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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:36 pm
by El Nino_#9
even if he was spotted, it doesn't mean nothing. when raul came to melwood it was just to see nando. michael probally did the same to see didi or something.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:42 pm
by The Ace1983
passmeistro_#14 wrote:even if he was spotted, it doesn't mean nothing. when raul came to melwood it was just to see nando. michael probally did the same to see didi or something.

But if this was yesterday, surely Didi would be in Bulgeria? The plot thickens...  :D

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:50 pm
by destro
i heard the same rumour AND posted it on another thread. why would he want to add to the speculation he was coming back by turning up at the training camp ? was it part of the deal that he had to erase all liverpool players numbers from his mobile ? no smoke without fire

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:29 pm
by MCYan
shut the hell up and stop making up stupid topics ot dicsuss

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:23 pm
MCYan wrote:shut the hell up and stop making up stupid topics ot dicsuss

Yeah!..even though i saw him on the 27 bus eating fish and chips, with his i pod on!! :wwww

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:35 pm
by destro
is this not for discussing topics? and if you find them stupid DONT COMMENT on them ! ive heard he will sign this week. why hasnt moores or parry gone to bulgaria ? maybe they stayed to tie the deal up

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:36 pm
by banana
Get off Benitez back FFS.

He has clearly told everyone that he is NOT looking for a striker. He is looking for a centre half and a winger. He is even willing to SELL a striker to get more cash for strenghtening other positions.

I say it again. Get off his back. He has my confidence and I trust him to do the right things for the club. I am really looking forward to see if he can sort out our right midfield and defence. Then we will look a strong team. I don't know why there is so much pressure from the fans, the media and all corners on Benitez to sign Madrid's 6th choice striker? If we were to sign a striker from Madrid, I think Baptista, Ronaldo or even Robihno would be much better choices. We need a right winger and a defender to strenghten our first 11. Owen would only be a squad player, 4th choice striker I guess behind Crouch, Cisse and Moro. And for 4th choice I much rather have a young gun like Pongolle or even Mellor. One for the future.

Owen has been up for grabs for ages. But his services are not in demand. Arsenal were looking for a striker. They did not succeed in getting Baptista and they clearly have money to burn but Wenger has said that he don't think Owen will strenghten his team. Mourihno won't have him. Benitez don't rate him. FGergie don't like him. None of the other spanish top team will take him as he is considered a flop in La Liga. Drop this froutless nonsense Owen talk. Owen is a selfish traitor, and he is just looking to get fit for the world cup.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:46 pm
by destro
considered a flop in spain the spanish press are worse than ours ? his goals to games ratio was better than any of the other madrid forwards. did rushie get the same amount of compasion when he went to try something new then returned ?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:17 pm
destro wrote:is this not for discussing topics? and if you find them stupid DONT COMMENT on them ! ive heard he will sign this week. why hasnt moores or parry gone to bulgaria ? maybe they stayed to tie the deal up

Lighten up will yer!..for fukks sake its only a bit of banter!! tut tut' some people have no sense of humour. :no

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:18 pm
by destro
maybe i should of started my post with get off my back FFS :p much lighter :D

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:22 pm
:nod  :D

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:46 pm
by Garymac
MCYan wrote:shut the hell up and stop making up stupid topics ot dicsuss

Yeah!..even though i saw him on the 27 bus eating fish and chips, with his i pod on!! :wwww

Your right redtilldead he was on the 27, i was sitting next to him, he was listening to Glenn Campbell-Rhinestone Cowboy if i remember!! He said hes defo signing tomorrow and for me to stop pinching his chips  :blush:  :D

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:20 pm
by Dalglish
SouthCoastShankly wrote:To be honest Banana your fighting a losing battle, as mentioned before the MAJORITY of liverpool fans WANT Michael Owen.

Our strike force is large but also injury prone and not strong. I would say only Cisse has the potential to be better than Owen

Not sure about that comment  :Oo:

We can all deal in "might be's" and "could be's" but the reality at present is trhat Michael Owen is streets ahead of anything we have at present and as someone slse has said in thsi thread MOST fans want the lad back.

Rafa's not the sort of manager to do what the "masses" demand as he is obviously confidant in his own judgement and if he decides Michael Owen is good for Liverpool(Not the other way around) then I expect to see him back in a LFC shirt and there will be no complaints from me  :)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:35 am
by Lando_Griffin
I reckon he's had constipation for a week, and just as he was passing Melwood, got caught short. Thus ends the mystery surrounding Owen's brief return to Melwood. And I also believe he left a floater. :;):

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:49 am
by Luis Garcia
SouthCoastShankly wrote:To be honest Banana your fighting a losing battle, as mentioned before the MAJORITY of liverpool fans WANT Michael Owen.

Our strike force is large but also injury prone and not strong. I would say only Cisse has the potential to be better than Owen

Yes , but Shanks, you seem to be brain dead, as Rafa as just bought crouch, and every time he has been asked  if he wants Owen he says NO!

A lot of fans forget he turned his back on them, i think we sold him at the right time, he might not be the same player.