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PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:30 pm
by mistyred
I just can't undertand what the fundermental problem is with the team i just wish sometimes the game was played on paper instead a grass.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:32 pm
by SteveGInDaHouse
Dudek is great and he's a very good keeper! Every1 makes mistakes !
I'm ****** hate Rooney the big fat pig and I'm very sorry for Steve!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:32 pm
by anfieldadorer
cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Dudek goes to pieces everytime we play them why?
Remember Forlan he gifted him 2 goals aswell :angry:

there are times a player plays under par, BUT WHY AGAINST MANSH1T !!!  :angry:

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:35 pm
by A.B.
Got to admit, Benitez didn't coach well today. Riise, when on the ball was making all the right moves, Morientes should have been left on, he was the focal point up until his sub. Pelle showed what he can do, but needed to be rested, he ran out of legs, and although for his experience, couldnt keep up with the game, but he shut Saha down very well. Should have played 3-4-3 when Pongolle came on, and Pelle should have been subed at that time.
Other than that, Dudek, methinks, feels comfortable knowing that he is the only keeper in the side for the moment, and had another terrible lapse of concentration. Their goal was certainly against the run of play, and Dudek really should have done SO much better than trying to push it away for a corner. But, Shrek should have been shut down a lot earlier in that play.
Not a good day by any means.

You have your opinion but its the worst opinion I've heard all day. You can't blame Benitez or the ref. You can blame the players because they didn't even bother to play together and create space for one another.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:37 pm
by yckatbjywtbiastkamb
yeah, we were`nt good enough today, a lot of our players didnt turn up, gerrard included. we miss alonso desperately, we havent controlled a midfield since he went off against chelsea. he doesn`t flap in possession even in heavy traffic.
i suppose a bright spot is the defence, even when rearranged we reduced united to speculative long range efforts, admittedly one soft one went in and one hit the bar but thats down to the keeper.
were still in the cup competitions and are in a good position to get fourth in the league, and if we can keep hold of our best players i think next season we will have a title challenging side.

                                a keeper

  finnan         carragher            hypia           riise
  cisse           gerrard              alonso           kewell

                   baros               morientes

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:39 pm
by A.B.
We need to give Biscan a few runs to see if he can get anything done in the midfield. Give Hamann a rest and try out Biscan. He did well against Deportivo and in other games he started. I understand that he has been poor under Houllier but we got to work with what we have.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:39 pm
by mistyred
Once players are on the field there is absolutely nothing the gafa can do BUT what you can say is team selection which on paper looked great, i just think the substitutions did not go well.

Fed up just plain fed up


PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:42 pm
by Ciggy
Ok Ok this forum is for all to post on but why is that manc b@stard here replying in topics winding us up? :angry:
Now is not the time for rubbing people up the wrong way.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:43 pm
by el_stinger
A.B. wrote:
Got to admit, Benitez didn't coach well today. Riise, when on the ball was making all the right moves, Morientes should have been left on, he was the focal point up until his sub. Pelle showed what he can do, but needed to be rested, he ran out of legs, and although for his experience, couldnt keep up with the game, but he shut Saha down very well. Should have played 3-4-3 when Pongolle came on, and Pelle should have been subed at that time.
Other than that, Dudek, methinks, feels comfortable knowing that he is the only keeper in the side for the moment, and had another terrible lapse of concentration. Their goal was certainly against the run of play, and Dudek really should have done SO much better than trying to push it away for a corner. But, Shrek should have been shut down a lot earlier in that play.
Not a good day by any means.

You have your opinion but its the worst opinion I've heard all day. You can't blame Benitez or the ref. You can blame the players because they didn't even bother to play together and create space for one another.

Well, I'm speaking from having experienced coaching at a high level, and I felt that Rafa, (he is a great coach and manager, don't get me wrong) might have beaten Fergs by leaving the play maker (Riise) and leaving Mori (he cried he was tired, that may be a given, but he needs the fitness anyway) as he was the focal point for our attack. Yes, I agree, we didn't play as a team, but, maybe if the passage of play would have been more directive to our main players (Risse and Mori) it would have been a different game.
Everyone worked below average today, and I think Rafa's performance was as well. Again its my opinion, and Rafa could have been the best performance as coach today, but man, im just so disapointed at everyone at the moment, and looking for ways after the game on how we could have beaten the Scum.
Sorry if my original post offended you.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:43 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
I think two players didn't played well today . Hamman to slow and weak for this game, he should cover or protect the defend, with that SG can play just behind Baros and Nando. I think Carra should play in the centre of the midfield .

Dudek is other player that cost us 3 point . He seems lack of confident since the two goals that Forlan scores two years ago.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:44 pm
by el_stinger
yckatbjywtbiastkamb wrote:yeah, we were`nt good enough today, a lot of our players didnt turn up, gerrard included. we miss alonso desperately, we havent controlled a midfield since he went off against chelsea. he doesn`t flap in possession even in heavy traffic.
i suppose a bright spot is the defence, even when rearranged we reduced united to speculative long range efforts, admittedly one soft one went in and one hit the bar but thats down to the keeper.
were still in the cup competitions and are in a good position to get fourth in the league, and if we can keep hold of our best players i think next season we will have a title challenging side.

                                a keeper

  finnan         carragher            hypia           riise
  cisse           gerrard              alonso           kewell

                   baros               morientes

Cisse??? Right -Wing? ??? You on drugs? ???

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:47 pm
by bigmick
I'm not agreeing with Yckat's selection necessarily but to be fair, Cisse was playing wide right most of the time before his injury so its not that ridiculous. There is also a precedent where Henri played there quite a lot when he was younger.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:48 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
I worry if Liverpool won't get into the CL for next season and going to lose SG .:(

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:51 pm
by A.B.
Carra didn't play in his usual position because Finnan is injured. Injuries are no execuse, we survived with lethal injuries and we can continue to do so but today we were just poor as a team.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:53 pm
by el_stinger
bigmick wrote:I'm not agreeing with Yckat's selection necessarily but to be fair, Cisse was playing wide right most of the time before his injury so its not that ridiculous. There is also a precedent where Henri played there quite a lot when he was younger.

Maybe, im just not too sure about him being a right winger.