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PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 6:36 pm
by 115-1073096938
Yes we are still playing a zonal marking system. It was never the problem in the first place and the idiots that said it was are now being made to look like exactly what they are! :)

And to anyone who says Hyypia's not upto it. Get a clue.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 6:44 pm
by neil
sammi has started to flap big time when the opposition apply a bit of pressure.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 6:51 pm
by JC_81
stoney wrote:We have now kept as many clean sheets as we did in the whole of last season. Yep kopite as you said, pointless thread.

I was just reading on the official site that Benitez said that.  Took me by surprise to be honest, I thought we'd kept more clean sheets than that last season.

But we still need to bring in cover in January, if Carra or Sami get injured we're in trouble because our cover is awful - Josemi or Traore.  But the key word there is cover, we don't need to splash out big money on a King or a Milito in my opinion.  Sami and Carra are solid and a younger lad like maybe this Agger from Brondby is a good idea to bring in as cover.  Sami will need a rest at some point, he had a major dip in form last year around Christmas and it was no coincidence that his form picked up again when Pellegrino came in to give him a rest.

The defence was superb in our first 4-5 games in the league before conceding 6 in 2 against Birmingham and Chelsea.  Then there was the 2 against Fulham.  Anyone notice the common denominator here?  Traore?  He played against Chelsea and against Fulham, not sure about Brum.  We're much more settled without him involved, surely Benitez must see this now.

Consistency in team selection is the key to our defence recently and to the team performances in general, and looking at our fixtures there's a real chance we can go on a run here.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:58 pm
by 115-1073096938
neil wrote:sammi has started to flap big time when the opposition apply a bit of pressure.

You're clueless.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:02 pm
by A.B.
I agree with Stu. Today Hyypia played well but he isn't perfect and does have his moments where he seems a liability.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:06 pm
by 115-1073096938
john craig wrote:
stoney wrote:We have now kept as many clean sheets as we did in the whole of last season. Yep kopite as you said, pointless thread.

I was just reading on the official site that Benitez said that.  Took me by surprise to be honest, I thought we'd kept more clean sheets than that last season.

But we still need to bring in cover in January, if Carra or Sami get injured we're in trouble because our cover is awful - Josemi or Traore.  But the key word there is cover, we don't need to splash out big money on a King or a Milito in my opinion.  Sami and Carra are solid and a younger lad like maybe this Agger from Brondby is a good idea to bring in as cover.  Sami will need a rest at some point, he had a major dip in form last year around Christmas and it was no coincidence that his form picked up again when Pellegrino came in to give him a rest.

The defence was superb in our first 4-5 games in the league before conceding 6 in 2 against Birmingham and Chelsea.  Then there was the 2 against Fulham.  Anyone notice the common denominator here?  Traore?  He played against Chelsea and against Fulham, not sure about Brum.  We're much more settled without him involved, surely Benitez must see this now.

Consistency in team selection is the key to our defence recently and to the team performances in general, and looking at our fixtures there's a real chance we can go on a run here.

To be fair, the Goals in the Birmingham game where down to a lack of communication and experience by Warnock and Reina and a mistake by the keeper who's been pretty faultless so far in my mind.

Those games happen, what annoys me is everytime Traore plays, we seem to conceed a goal down to a stupid mistake of his, or being in the wrong place to cover someone elses mistakes.

The key to having a good defence is having 4 players who can cover for each others minor mistakes. Traore can't do this at all as he doesn't read the game therefore when someone makes a mistake the opposition automatically have a chance.

Traore played in his best position today. Again we kept another clean sheet. Sami wasn't exposed, Riise defended well, Finnan always does as does Carragher.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:46 pm
by PepeMomo
stoney wrote:We have now kept as many clean sheets as we did in the whole of last season. Yep kopite as you said, pointless thread.

Yeah our defence is awesome this season.

But I just want to talk about the depth of our squad, and I cannot see what so pointless it is to suggest finding some decent backups for rotation in our magnificient defence?
or some of you guys are unrealistically expecting our back four could be healthy and fit in every of the 60 something matches for the whole season?

LB is alright, but I seriously think we need a better RB than Josemi as a backup or competitor for Finnan.. and for sure, a new CB or 2.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:16 pm
by stoney
Barragan and Raven is adequate cover for Finnan. Both have looked good when I'v seen them play and Raven didn't really do much wrong against palace. Our money in january is better spent on other more pressing positions like RM and possibly a striker rather than buying MORE backup for RB.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:09 pm
rb need some back up for finnan
lb warnock risse no problems there
cb we have hyypia and carragher but only 1 replacement in whitbread

rw garcia ?gerrard prefer him cm sinama
cm alonso gerrard sissoko hamman
lm zenden garcia risse
forwards cisse morientes crouch mellor

we need a good rw and cb and that is what rafa is saying so

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:46 pm
by welsh wizzard
people :censored: me off talking how hypia is losing it. He is still a class defender and i would keep him for another 2 seasons. He will be an important player in the squad even when a new cb is brought in. Come on even steve bruce and pallister when they were getting on they were still class at the back, Even our own Hansen, hypia is up with them and reads the game and dominates in the air he is still quality and pace has never been about his game. So all you calling for him, get a fecking life.As for right back cover this barragan is supposed to be quality and i can see him breaking into the first team very soon.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:45 pm
by ste123lfc
welsh wizzard wrote:people :censored: me off talking how hypia is losing it. He is still a class defender and i would keep him for another 2 seasons. He will be an important player in the squad even when a new cb is brought in. Come on even steve bruce and pallister when they were getting on they were still class at the back, Even our own Hansen, hypia is up with them and reads the game and dominates in the air he is still quality and pace has never been about his game. So all you calling for him, get a fecking life.As for right back cover this barragan is supposed to be quality and i can see him breaking into the first team very soon.

couldn't agree more welsh wizard.  :bowdown

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:18 pm
by stmichael
Football is a simpler game than people sometimes credit: score more goals than your opponent. If you can marshall a tight defence that does not concede, the game becomes even simpler - just score. Last year, we kept seven clean sheets in 38 games. This season, they have kept SEVEN IN TEN- not even Chelsea can match that ratio.

Our problems lie in other areas.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:20 pm
by Judge
back up - finnan not josemi

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:21 pm
by Judge
back up - finnan not josemi

ive posted that already havent i frank M :p  :wwww

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:36 pm
by wrighty (not mark!)
Couldn't agree more about Hyppia. Everytime there is an aerial attack threatening us, Hyypia snuffs it out. He is class. I hope that Agger possesses similar strengths to the big Finn. If so. Get him.