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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:12 am
by bigmick
heimdall wrote:I'm actually getting a funny feeling as well, this could be the game we bounce back in, if we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit

One of the most annoying things about our downturn in form has been the emergence of posters such as yourself Heimdall. The curious mix of overt pessimism and total cluelessness, allied to the ability to produce maximum irritation by a turn of phrase (If we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit) have made me ashamed to be bracketed by some into the same camp as your good self.

It is my humble opinion that you are an idiot.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:20 am
by Elchris
heimdall wrote:
burjennio wrote:good to see a new day hasn't dampened the pessimism on the forum then :D

You heard it here first


call it a hunch or precognition but I am convinced this one is a 3 point banker, and I'll be letting Mr William Hill know exactly how I feel with some cold hard cash

I'm actually getting a funny feeling as well, this could be the game we bounce back in, if we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit although I'm still very far from happy with him and won't be putting on my rose tinted glasses just yet  :D

your a :censored: disgrace

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:23 am
by heimdall
bigmick wrote:
heimdall wrote:I'm actually getting a funny feeling as well, this could be the game we bounce back in, if we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit

One of the most annoying things about our downturn in form has been the emergence of posters such as yourself Heimdall. The curious mix of overt pessimism and total cluelessness, allied to the ability to produce maximum irritation by a turn of phrase (If we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit) have made me ashamed to be bracketed by some into the same camp as your good self.

It is my humble opinion that you are an idiot.

well it's my opinion that you're a bore, every frigging post you do is about rotation, change the record please. What have I said which is clueless?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:24 am
by heimdall
Elchris wrote:
heimdall wrote:
burjennio wrote:good to see a new day hasn't dampened the pessimism on the forum then :D

You heard it here first


call it a hunch or precognition but I am convinced this one is a 3 point banker, and I'll be letting Mr William Hill know exactly how I feel with some cold hard cash

I'm actually getting a funny feeling as well, this could be the game we bounce back in, if we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit although I'm still very far from happy with him and won't be putting on my rose tinted glasses just yet  :D

your a :censored: disgrace

what have I done to you, and what is disgraceful, I'm confused. When I try to be optimistic I get shot down in flames

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:32 am
by burjennio
can no-one have a polite debate on this site without it turning into name calling and insults? , slaggin for all the norn iron folks on here
Try and remember every1 has a right to an opinion, you may not agree with it but at least try and keep it civil

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:33 am
by Ciggy
burjennio wrote:can no-one have a polite debate on this site without it turning into name calling and insults? , slaggin for all the norn iron folks on here
Try and remember every1 has a right to an opinion, you may not agree with it but at least try and keep it civil

I think Heimdall is Norweigen not Northern Irish :D

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:34 am
by 66-1112520797
bigmick wrote:
heimdall wrote:I'm actually getting a funny feeling as well, this could be the game we bounce back in, if we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit

One of the most annoying things about our downturn in form has been the emergence of posters such as yourself Heimdall. The curious mix of overt pessimism and total cluelessness, allied to the ability to produce maximum irritation by a turn of phrase (If we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit) have made me ashamed to be bracketed by some into the same camp as your good self.

It is my humble opinion that you are an idiot.


Of late Micky your really starting to be more vocal in your opinions towards people.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:36 am
by bigmick
heimdall wrote:What have I said which is clueless?

Everything. I have read all four hundred and odd posts and am yet to stumble upon a single sentence which would make my assessment incorrect.

You're bang on about the bore thing though  :D Come to think of it, that's the best point you've made so far. Maybe you've turned the corner.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:38 am
by heimdall
Ciggy wrote:
burjennio wrote:can no-one have a polite debate on this site without it turning into name calling and insults? , slaggin for all the norn iron folks on here
Try and remember every1 has a right to an opinion, you may not agree with it but at least try and keep it civil

I think Heimdall is Norweigen not Northern Irish :D

Yes I am Norwegian. I'm really sorry if I have offended anyone with my opinions of late, I haven't been trying to wind anyone up I am just calling it as I see it, and at the moment I am not happy with where the club is.
Then when I try and be optimistic and put in a bit of humour about laying off Rafa, because I've been slating him lately, I get attacked like this.
Not a nice feeling at all since I respect you guys even if I don't always agree with you.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:38 am
by EddieC
bigmick wrote:Besides which, unless Rafa and Crouchie have had a little cuddle during the week it would be hard to imagine the big man starting

I think Crouch will start actually Mick, and is probably why he was left out on Wednesday when a lot of people thought he would play.

After last years performance the Arsenal players will be watching for Crouch, and I feel this could well lead to them taking their eye off other players & giving them a bit of space.

I agree we shouldn't play a traditional 4-5-1, more of a 4-4-1-1 with Torres off Crouch if he's fit with Gerrard on the right, or Gerrard off the front man with Benayoun & Babel out wide if Nando doesn't make it back in time.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:39 am
by Bad Bob
heimdall wrote:
bigmick wrote:
heimdall wrote:I'm actually getting a funny feeling as well, this could be the game we bounce back in, if we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit

One of the most annoying things about our downturn in form has been the emergence of posters such as yourself Heimdall. The curious mix of overt pessimism and total cluelessness, allied to the ability to produce maximum irritation by a turn of phrase (If we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit) have made me ashamed to be bracketed by some into the same camp as your good self.

It is my humble opinion that you are an idiot.

well it's my opinion that you're a bore, every frigging post you do is about rotation, change the record please. What have I said which is clueless?

Pot. Kettle. Black.

That's pretty rich coming from you, fella.  :no

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:40 am
by bigmick
Bamaga man wrote:Of late Micky your really starting to be more vocal in your opinions towards people.

It's by no means something which I'm particularly proud of mate. I guess now the mod shackles are off I'm making up for six months or so of repairing spats and i've gone a bit nasty  :D

I hope it won't be a permanent thing and that mr Heimdall won't be permanently bruised by my vicious onslaught. For what it's worth and in the interests of balance, I'm siure he's a smashing fella and he is entitled to his opinion. What does me in though is the absolutely overt negativity (which i guess is a bit rich coming from me). The difference is that at least I actually want the team to win, whereas I'm not sure he does.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:41 am
by heimdall
bigmick wrote:
heimdall wrote:What have I said which is clueless?

Everything. I have read all four hundred and odd posts and am yet to stumble upon a single sentence which would make my assessment incorrect.

You're bang on about the bore thing though  :D Come to think of it, that's the best point you've made so far. Maybe you've turned the corner.

That's a bit subjective though isn't it. Have you really read all of my posts, do you not have a life to live ??  :D

Just because I don't write the same huge posts that you do, you can't say I'm clueless, I try to be concise in what I say and I do try and back up my opinions but when people are blinkered then that won't work will it!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:42 am
by heimdall
Bad Bob wrote:
heimdall wrote:
bigmick wrote:
heimdall wrote:I'm actually getting a funny feeling as well, this could be the game we bounce back in, if we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit

One of the most annoying things about our downturn in form has been the emergence of posters such as yourself Heimdall. The curious mix of overt pessimism and total cluelessness, allied to the ability to produce maximum irritation by a turn of phrase (If we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit) have made me ashamed to be bracketed by some into the same camp as your good self.

It is my humble opinion that you are an idiot.

well it's my opinion that you're a bore, every frigging post you do is about rotation, change the record please. What have I said which is clueless?

Pot. Kettle. Black.

That's pretty rich coming from you, fella.  :no

LOL fair point, but I've not been on the same topic for quite the time BigMick has.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:43 am
by Sabre
bigmick wrote:
heimdall wrote:I'm actually getting a funny feeling as well, this could be the game we bounce back in, if we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit

One of the most annoying things about our downturn in form has been the emergence of posters such as yourself Heimdall. The curious mix of overt pessimism and total cluelessness, allied to the ability to produce maximum irritation by a turn of phrase (If we do I'll lay off Rafa for a bit) have made me ashamed to be bracketed by some into the same camp as your good self.

That's your fault!

You might be bracketed as rotationist because you are, but you will never be bracketed for not treating the manager or the players with the proper respect, which is the kind of thing that really pĂ­sses off the Rafa defenders, not the criticism of his methods. I think that difference is very important.