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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:16 pm
by 7_Kewell
I don't know if the guy is innocent or guilty....but this case is not as black and white as some make out.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:22 pm
by Judge
7_Kewell wrote:I don't know if the guy is innocent or guilty....but this case is not as black and white as some make out.

do you have insider info to the case??, you were quoted as saying that events didnt match the geezer who says he did it, and that witnessess saw shields do i!!

are you a copper with inside info, or are you spouting rubbish.....which is it??

whats your sources?? come on

you need more thought on subjects such as these, unless you are 100% sure. I dont think you are 100%, or near it tho'

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:28 pm
by 7_Kewell
do you have insider info to the case??, you were quoted as saying that events didnt match the geezer who says he did it, and that witnessess saw shields do i!!

are you a copper with inside info, or are you spouting rubbish.....which is it??

whats your sources?? come on

sorry, i have no inside info but the National Press.  The Telegraph and Guardian, both had good articles on this case in which they put all sides across.  The FACTS against Shields are:

The 'admission of guilt' from this other guy does not match the events which happend- Hence the authorites have dismissed him as a timewaster

The VICTIM of this crime, and a dozen witnesses, have all pointed out  Shields in a police line up as the person who commited the crime.

Now obviously there are other factors, such as the people who claim Shields was in bed, to be considered.  But, as i said earlier, this case isn't as simple as some like to portray.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:31 pm
by Judge
papers have to sell themselves. they may get half a story, then fill in the rest themselves. its dangerous way to do things.

they try to manipulate peoples opinions by what they write, and we are all guilty of following them into it, but when its a persons life we are dealing with, then i expect folk to be a little more understanding when reading the papers, unless its a kiddy killer or someone like that.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:35 pm
by 7_Kewell
papers have to sell themselves. they may get half a story, then fill in the rest themselves. its dangerous way to do things.

they try to manipulate peoples opinions by what they write, and we are all guilty of following them into it, but when its a persons life we are dealing with, then i expect folk to be a little more understanding when reading the papers, unless its a kiddy killer or someone like that.

I agree.  But The Telegraph, and in particular the Guardian, are respectable broadsheets and tend to tell things how they are, rather than how people want them to be.  I think everyone needs to accept that this is a very complex case and if it wasn't, Shields would have been released long ago.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:06 pm
by Judge
i find topics covered in the daily sport more believable :D

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:12 pm
by 66-1120597113
Judge wrote:
BarryBelfast wrote:The sad reality is the poor fella will probably do the time!
Government wont get involved as it aint in their interest as it will create friction between us and the Romanian authorities!
Also there is no financial gain to be obtained!
Basically it is seen by our government as a working class lad is in what,do they care???
Its sick!
Our government need to realise that the working class are the spine of our country also the majority and in a democracy its said that the majority rules?
The majority get taxed to the balls and then when u need ur country u arent important enough to be helped!
If it was King fuc.kin loads of oils son from S Arabia Mr Blair would be saying its inhumane,wrong an unjust! Him and bush would be sucking di.cks to get the boy home!

Then again Michael Shields is only a normal boy from a normal family!
Mr Blair needs to see that normal puts the GREAT into Britain! :angry: :angry:

barry, the guys in Bulgaria, not Romania

Ooops I know judge!
was pi.shed when i typed that! :laugh:

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:12 pm
by Judge
ney worries barry.

nowt wrong with a good drink :)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:20 am
by Woollyback
7_Kewell wrote:
What the hell is going on in the Michael Shields case? I can't believe the guilty man has owned up and still the Bulgarian authorities won't release a clearly innocent man until the guilty man gives himself to Bulgarian police

The statement of the guy who 'admited' to it doesn't match the events of what happened.  Hence the Bulgarian's won't do anything.  There is also the small issue of about a dozen witnesses who all say they saw Michael Shields commit the crime.

all of whom appeared out of the woodwork when the victim offered a share of the compensation spoils to anyone who'd agree

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:31 am
by Dalglish
Whilst I feel so sorry for Michael Shileds and anger at the British governement for their apparrent inactivity it is naive to believe that because somehow confesses to a  crime that another person is doing time for we should expect the cpative to be released.

Consider this , if the tables were turned would the British legal system be so quick to act if a Bulgarian living in Sofia confessed to a  crime committed in England ? ???

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:59 am
by 7_Kewell
all of whom appeared out of the woodwork when the victim offered a share of the compensation spoils to anyone who'd agree

That is a worry.  How on earth does that work?!?!?!  A guy gets nearly killed and he gets compensation?? who from?  how much?

The plot thickens  :suspect:

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:02 am
by Woollyback
lord only knows but his team of lawyers seemed a lot more interested in the £70k compensation claim than they ever did in trying to convict the guilty man

£70k might not be a life changing amount of money over here but to a bunch of skint Bulgarian barmen even a small slice of it would feel like a gold rush

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:05 am
by Dalglish
Haven't you heard of the Compensation Culture ? it's rife in England ??? Over here it's called the Criminal injuries compensation Board.

All I am saying is lets not jump on the "In England we are all whiter than white and abroad it's a kangaroo court" cos it isn;t helpful and its not true.

I've E_mailed the British Consulate in Sofia and asked what they are doing regarding the Michael Shileds case. I await their reply with some interest but in these types of cases its better to go down the diplomacy route (unless your in the SAS in Iraq that is !!!! )  ???

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:13 pm
by matrix
i mist this topic when it was started...ive been busy doing some stupid course at work...but im now on the list...somebody else is allways worse off  :blues:

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:43 pm
by 7_Kewell
somebody else is allways worse off

Unless your name is DAvid Moyes  :D