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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:40 pm
by FrankM
Leonmc0708 wrote:
FrankM wrote:I know about the S*n and Ta*ksport but are there any other newspapers or TV stations we should not read or watch. Doesn't Murdoch own the S*n and Sky?
Can we have a full list of outlawed media please?

If you are being funny then do not bother sucker.

There is no room for joking when that particular rag is concerned.  :veryangry  :veryangry  :veryangry  :veryangry  :veryangry

You know Leon the more I read your posts the more convinced I become that you are a di*khead. I simply asked a question but as usual you have to take the cynical view of it.

If you want to crucify everyone who makes a post that gets up your cynical nose then all I can say you would be better off not being here at all.

otherwise just answer the question asked. I am sure that with your superior knowledge you will not have a problem with that.

As others have said FFS chill out.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:46 pm
by tubby
I thought this was a friendly forum.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:47 pm
by Roger Red Hat
FrankM wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:
FrankM wrote:I know about the S*n and Ta*ksport but are there any other newspapers or TV stations we should not read or watch. Doesn't Murdoch own the S*n and Sky?
Can we have a full list of outlawed media please?

If you are being funny then do not bother sucker.

There is no room for joking when that particular rag is concerned.  :veryangry  :veryangry  :veryangry  :veryangry  :veryangry

You know Leon the more I read your posts the more convinced I become that you are a di*khead. I simply asked a question but as usual you have to take the cynical view of it.

If you want to crucify everyone who makes a post that gets up your cynical nose then all I can say you would be better off not being here at all.

otherwise just answer the question asked. I am sure that with your superior knowledge you will not have a problem with that.

As others have said FFS chill out.

here we go..... here we go ..... here we go.......  :D

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:48 pm
by Roger Red Hat
bavlondon wrote:I thought this was a friendly forum.

that is a rumour. Shouldn't it be posted in the rumour thread, ffs, mods ban this user!  :D

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:54 pm
by 7_Kewell
that is a rumour. Shouldn't it be posted in the rumour thread, ffs, mods ban this user!   

totally agree with you tho Lee....i'm sick of people posting abuse to others members for stupid and trivial reasons...either grow up or get out....we are all sick of childish rants and abuse, and i think i speak for the majority here.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:55 pm
by Garymac
Im up for everyone not buying the star anymore in Liverpool as well, its a cu*t of a news paper. anyway thats all i wanted to say, over to Frank and Leon.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:17 pm
by FrankM
FrankM wrote:I know about the S*n and Ta*ksport but are there any other newspapers or TV stations we should not read or watch. Doesn't Murdoch own the S*n and Sky?
Can we have a full list of outlawed media please?

Please disregard the above post and replace it with the following:

I hope you will not mind if I take up a few minutes of your time to ask if there are any other newspapers or TV stations ( apart fron the *** and **********)that we should not read or watch. For example doesn't Murdoch own *** and the *** so maybe we should not watch matches on ***.

I would be grateful for any assistance you may offer, and incidentally this is a serious question and is not meant to hurt or offend anyone intentionally. If anyone, (i.e. those of a cynical nature or those who are constantly on the lookout for conspiracy theories), is offended or hurt, then I am sorry but I am afraid that you will continue to be hurt and offended simply by reading the many posts that appear on this forum, not just from me but from all the other genuine posters who are members.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:39 pm
by Leonmc0708
Can we have a full list of the outlawed media sounds to me like someone taking the michael.

If it wasnt I apologise for the rant but make no apolgies whatsoever for hating that paper, radio station and media gobs.*i*e and ANYONE who reads listens to or likes them.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:53 pm
by FrankM
Leonmc0708 wrote:Can we have a full list of the outlawed media sounds to me like someone taking the michael.

If it wasnt I apologise for the rant but make no apolgies whatsoever for hating that paper, radio station and media gobs.*i*e and ANYONE who reads listens to or likes them.

Let me assure you Leon that I wouldn't wipe my a*se with the S*n, nor would I subject my precious hearing to the spewings of Talksport.

I was merely enquiring if there are any other media outlets that I might be unwittingly reading or listening to.

Nothing more nothing less