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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:10 pm
by LFC #1
I would go with





topic scared the ****** out of me also. :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:17 pm
by LFC #1
Nando wrote:and defoe should be ahead of andrew johnson

no he shouldn't.

Johnson has scored 20 goals in a poor Palace team, without him they would be no chance of staying up. Many of his gols have been pens yes, but he has scored those pens, plus he was the one who earned many of them in the first place.

Defoe has scored 13 goals in a pretty good spurs side, not to take anything away from him as he is a class act also.

both good players though, who are young, and tbh i wouldn't mind seeing either of them at Liverpool.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:40 pm
by Nando
LFC #1 wrote:
Nando wrote:and defoe should be ahead of andrew johnson

no he shouldn't.

Johnson has scored 20 goals in a poor Palace team, without him they would be no chance of staying up. Many of his gols have been pens yes, but he has scored those pens, plus he was the one who earned many of them in the first place.

Defoe has scored 13 goals in a pretty good spurs side, not to take anything away from him as he is a class act also.

both good players though, who are young, and tbh i wouldn't mind seeing either of them at Liverpool.

im just blinded by my personal affection for defoe, hes just amazing, he scores all kinds of goals and is a bit greedy at times but has a real desire to put goals in the back of the net, in spite of his lack of height he can be a handful and is 1 of those dickov type players, Defoe will be there next season mark my words

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:44 pm
by LFC #1
fair enough mate, he is a class act but if we wanted him he would cost around 15-20 million probably.

if Palace go down, Johnson would cost a lot less than what was being said he would cost in January, when Rafa was supposedly interested. Around 3-5 million probably, and IMO for that sort of price he is worth it if Baros leaves.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:05 pm
by Nando
i do like how he plays along the line and would be very reminiscent to michael owen, i do think hes a good player and i really do hope that if palace stay up or if johnson remains in the premiership he can clear himself off his diving tag as it could have a detrimental effect on him, he isnt a diver more so than any other premiership striker, we have to accept this is the modern era of the game and people will go down

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:44 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
I would probably put Finnan ahead of G. Nevile, Carragher would definitely be close.

God knows how Gerrard got in there. Since the New Year he has been c.r.a.p, by anyone’s standards.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:24 pm
by L-type
hawkmoon269 wrote:FFS StMicky...I had a sh1t attack when I read this topic on the board - thought they were injured for Wednesday!!!! trousers please!

Oh my god, I know !  If i was an admin i'd be tempted to press the ban button, but then I'd be put back in my place after I realized it was all in good spirit  :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:45 pm
by 115-1073096938
Gary Neville in the team of the season? Yeah right. Finnan and Paulo Ferreira have both been far far superior. I'd even give Finnan the nod as Ferreira is currently injured. And as for Rio ahead of Carra, that's just an absolute disgrace considering the former has the memory of a goldfish and didn't even play until mid september. The fact he got ripped to shreds by Dunc the Drunk should have put pay to him being in there.

Even Gerrard being there is a joke. As much as it pains me to say it, I'd put Tim Cahill in there ahead of him.

Agreed 100% with Finnan and Ferreira, Ferreira is the better player and Finnan is alot more consistent than Neville.

However i think you're being incredibly naive about Ferdinand. The mans a ****** rock. He's the best centre half in the country bar none and easily one of the worlds top three. Think about what he's playing with... Neville, Silvestre, Brown and Heinze (excellent player) and there goalkeepers and then look at there defensive record.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:54 pm
by Red Indian
Apparently we had a chance to buy him (Ferdinand) couple of seasons before Manure but Houllier decided against it.  I'd defo put Carra ahead of him though coz he's played the whole season and has been our best player in most games, if not all them

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:58 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
Red Indian wrote:Apparently we had a chance to buy him (Ferdinand) couple of seasons before Manure but Houllier decided against it.  I'd defo put Carra ahead of him though coz he's played the whole season and has been our best player in most games, if not all them

Yeah Houllier wanted to buy him before he went to Leeds but he was just too much for us.

He is a fantastic player, I used to criticise him in his early years for playing around too much the back and making silly mistakes, but he has taken that one weakness out of his game and has matured into one of the best defender in the world.

Also, Sol Campbell didn't even bother turning up for the arranged meeting with us prior to him leaving spurs.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:41 pm
by Ace Ventura
Ferdinand is a better player there is no question about that...BUT if its a team of the season then Carragher shoud be ahead of him without doubt, he has been awesome this year, Ferdinand has done ok but theres no comparison on form this season.
To have Gary Neville in there is a joke.