but if you're going to try and pin 2 soft goals on him purely because he happened to be in the team today, you're full of sh*t lad.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:29 am
by 115-1073096938
Ivor, i've made my point time and time again mate. I don't have to watch the match.

I've seen the highlights now and i spotted 7 or 8 mistakes in those alone. Thats shocking.

I know the effect he has on Hyypia and the team as a whole. I can't remember for the life of me Hyypia having a bad game next to Carragher, Riise or Warnock.

His "bad" games ALWAYS come when playing next to Traore.

Also the fact we always seem to conceed when he plays yet hardly ever when he doesn't backs this up further. The mans a liability. Riise is by far the best left back at the club. Then Warnock, then Carragher, then Gerrard...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:35 am
by andy_g
it's not just the ineptness of traore's own game it's the effect he has on sami aswell. i don't think that anyone other than banana could argue that sami has been immense during the recent unbeaten run we've had, but as soon as you put traore alongside him he has a poor game. to me it doesn't take a genius to realise that this doesn't mean that sami is a sh!te defender but means that he doesn't trust traore either. sami is often caught out of position when traore is playing because he has to try and cover for him aswell - and as good a defender as sami is even he can't play two positions at once.

but as far as results go, i'm disappointed we've stopped the winning streak even though the unbeaten run goes on. 4 games in 8 days after a trip to the far east and we still finish an away game against a notoriously basic and physical side on a quagmire of a pitch looking like we might actually win it speaks volumes about our progress though. quality players like reina, hamman and sami are always going to have the occasional poorer game for whatever reason, and i reckon there have been plenty of reasons today.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:39 am
by ivor_the_injun
I absolutely get the point made elsewhere about Hyypia being caught out of position covering for Traore when he gets beaten on the left. It's a good point, and I completely agree.

That has absolutely nothing to do with why we lost today though. We did not lose because Traore was in the team - we lost because Hyypia and Reina both made individual errors. Count as many mistakes in highlights as you like - the only incidents that count are those which result in goals against, and they'll both be very disappointed with their contributions tonight.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:42 am
by 115-1073096938
ivor_the_injun wrote:I absolutely get the point made elsewhere about Hyypia being caught out of position covering for Traore when he gets beaten on the left. It's a good point, and I completely agree.

That has absolutely nothing to do with why we lost today though. We did not lose because Traore was in the team - we lost because Hyypia and Reina both made individual errors. Count as many mistakes in highlights as you like - the only incidents that count are those which result in goals against, and they'll both be very disappointed with their contributions tonight.

We didn't lose we drew! :D

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:44 am
by 115-1073096938
ivor_the_injun wrote:I absolutely get the point made elsewhere about Hyypia being caught out of position covering for Traore when he gets beaten on the left. It's a good point, and I completely agree.

That has absolutely nothing to do with why we lost today though. We did not lose because Traore was in the team - we lost because Hyypia and Reina both made individual errors. Count as many mistakes in highlights as you like - the only incidents that count are those which result in goals against, and they'll both be very disappointed with their contributions tonight.

Also, look at Traore's positioning and lack of ability to get goalside of Diouf for his goal.

The lads never a footballer.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:47 am
by ivor_the_injun
stu_the_red wrote:
ivor_the_injun wrote:I absolutely get the point made elsewhere about Hyypia being caught out of position covering for Traore when he gets beaten on the left. It's a good point, and I completely agree.

That has absolutely nothing to do with why we lost today though. We did not lose because Traore was in the team - we lost because Hyypia and Reina both made individual errors. Count as many mistakes in highlights as you like - the only incidents that count are those which result in goals against, and they'll both be very disappointed with their contributions tonight.

We didn't lose we drew! :D

:censored: - the result has really got me down. I watched the full 90 minutes and I feel like we lost. :D

12 months ago I'd have snatched Fat Sam's hands off for a point at the Reebok, but this season a draw against Bolton really rankles.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:52 am
by 115-1073096938
A sign of progress though.

I'm made up with the season, first inept team selection for a while, hopefully will be the last. He's doin well Rafa, i think next season we'll see the best of him and his side.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:55 am
by ivor_the_injun
stu_the_red wrote:
ivor_the_injun wrote:I absolutely get the point made elsewhere about Hyypia being caught out of position covering for Traore when he gets beaten on the left. It's a good point, and I completely agree.

That has absolutely nothing to do with why we lost today though. We did not lose because Traore was in the team - we lost because Hyypia and Reina both made individual errors. Count as many mistakes in highlights as you like - the only incidents that count are those which result in goals against, and they'll both be very disappointed with their contributions tonight.

Also, look at Traore's positioning and lack of ability to get goalside of Diouf for his goal.

The lads never a footballer.

Oh come on Stu - Diouf, for all his faults, can play, and is damn quick. Traore was beaten for pace, simple as. It's like moaning because Sami got beaten for pace by Carl Lewis.

If you're caught on the break defending high up the pitch, quick players are going to get a look in. They just are. The defensive line was up there in the first place because we'd gifted Bolton the first goal of the game.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:06 am
by banana
ivor_the_injun wrote:I absolutely get the point made elsewhere about Hyypia being caught out of position covering for Traore when he gets beaten on the left. It's a good point, and I completely agree.

That has absolutely nothing to do with why we lost today though. We did not lose because Traore was in the team - we lost because Hyypia and Reina both made individual errors. Count as many mistakes in highlights as you like - the only incidents that count are those which result in goals against, and they'll both be very disappointed with their contributions tonight.

That is correct. Hyypia was directly responsible for Bolton's goals, Traore was not. Traore did not have a great game but he was much better than hyypia today. Hyypia was all over the place giving away free kicks in dangerous positions, outpaced, out of position, kicking the ball straight out of Reina's gloves, hoofing the ball to the opposition all the time, he was a disaster today Stu and you god damn know it too.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:10 am
by A.B.
banana wrote:
ivor_the_injun wrote:I absolutely get the point made elsewhere about Hyypia being caught out of position covering for Traore when he gets beaten on the left. It's a good point, and I completely agree.

That has absolutely nothing to do with why we lost today though. We did not lose because Traore was in the team - we lost because Hyypia and Reina both made individual errors. Count as many mistakes in highlights as you like - the only incidents that count are those which result in goals against, and they'll both be very disappointed with their contributions tonight.

That is correct. Hyypia was directly responsible for Bolton's goals, Traore was not. Traore did not have a great game but he was much better than hyypia today. Hyypia was all over the place giving away free kicks in dangerous positions, outpaced, out of position, kicking the ball straight out of Reina's gloves, hoofing the ball to the opposition all the time, he was a disaster today Stu and you god damn know it too.

He didn't have the best of games, but you've managed to critisize him in every game. Prior to this game, he's been solid. And you're the only one that has said otherwise.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:17 am
by Dalglish
ivor_the_injun wrote:That has absolutely nothing to do with why we lost today though. We did not lose because Traore was in the team - we lost because Hyypia and Reina both made individual errors.

:D Oops  :D

Be gentle with him boys !  :D