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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:28 am
by Sabre
Lando_Griffin wrote:
Liverpool? wrote:
fivecups wrote:What about Rafa sitting on the grass meditating - like the Dalai Lama - class!

What about Rafa sitting on the grass meditating - like the Dalai Lama - class!

Yeah, and you're :censored: faggot!!


What the :censored: is Livepool??


Now then you f*cking a*se-raping c*ck swallower - why don't you f*ck off back to your sh*tty Manc inbred cave and bugger your Dad to work off your nervous energy?

Listen here, you sh*t-stain on a Harlot's tampon - you'll always be behind us - you can never overtake us - we are the best, no matter WHAT your scruffy sh*thouse team has to say about it.

Stick yer f*cking gay, tangerine-tinted Avon ladyboy up your f*cking a*se, you whore-peddling, syphilitic cum-muncher.

Get yer rat-faced inbred, wire-tached Beckham-buggerer and stick him where the Sun doesn't shine, you incestuous little wankbandit.

Take that red-nosed, gum-gobbling gimp back to f*cking Scotland and tell him to get himself down the AA. Does the crinkly, scarlet-faced infected pimple on the anus of society realise that he should have milk with his Weetabix, not f*cking Whiskey? Tell him - he can get this milk from the local shop, rather than having to stand about "milking" those cheating, a*se-raiding donkey-rapers he laughably refers to as "players."

And as for that fat, burger-biting-bottom-buggerer - just tell him to remember his roots (even if they ARE blue), and that NO scouser sells out to that steaming mound of Whale sh*t you retards call a club.

Get f*cked off, yer monkey-mating, cest-pool dwelling b*llock-botherers.

Come on Milan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :laugh:

He's right. You know?


PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:31 am
well done lando . i was gonna put that.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:33 am
by The Manhattan Project
What about Rafa sitting on the grass meditating - like the Dalai Lama - class!

That was cool.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:39 am
by bittenByTheAnfieldBug
Needless to say I don't post much, but this was :censored:¡ng awesome.

I don't think the PK shoot-out was unfair this time, as one team had confidence and the other sh¡tted their pants. They shot so bad, Reina could have stopped them all with a bit more luck.

Eat that moaninho, good luck next year wherever you are. No wait, fail miserably next year again.

Chelsh¡t will be behind Liverpool next year in the premiership. Mark my words. Manure is the enemy now.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:41 am
by Kharhaz
I have to disagree im afraid, people who posts comments regarding past tragedys dont warrant my attention, this parasites comment shouldnt have made it on this board and im not going to lower myself by replying to it. I look at the responses made to the death of Sir Alan Ball and realise that its the heros that warrant my attention, and not halfwits with crude comments.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:42 am
by Huck
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Fecking beautiful victory...I knew Pepe would do it...

I was watching it at the pub, I have the same number of beers each match I watch there but i'm afraid it has been a bit different today, I have just got home and u can't imagine how often I'm having to corect what i write :D  .... and yes, I could only laugh my :censored: off with that boy at the end...he was crying for having a father that makes him support those basttards.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:45 am
by redtrader74
Anyone got a picture of the crying chelski 'patrons'?

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:45 am
by The_Rock
why do we always have to do things the hard way ???  :p

thanks for the performance lads..... another champ league final.


Come on Milan..beat the scums.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:48 am
by Emerald Red
I'm just hoping we score goals in the final. I don't want to be shitting myself again. I'll have to start growing my nails back, and even my toe nails.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:48 am
by daxy1
Huck wrote:CONGRATULATIONS!!! Fecking beautiful victory...I knew Pepe would do it...

I was watching it at the pub, I have the same number of beers each match I watch there but i'm afraid it has been a bit different today, I have just got home and u can't imagine how often I'm having to corect what i write :D  .... and yes, I could only laugh my :censored: off with that boy at the end...he was crying for having a father that makes him support those basttards.

ahhh i know who you were on about now at the end of the game some snotty little chav was givin us gyp little rent boy
he was cryin his little eyes out (best get used to it)

also i was on the tv i was goin nutts after the goal i got 6 txts off people sayin i was on for about 5 seconds  i was the good good lookin lad about 6ft 5in skinhead grey t-shirt goin off me chunk

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:49 am
by zarababe
are we all feeling positive +++ i thought the place was gonna explode of doom when the team was announced - Glad I had some sense amongst the doom merchants :D

RAfa Benitez - GURU

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:49 am
by Sabre
I have to work tomorrow, so I'm off to bed.  I'll wake up happy. I've banned the WUM now, See you all tomorrow, and congratulations, those nights are nights to enjoy.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:50 am
by premiership fan
Penalty Shootout , Celebrations, Interviews on

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:50 am
by Emerald Red

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:52 am
by Homebooby
Feck me, my heart is still racing as I type this. I was out at a concert when this played and rushed straight home to watch it....late one for me.

That was hard to watch at times, but we looked good for a lot of the game, tired towards the end.

Pepe, you are a star much for Cech the best biggest and most wonderful keeper in the showed em.

Well done to all the 4 lads for putting the 4 pens away. I was convinced Zenden was going to miss, but he set us down the right track.

How BRILLIANT was that little look that Rafa gave his watch when Pepe saved the 2nd one? LMFAO.

Finally, well done and my thanks to all the fans. You were the deciding factor of that shootout.

Let's hope the final is a little more straight forward. I don't think my ticky ticker can take it.