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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:04 pm
by Kopjon
Barton Barton Barton, Joey Joey Barton, thats who i'd have in like a shot.  He's got a double hard attitude, prepared to give people a kick and can go from box to box - ala vieira/ keane style. Without Sissoko we miss that kind of player and if we dont get him, one of the big 3 will if he keeps playing like he is.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:05 pm
by ConnO'var
btw.... I say we forget Neil..... it's bad enuff that he's a thug.... but holding out for more money and willing to consider West Ham instead of us?? ??? if true, then all he is is a greedy thug... someone we could do without.... :no  :no

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:38 pm
by woof woof !
stmichael wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:Not to late to consider a bid for Hienze , saw something on sky earlier about Man U prepared to let him go . Good player and hasn't been at ManU long enough to be considered real scum   :D


mentioned on sky earlier today ,must admit I was surprised to hear it, he seemed to me to be one of their better players a kind of Robbie Savage but WITH SKILL 


PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:50 pm
by Anfield rapper
"Rafa losing patience with Neill   
Written by Jim Boardman
Wednesday, 17 January 2007 

As we predicted earlier today, Rafa Benítez has started to become impatient with Blackburn defender Lucas Neill and says he’ll be calling the deal off if the Australian international doesn’t make a decision soon.

Liverpool had agreed the terms of a deal with Blackburn, and put a deal forward to Neill. At the last minute Neill received another offer, from West Ham, for more money. Rather than turning down the relegation-threatened London side he decided – through his advisors – to ask Liverpool for more money first. And that’s where things stuck.

Rafa sounded frustrated, a sure sign Neill has to make his mind up fast, when asked about this deal: “We are continuing working on these things but we will not wait. If a player wants to come to play for Liverpool, he must say yes quickly. If he thinks about it for too long, maybe it’s a signal it’s time for us to look for other players. We have alternatives.”

Benítez has made it clear in the past he doesn’t approve of players who seem more interested in money than playing for the club. He accepts money is important to a player, but won’t be held to ransom. If Neill can’t put his on-the-field ambitions ahead of his financial ambitions he won’t become a Red, and in the eyes of many Liverpool supporters that’s no bad thing.

According to the Liverpool Echo, Liverpool are disappointed behind the scenes that Neill’s advisors are putting the financial side ahead of the playing side. Obviously their cut of any fees would be higher should Neill take the big money, believed to be as high as £50,000 per week. Unless West Ham’s gamble pays off and they survive relegation, there’s no way Neill can expect to still be earning that kind of money in the Championship.  Neill is believed to favour a move to Anfield, something he has described in the past as his “dream move”, but his advisors are trying hard to persuade him otherwise. "

Some fu*king advisors he's got. Do they actually think we would pay him more just because West Ham are willing too? They could very well end up in the championship next year so he has to make the choice between lower wages and a top for team in the CL or bigger wages at a team that might be relegated. He would surley have a clause in his contract so he could move if they got relegated, but why the fu*k would he want to play for a bottom half of the league club instead of us? If its just for extra money he's an idiot.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:55 pm
by destro
F.uck him off !

First question Rafa should ask any future signing  is "Why do you want to play for the mighty LIVERPOOL F.C and what would it mean to you ?" Not "How much are you looking to earn per week ?" :angry:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:03 pm
by kopite_1232002
end of the day if the fella wants money more than the red shirt then he can :censored: off, end of, i dont want people like that playing for the reds, abit like lee bowyer a few years back the inbread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:05 pm
by account deleted by request
woof woof ! wrote:Not to late to consider a bid for Hienze , saw something on sky earlier about Man U prepared to let him go . Good player and hasn't been at ManU long enough to be considered real scum   :D

If Fergie is letting Heinze go, I would get in quick because he was amazing last season.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:09 pm
by CarlosRocks
Heinze would be a good buy. he was a great player last season and he also scored a few goals i think.....

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:16 pm
by A.B.
It appears Neill is set to join West Ham due to them offering higher wages.

Manure want to sign Gareth Bale from Soton so they're prepared to let Heinze go.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:26 pm
by davo_LFC
Fuck the cunt, hes a dirty scumbag anyway, he could have been a good player at us but if he values money more than success then he can fuck right off. How can a professional footballer choose west Fucking ham over one of the greatest clubs in the world? Beyond belief and its not as if we are offering him peanuts, he'd be getting a decent wage and most people would kill to wear the red shirt, let alone get paid to do so.

On heinze, i reckon we should snap him up for first choice left back and cover for centre half, hes a really good player and i cant believe their letting him go. Doubt that one would happen though because they will be wanting a return on what they paid for him i would imagine, 7mil-ish and i'd doubt they'd even contemplate selling him to us.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:13 am
by kopite_1232002
End of the day im not goin to slag the lad off untill i see him in a westham top,
iv he does sign for them he is a money grappin (see u next tuesday), but not untill i see him in a west ham shirt

The lad must be off his barnet to sign for them any way, i think harry needs to get on the blower

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:44 am
by A.B.
kopite_1232002 wrote:End of the day im not goin to slag the lad off untill i see him in a westham top,
iv he does sign for them he is a money grappin (see u next tuesday), but not untill i see him in a west ham shirt

The lad must be off his barnet to sign for them any way, i think harry needs to get on the blower

The deal is done and dusted, he's going to play for West Ham according to his agent. West Ham are giving him 50,000 pounds a week, he's a mercenary. He chose money over Champions League football.

The Times

..."Neill, the Blackburn Rovers defender, was expected to travel to London last night to undergo a medical examination and put the finishing touches to a £1.25 million move. The deal has left Liverpool in a state of bemusement, given that the Australian was thought to have set his heart on a move to Anfield, but the Merseyside club were unwilling to match the financial terms on offer at West Ham, where Neill is expected to earn more than £50,000 a week. “Lucas has agreed terms on a 2½-year deal with West Ham and is looking to the challenge ahead,” Peter Harrison, his agent, said last night.

If Neill’s decision to turn his back on the prospect of Champions League football in favour of a relegation scrap hints of a lack of ambition, the 28-year-old does at least have a contingency plan in place. He is understood to have insisted on a clause in his contract that allows him to leave Upton Park if West Ham are relegated, although he may be forced to cross Merseyside off any list of possible summer destinations....."

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:13 am
by skipper
If he wants to choose a team that is in danger of relegation over a top 3 team with CL football, then he obviously isn't mentally fit to play for us.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:24 am
by The Manhattan Project
-throws away my Liverpool shirt with "Neill" on the back-



PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:24 am
by Elchris
rafa says if neill decides to go elsewhere :angry: * i hope he does

he had other players in mind....

GOD I HOPE HEINZE is one of 5 million he's a bargain but if we wanted him i guess it could cost more :(