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PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:01 pm
by 66-1120597113
I think if England got a better manager they would win the next world cup no problem! For me,i think Old dirty d1ck Sven lacks the ability to deploy different tactics when playing different styles of opposition! Watching England sometimes they look so predictable but with the squad and undoubtable ability,A better manager would dominate the world i reckon!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:50 pm
by Afroman
BarryBelfast wrote:I think if England got a better manager they would win the next world cup no problem! For me,i think Old dirty d1ck Sven lacks the ability to deploy different tactics when playing different styles of opposition! Watching England sometimes they look so predictable but with the squad and undoubtable ability,A better manager would dominate the world i reckon!

I totally agree, if Rafa was the England manager (I hope he stays at Liverpool forever) England would win easy. Look at what he did for us in the CL

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:08 pm
by 2520years
BarryBelfast wrote:I think if England got a better manager they would win the next world cup no problem! For me,i think Old dirty d1ck Sven lacks the ability to deploy different tactics when playing different styles of opposition! Watching England sometimes they look so predictable but with the squad and undoubtable ability,A better manager would dominate the world i reckon!

Only one English manager, out of, I don't know how many, has led us to glory.  I don't think Sven can be blamed for that.  I blame the FA who are ultimately responsible for the England team.

English players are gradually getting better technically, but English clubs have been feared in Europe for decades anyway (well before there were so many foreigners to improve our teams.)  The issue is really - Why isn't the national team as successful as the club teams?  Sorry, but I'm back to the FA.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:41 pm
by DrTNT
BarryBelfast wrote:I think if England got a better manager they would win the next world cup no problem! For me,i think Old dirty d1ck Sven lacks the ability to deploy different tactics when playing different styles of opposition! Watching England sometimes they look so predictable but with the squad and undoubtable ability,A better manager would dominate the world i reckon!

I totally agree with this statement and I firmly believe that the England squad now is the best since the 1966 World Cup squad.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:56 am
by 66-1112520797
Alonso 14 why do you say we are inferior to Europes finnest ??

I would actually say we are one of Europes finnest personally .

Our style of play as we all know is a lot quicker Latin/south European but yes you are right they do have more skill.But does that mean we are inferior ?

I dont know why it is ,we have a simular style of play to the Danish,Swedish Norwegian and the Germans .(quick and physical)
Then you have the likes of Portugual,Spain,France,Italy there game is a bit slower maybe not quite as physical and therefor they seem to be technically better,they have much more time on the ball.
If you could put the two together that would be the wining formula for football.
Hardly any teams can play a high tempo game with a high level of accurate passing along with skill and the flair .
We did see Liverpool do that in the first half against Juve and we tore them to shreds.They are one of Europes finnest are they not ?
The Dutch though have always had a nice style of play of attacking flairy football but have recently flattered to decieve.
Going back to the style of play though,Its good to have so many variations of the game and contrasting teams play eachother.Although our game isnt pretty on the eye as the Brazillians or Spanish it doesnt mean we are inferior.
Especially when we are talking about national teams Germany i think are the most successful team in Europe ,and one of the most successful in the world and yet they have a simular style to us.

EPL football has changed dramatically over the years with the influx of foreign players and the style of football is evermore getting mixed .Which is a good thing so long as we keep the tempo of the game high.

I generally think we have an inferior complex on our own game rather than being an inferior side against the likes of Brazil ,France or Spain.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:45 pm
£100 on England to win the world cup @ 8/1 get on it or lose out

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:04 pm
by SouthCoastShankly
You can argue that the technique factor in a player is regional to a certain extent, if you look at similar playing style countries like Germany, Sweden, etc they have the same problem - they don't produce natural flair players. Southern Europe has more tendencies to and due to the Portuguese link to Brazil, that’s why Brazil has that flair style game.

Slowly with the introduction of foreign players from various countries, the British style of play is adapting. SWP and players like Joe Cole are breaking the mould of the standard northern European style of play, which will bring more success. The northern European style of playing still has advantages though, a lot of technical teams find it hard to play against high pace and physical teams such as England and the premiership in general.

We are tough opposition; we just have to generate the right winning mentality. English club team tend to have more success in European football due to the winning mentality brought in by foreign players. The next step is to take it to the international level, we have seen moments of belief - look at 5-1 Germany

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:18 pm
by kaz the kopite
if a team like titenham(spurs) can beat us to the signings of vandermeyde and

kuijt then we are in trouble!

where the f**k are they getting all this money from?

after buying half the england u21 side!

frustraded dudes! :sniffle  :help

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:32 pm
by SouthCoastShankly
well they're tight @rses most years, they probably have 10 years worth of transfer money ready to spend

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:43 pm
by stmichael
Interesting thread.

People I speak to seem content with the excuse that other countries like Brazil, Argentina, France, Holland etc. are ‘’more technically gifted’’ than the English. How can this be? They are the same species as us! The government seems to think the answer is investment in grass roots football. I tell you something, it is the opposite.

How much do you think the Brazilian government spend on grass roots football? Exactly. Nothing. The reason South Americans, Continental Europeans etc. appear to be more technically gifted is that they learn their skills kicking a tennis ball around between about 40 of them. That’s how you learn your skills, because you know that if you don’t get out of the way you are going to get whacked! You don’t learn football by joining a team at 7 years old and being told by some bloke who’s never played football in his life to pass the ball quickly and run around like a loony. I say let them run with the ball, if they want to try something different, let them. Let the kids kick around amongst themselves until they get to around 12 or 13 and then when they join teams they will be so much more technically gifted, and in the end they will allow us to compete on the world stage.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:02 pm
by El Nino_#9
i agree, its all down to "futsal"

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 8:31 pm
by RedorDead
I don't think there is a huge gulf between the top british players and top continental players, there are as many world class players in the England team as there are in the Italian and Spanish and french teams. Any gulf there is shrinking as young british players are having to get better to compete with foreign imports and I hope to see a rise in young british talent over the next few years, there are signs of it already with SWP and Rooney and the like.
Some mentioned that we are the best players as we won the European Cup but in fairness to this topic's author this backs his argument as all but two of our players that night were not English. Anyway, I have no concerns and have high hopes for the world cup.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:06 pm
by JBG
Tottenham are actually a wealthy club (Deloitte put them as the 15th wealtiest club in the world for 2004) despite their lack of success in modern times. Money is never short, although I suspect this year they are borrowing a lot of money in a gamble to qualify for the Champions League, a bit like Leeds before but perhaps not quite yet on the same level.

The fact that they were prepared to pay £14million for Baptista is interesting.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 2:39 am
by JohnBull
I can see Spurs going along the same lines as us.
They now have a decent manager who has a picture of where he wants the club to go and the knowledge to sign the right players. He's not chasing the Galaticos but building a TEAM.
As far as the "superior tacticians" are concerned - it's rubbish. We could hold our own in Italy, Spain or Germany their top teams wouldn't last the season here.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:18 am
by Alonso14
JohnBull wrote:I can see Spurs going along the same lines as us.
They now have a decent manager who has a picture of where he wants the club to go and the knowledge to sign the right players. He's not chasing the Galaticos but building a TEAM.
As far as the "superior tacticians" are concerned - it's rubbish. We could hold our own in Italy, Spain or Germany their top teams wouldn't last the season here.

They certainly looked like a team for the future signing alot of young youth. But since Frank Arneson got tapped up by chelsea will there signings by the same and will they cary out the same philiosphy. Only time will tell i guess. They'v also 99% sure to have sealed Egder Davids so it will be interesting how he develops there.

On a funnyer note Chelsea take on AC Malian tonight! 

:D   :p   :D