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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:59 pm
by aCe'
Well i guess if we play Gerrard down the right we'd have 10 players playing their natural positions with Gerrard playing in a position he's played in and shined at before..
Playing Gerrard in the middle (ATM) would mean that one of Babel, Kuyt or Benny would have to play down the right side.. which is never good in my books...
Id actually give Babel a shot there or PENNANT FFS ! anyways for now i wouldnt bother much about who to play down the right side against the shtty teams in the league (Stoke's game being the prime example) but against the better sides id expect Gerrard, Alonso and Mascherano to all start and the only way i can see that happening with both 20+mill strikers being on is by playing Gerrard out wide...
Till we ccan get a proper right winger, im afraid Gerrard is goin to have to settle for being our .....argh bored of typing... im out