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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:14 pm
by aCe'
aCe' wrote:
Ciggy wrote:People on this forum have lost the plot seriously offering people out in car parks because of Woy, get a grip ffs hes a :censored: manager and now we are a :censored: club deal with it. Because of the abuse you gave to Rafa reap your reward you gang of tw@ts


gotta love pinheads !

Maybe im just making sht up  :Oo:

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:17 pm
by tubby
Ok well you have to look at the context in which it was said Ace. We have gone from a team that almost won the league a few years ago to a team that is no longer in the top 4 and 5/6th place is a now our target. We are skint and as a result we have lost some key players over the years and that could still continue into this summer, and that's not even mentioning pushing out one of the most respected managers in Europe for him to be snapped up by the current European Cup holders.

It's a fair reflection on the current state of affairs at the club.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:41 pm
I admire anyone's honesty in saying  it exactly as they see it ... and Ciggy  always does exactly that ... so its a bit rich that people expect her now to tread on the most fragile of  egg shells ,its no secret that fans and posters are still a bit raw were the new manager is concerned and indeed the underhand contemptuous  manner in which Benitez was jettisoned .... as I stated you always get honesty from Ciggs and although not everyone adheres to her views there are no hidden layers with her she wears her heart on her proverbial sleeve and she has been for some time a respected poster ................. I know who I would want fighting my corner if it came to a battle  and those names would include Ciggy and Nan two of the most passionate supporters on this forum and have been for some considerable time ... so get off her case ....

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:41 pm
by aCe'
bavlondon wrote:Ok well you have to look at the context in which it was said Ace. We have gone from a team that almost won the league a few years ago to a team that is no longer in the top 4 and 5/6th place is a now our target. We are skint and as a result we have lost some key players over the years and that could still continue into this summer, and that's not even mentioning pushing out one of the most respected managers in Europe for him to be snapped up by the current European Cup holders.

It's a fair reflection on the current state of affairs at the club.

Perhaps all genuine concerns Bav but i find it hard to believe that with no ball kicked yet we have fans coming out insulting the manager as such and suggesting his appointment will only exacerbate our problems...

I dont think its a fair reflection at all... We were a sh!t club last season... Mostly due to issues on the pitch... Over the past few years we've seen players like Torres, Mascherano, Johnson, Keane..etc arrive at the club and all for big fees... Meanwhile the only KEY player to have left the club was Alonso and we all know that had more to do with politics than it did a need for money..

And talking about context... The new manager represents a new beginning for the club at least in footballing terms.. He has a tough task ahead of him, we all know that, but surely if anything that means we need to support him now more than ever...
At-least wait until he start fcking up ffs  :D

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:02 pm
by dundreamin
I,ve never seen this before,slagging a new manager before a ball has been kicked.It,s a DISGRACE and it,s not the liverpool way.To all you moaning gits out there,GET A GRIP

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:51 pm
by Zidane
Not only has the club gone downhill, its supporters have as well.  Sad times.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:09 pm
by bigmick
Well I thought it was fair enough under the previous manager to voice an opinion, so equally I think it's fair enough to voice one now. The reality is that none of our opinions matter really, Roy doesn't read the forum and neither does anybody else who matters I shouldn't think.

Naturally I don't agree with the negativity, I didn't agree with negative people last season and I don't agree with them now, but that's what forums are all about. The good thing is we won't have to wait too long to see if people were justified or not in writing the manager off, calling him sh!t and the like before he's even had one game in charge. Who knows this time next year they could be proven 100% correct in their assessment.

While I totally believe everyone has right to both have an opinion and voice it, I just have a wish that on a forum everybody respects that. Just the same as overtly negative people have a right to voice their views, positive people do too, as long as we all remember that I don't see a problem. Call the manager Woy, call him sh!t, call him what you like, it doesn't really bother me overly. I never went in for actually abusing the manager myself, but it's for others to decide on the way to handle themselves, not for me.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:36 pm
by tubby
Thanks Mick. Glad to know we have your blessing. :D

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:43 pm
by bigmick
bavlondon wrote:Thanks Mick. Glad to know we have your blessing. :D

Yeah sorry if it reads like that Bav  :D . No, it's just that I know what it's like to voice an opinion and get absolutely slammed for it. Naturally I don't agree with yourself, Lyndsay, Nan and the rest, but you're entitled to your opinion is all I'm saying.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:58 pm
by dundreamin
yes it,s perfectly ok to voice a opinion, but to call a new manager :censored: with no basis that he is, is totally out of order. Imo i think a few of the managers brigade may be pleasantly surprised in the coming months

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:21 pm
by tubby
I hope so mate. Id like nothing more than things to work out on the pitch but for me they won't work out there until they are sorted off the pitch. Let's see first if he manages to keep Stevie and Fernando.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:22 pm
by bigmick
It's not "out of order" mate, they're basing their opinion on what the manager has done before, where he's been etc. It's only the same as if the new manager said he was going to sing Ade Adebola to play up top. People would no doubt say that he must be fecking joking, and they'd be right :D. They wouldn't wait until he'd played a dozen games in a red shirt in order to prove he is sh!t either.

The people who say Roy is sh!t are just plain wrong in my opinion, but they aren't "out of order". They are also ever so slightly hypocritical given that they absolutely tore into anyone who said a bad word about the previous manager, but as I've said before that's for them to reconcile, not for anyone else.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:38 pm
by tubby
Fair dues Mick. The beauty of an open forum is that there will be times where there is no general consensus.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:15 pm
by Benny The Noon
dundreamin wrote:yes it,s perfectly ok to voice a opinion, but to call a new manager :censored: with no basis that he is, is totally out of order. Imo i think a few of the managers brigade may be pleasantly surprised in the coming months

People are basing their opinion on Hodgson on his previous record which isn't exactly littered with trophies of a high prestige and people don't believe he is a manager to take us back into the good times and is only at the club to steady it until we are sold then hopefully a better manager arrives - until then he will get support .

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:27 am
by maypaxvobiscum
Ciggy wrote:Liverpool F.C never employs a sh!t feckin manager like Roy Hodgson lets get it out the way once and for all.
The fella went tp Llandudno on his holidays ffs that should tell you all you want to know.
Steady the ship? steady the ship cause we are heading towards the feckin ice berg thats why.

who gives a damn where he goes for his holidays?  :Oo: