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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:13 pm
by 76-1115222408


PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:18 pm
by A.B.
Personally I wouldn't want to be a mod, I don't have the time nor the nerves for that. Perhaps Woof Woof or Wollyback could be mods.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:28 pm
by JC_81
A.B. wrote:Personally I wouldn't want to be a mod, I don't have the time nor the nerves for that. Perhaps Woof Woof or Wollyback could be mods.

I think Bigmick would be the obvious choice personally

He's one of the only people on the forum I can't ever remember getting into a slanging match at any point.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:32 pm
by A.B.
BigMick probably doesn't have the time to be a moderator, so thats why I didn't mention him.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:40 pm
by matrix
some good posts on this topic  this is the touchyist topic i have ever known since joining in 2003  do the mods have an impossible job maybe ?  of course we respect what they are doing behind the scenes  and its important they know they have our suport ... the champions league win has sent this site into complete chaos  yes there has been a big flux of newbies but that is not the problem...we havent come down yet from that great night in may...but when a liverpool fan is banned from this site and told not to come back  im sorry but to me that is really a sad thing...but thats the matrix  its the way i am  its sad to see anyone banned  unless they really deserve to be banned  and that is what some members are trying to say here...tension is bloody high at the moment...lets all hope a good solution can come out of all this that is fair to everyone#  ???

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:42 pm
by kazza
I think Bigmick would be the obvious choice personally

He's one of the only people on the forum I can't ever remember getting into a slanging match at any point.[/quote]

I  agree Bigmick.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:43 pm
by bigmick
AB is probably right about the time factor TBH though it's nice to get a mention and all that. The issue for me is not that we need another moderator, it's that the more experienced posters should try and set a slightly better example and therefore try and help the existing moderators to continue to do their job. Lets face it, it wouldn't take a genius to send round a PM to the more sensible posters to in future, blank somebody who is deliberately being confrontational and daft.
When push comes to shove it's in all our interests to have a decent debating chamber, it's why we come on here in the first place. It also has to be pointed out that the very FIRST topic I will check out (and I surely can't be the only one here who does this) is one that has been locked. Everyone likes a bit of scandal, a bit of verbal rough and tumble within sensible limits and to sanitise the thing absolutely would result in less compulsive reading IMHO. Lets support the guys who are doing a good job right now and stop playing into the hands of the sabateurs.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:46 pm
by JohnBull
Just keep doing what you're doing.
There are not that many jerks like Hustler about and they can hide but they soon show up and then blank them.
It's the rising to the bait problem that everyone has to deal with. All my life I've had idiots telling me that I'm supporting a lucky side, a boring side, a bought side, a side that has bullied it's way to yet another championship. These people do not deserve air time, ignor them.
It is good to discuss the merits of players and tactics because we all miss aspects of the game at times and it is easy to become too judgemental, the discussions raise awareness of what we miss.
I personally cannot be bothered arguing hypotheticals as to who we'll buy or who we'll play in the side it will all be done Raffa's way anyway.
There are threads coming on which are a waste of time - close them, there are idiots with sad lives with nothing better to do - close them. Just do what you think is right, if anyone doesn't like it - tough

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:44 pm
by supersub
I agree with bigmick.....Every member has a responsibility to keep the forum running smoothly.I believe it's best the forum is policed by us all and it's only the job of the moderators to act when circumstances deem it necessary.I look at every member as equals,wether they posted for the first time today or they have posted 10,000 times over the last couple of years.As moderators of the forum,we can only help you if you help keep it clean and be careful out there!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:09 am
by Woollyback
Perhaps I can offer an over simplistic solution to some of the problems the forum faces; if somebody is posting smileys then just cast your eye about an inch below to the next post and carry on? Annoying as it can be, it's not really important is it? If someone starts a topic which already appears about 5 times on the forum then just don't read it, in an ideal world the mods would be here 24/7 pouncing on spam and idiots but (I assume) they all have jobs/families/other interests so duplicated topics might stick around for a little while longer than necessary. It's not the mods' fault, it's not anybody's fault, it's just going to happen and we're all just going to have to deal with it

This forum will never be perfect, there's just too many people with too many different opinions and too many different outlooks for them all to have a reasonable debate together. Anyone who thinks this is possible is living in la-la land, so let's all accept that there will regularly be things on here which annoy us but sometimes we have to accept that instead of start a huge fight about it?

(By the way please don't laugh at my "holier than thou" post, I am the first to admit I don't practice what I preach)

Personally I think this place has been OK for the last couple of weeks (apart from all the fickle whingeing gits), at least we've had footy to talk about instead of transfer rumours. As for children like meelan well, the less said the better

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:06 am
by anfieldadorer
I agree with bigmick that it's unfair to question this inconvenience to only the mods; they're not the only ones being responsible to collect all the wasted litters for all of us; the perfect moderators are the posters themselves; and the more experienced posters are partly responsible to keep this playground clean by at least putting your OWN rubbish in the proper bin. :D

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:15 am
by 115-1073096938
Its gotta be me clearly! :D

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:16 am
by 76-1115222408


PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 4:01 am
by LFC #1
I think if a new mod or two is appointed, it should be someone who is on the forum at unusual times. This is because the 4 mods we currently have reside in the UK (or Ireland in JBG's case) and often stuff happens when no mod is around to sort it out. Either it's too late at night or too ealry in the morning in ther timezone so it's not their fault, but it will assure that a mod is generally always on the forum.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 4:02 am
by babu
Bigmick would be a good mod IMO, if he had the time, would also like to suggest TheAce1983. I can't remmeber him entering into any petty b.itch fights and his posts are usually informative.