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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:59 pm
by maguskwt
bigmick wrote:Odd that this thread got moved, it was generating some fairly lively debate  ??? I know it's a poll, but the poll element was very much secondary it seemed to me and was only being used as the basis for a discussion. I suppose that's why nobodies posted in it for four hours.

I agree there are alot of very good football discussions in this thread which shows alot of different opinions and has been a pleasure reading them. I am more of a reader than a poster. I'm just not liking this recent strict segregation of threads into Polls, discussions, game threads etc...

I know rules are rules, but may I request the Mods to consider accepting this thread as an exception to the rule and move it back to the General Discussion...

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:53 pm
by red till i die!!
i voted for rafa and the owners but feel the squad has to shoulder some of the blame.
at the end of last season it was impossible to comprehend that we wouldnt challenge strongly for this years title.
rafa deserves some flak for his relentless public chase of barry,for letting alonso leave,(he could have struck a deal to let him go next summer).i dont blame alonso but he had a contract with us and if aould whiskey nose can tell players there going nowhere then why cant benitez.johnson was a good signing and although aquilani was a forced one, hopefully he can regain his fitness and quickly adapt to the team.he should have got a quality striker to back up torres,hell keane would have done or even took negredo as part of the alonso deal!!.
the man is baffling at the best of times.

:( .
the owners for being the lying sack of :censored: they are.for not realising that it takes passion,guts and heart to own a club like liverpool!!!.
they will never understand the importance of this club to its fans or what it will feel like if the scum lift the title again this year.:angry: .

the squad for the recent slip in form,for too many players still afraid to stand up and be counted and for the lack of belief and confidence in themselves to play to their potential.the league has never been won in october!!! :laugh: .

to rafa i say,grow a spine,steady the ship and sort yerself out!!!.

to the yanks!!! i hear aussie rules is up and coming and going global!!! you can get in cheap now if your quick and could make a real killing and global domination with the sydney swans!! hell who knows maybe someday you,s can take over the world together!! so go dooo one in austrailia and foooook off out of our club!!!!!!! :p .

to the squad,you are what you are and it aint gonna change anytime soon,so cmon guys believe in yourselves and play to each others strenghts and turn it around, nows the time to make your noise!!
start by beating the scum on sunday and getting down to buisness.
1.0 would be fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:08 pm
by Bad Bob
Okay, I've moved this topic over to general discussion but I can never fathom why people get so wound up about this stuff.  Do people not just use the "New Posts" button at the top of the page?  You click that and you get all the active threads receiving new posts since you last looked, regardless of what section of the forum they're in.  Get onto that if you're not using it already--it saves everyone a lot of aggro.  :D

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:01 pm
by maguskwt
Thanks alot Bob  :) ... and no I don't really know about that function... :D