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PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:08 pm
by SouthCoastShankly
Igor Zidane wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:respect?  coaching??!  what a load of :censored:

He's not good enough AS A PLAYER and thats my opinon.  It would also be an opinion that's shared by Rafa...because could someone care to explain why he cannot get into the first team?

agree to diagree...but my opinion is Fowler was once one of our greatest he's unfit, slow and a shadow of the man he once was.  yes he was a great player...but so was BArnes and Rush.  If they were here taking 30k a week and doing nothing, i'd be calling for them to go too.

get out of the past and into the now...Dudek and Fowler arn't good enough...not even for the reserves.

coaching? who knows...but this thread is about our players...and mainly the ones who are not good enough.

Fair enough ,you don't think he's good enough anymore , but why make it so personal and slate his personal life or say things like " he's a shadow of the man he once was ". You don't even know the lad. Why so personal about the fella?

Saying someone is a "shadow of the man he once was" isn't personal, its just a reference to the fact that he ain't the same player he used to be.

Robbie isn't a regular on the forum and is not going to feel hurt by the comment! :D

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:11 pm
by 7_Kewell
Igor Zidane wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:respect?  coaching??!  what a load of :censored:

He's not good enough AS A PLAYER and thats my opinon.  It would also be an opinion that's shared by Rafa...because could someone care to explain why he cannot get into the first team?

agree to diagree...but my opinion is Fowler was once one of our greatest he's unfit, slow and a shadow of the man he once was.  yes he was a great player...but so was BArnes and Rush.  If they were here taking 30k a week and doing nothing, i'd be calling for them to go too.

get out of the past and into the now...Dudek and Fowler arn't good enough...not even for the reserves.

coaching? who knows...but this thread is about our players...and mainly the ones who are not good enough.

Fair enough ,you don't think he's good enough anymore , but why make it so personal and slate his personal life or say things like " he's a shadow of the man he once was ". You don't even know the lad. Why so personal about the fella?

i'm talking about him on a football level.  On the field he's not the same player....people are here slagging off Dudek and telling him to f** off...yet he's a LFC legend...and he's getting a LOT of abuse.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:15 pm
by Ace Ventura
7_Kewell wrote:respect?  coaching??!  what a load of :censored:

He's not good enough AS A PLAYER and thats my opinon.  It would also be an opinion that's shared by Rafa...because could someone care to explain why he cannot get into the first team?

agree to diagree...but my opinion is Fowler was once one of our greatest he's unfit, slow and a shadow of the man he once was.  yes he was a great player...but so was BArnes and Rush.  If they were here taking 30k a week and doing nothing, i'd be calling for them to go too.

get out of the past and into the now...Dudek and Fowler arn't good enough...not even for the reserves.

coaching? who knows...but this thread is about our players...and mainly the ones who are not good enough.

Robbies goals to game ratio proves you wrong, and Rafa for that matter.
He was brought in to be an extra option and to come in if needed and score goals, he has done that.
I am not saying he should be starting every game, but he should get more of a look in.
He virtually guarantees goals and the others dont.
I cant be bothered trying to drag up stats but if anyone wants to check minutes on the pitch to goals scored i think Robbie will be comfortably no1.

I wont deny he is not the fittest and that he is anywhere near the same player that scored all of those goals years ago.
But he has improved other areas and causes problems for opponents with his touch and vision.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:20 pm
by Crouchamania
Joined the forum July 2005 When did we win the Cl again? Decide to support the reds cos they won a big trophy or just a coincidence?

Im not going to get involved in this argument because I see both sides to it but that comment is a load of bollocks.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:22 pm
by Bad Bob
7_Kewell wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:respect?  coaching??!  what a load of :censored:

He's not good enough AS A PLAYER and thats my opinon.  It would also be an opinion that's shared by Rafa...because could someone care to explain why he cannot get into the first team?

agree to diagree...but my opinion is Fowler was once one of our greatest he's unfit, slow and a shadow of the man he once was.  yes he was a great player...but so was BArnes and Rush.  If they were here taking 30k a week and doing nothing, i'd be calling for them to go too.

get out of the past and into the now...Dudek and Fowler arn't good enough...not even for the reserves.

coaching? who knows...but this thread is about our players...and mainly the ones who are not good enough.

Fair enough ,you don't think he's good enough anymore , but why make it so personal and slate his personal life or say things like " he's a shadow of the man he once was ". You don't even know the lad. Why so personal about the fella?

i'm talking about him on a football level.  On the field he's not the same player....people are here slagging off Dudek and telling him to f** off...yet he's a LFC legend...and he's getting a LOT of abuse.

Gotta agree with Ace, here, mate.  The difference between Fowler and Dudek is that Fowler--when played--still does the job he's supposed to...that is, score goals.  Dudek, on the other hand, spectacularly failed to do his job preventing goals, to the tune of 9 conceded from 11 shots over two games.  Robbie wins that comparison every time.

Sure, he'll never be the player he was but he offers the team something important, and not just on the pitch.  Plus, if we should pile up any injuries up top--perish the thought--you may yet see how important Fowler is.  Lest we forget, a big part of that spectacular run-in last season were Fowler's goals...virtually all vital first goals and/or match winners.  He's still got something to offer the team and that's not just sentimentality talking.  You'll see (again). :nod

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:03 pm
by DonnieDarko
whoa... dudek is not a legend. He saved some PKs in the CL final but other than that his time at Liverpool has been extremely poor.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:36 pm
by Igor Zidane
7_Kewell wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:respect?  coaching??!  what a load of :censored:

He's not good enough AS A PLAYER and thats my opinon.  It would also be an opinion that's shared by Rafa...because could someone care to explain why he cannot get into the first team?

agree to diagree...but my opinion is Fowler was once one of our greatest he's unfit, slow and a shadow of the man he once was.  yes he was a great player...but so was BArnes and Rush.  If they were here taking 30k a week and doing nothing, i'd be calling for them to go too.

get out of the past and into the now...Dudek and Fowler arn't good enough...not even for the reserves.

coaching? who knows...but this thread is about our players...and mainly the ones who are not good enough.

Fair enough ,you don't think he's good enough anymore , but why make it so personal and slate his personal life or say things like " he's a shadow of the man he once was ". You don't even know the lad. Why so personal about the fella?

i'm talking about him on a football level.  On the field he's not the same player....people are here slagging off Dudek and telling him to f** off...yet he's a LFC legend...and he's getting a LOT of abuse.

Ok Robbie is a shadow of the player he was in yor opinion.

My opinion is that this poor excuse for a player is still the best finisher we have at the club bar none and needs to be played more. Granted we won't get a full 90 mins out of him, but we would get a good 70 and that's enough for him to get us goals.

Your probably right about him going at the end of the season, but i say make full use of the lad while he's here or until we get a better replacement. I'll tell you this aswell , we would be damn lucky to get anyone who would come anywhere near the player robbie is or was (depending on your opninion that is). Also Dudek is not a ledgend mate. He's not fit to lace the boots of the real ledgends that played for our club. ( Istanbul included).

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:27 pm
by destro
puroresu wrote:
destro wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
Smeg wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
Crouchamania wrote:Well it all boils down to this. Would you rather (hypotetically) have a young striker whos barely played a game in his career at first team and who wouldnt have much confidence or somebody who has a lot of experience and despite his age and slowness is one of the best finishers in the history of the game.

Make your own mind up. ???

Fowler has no future in top flight football...he's too slow for the Premiership and too unfit for much else.

I'd rather have someone with a future...not someone whose being paid 30k a week to play in the reserves.

Do you know why he doesn't play for Liverpool?  its because he can't run and has the fitness of a 40 year old....if you want 'legends' at the club, then why not get rush back?  i'm sure he's still a quality finisher!  :laugh:

He scored last night you fucking gimp.

The whoppers follwing this club now...

Fowler got a tap in and then vanished from the match for the rest of the game...woopy f**king doo!

What about his clear header he sent to row M of the kop from 4 yards? or his long passes that ALL went out of play?

Bottom line is, he's not good enough...not even the reserves and this needs to be addressed.

Why have ageing and past it players at our club?  If they arn't good enough and don't have a future...they should be let go and thats what i would do with Fowler and Dudek.  That would save at least 60k a week alone.

Hes not going to score from every chance he gets ( name a player that does ) Do all of Alonsos or Stevies long balls reach their targets everytime ?. As old as he is i would rather see him in the area when a cross comes in than ANY other forward we have at the moment.

His goalscoring ability is pure natural talent it cant be taught. Teddy Sheringham wasnt blessed with pace and wasnt one to be seen running at players with the ball yet managed to be prolific and even now give him a chance in the box and he will stick it away most of the time. Larsson is 35 and yet he hasnt lost his natural talent of scoring goals.

People slate Crouch and say if only we had Bellamy or Kuyt on the end of that chance, well i think the same if its Kuyt,Bellamy or Crouch. With Robbie you know its not just about the money, its not as if he needs it. We know Rafa is a sentimental sod ( dudek in istanbul ) and that Robbie was never going to be our leading scorer ( more down to lack of games than chances by the way ).

Even when his contract is up i would love to see him stay on a coach teaching our forwards how to finish

The difference is Larsson and Sheringham have looked after themself and both are fitter than Fowler.

I agree that Fowler is still the best finisher in the club but at the top level does he still have the sharpness to get into the right positions?

Yeah i think so, with the right sort of quality into him he would still score a hatful.

Sheringham and Larsson have also played more games than Robbie

I agree hes not as fit as he once was but he doesnt have to race into the box, he still has the ability to drop off deffender to find the yard of space to turn a chance into a goal.

Like ive said ive lost count of how many chances Bellamy,Kuyt and Crouch have spurned (more Crouch and Bellamy ) and how many Robbie would of turned into goals

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:43 pm
by Smeg
7_Kewell wrote:
Crouchamania wrote:Well it all boils down to this. Would you rather (hypotetically) have a young striker whos barely played a game in his career at first team and who wouldnt have much confidence or somebody who has a lot of experience and despite his age and slowness is one of the best finishers in the history of the game.

Make your own mind up. ???

Fowler has no future in top flight football...he's too slow for the Premiership and too unfit for much else.

I'd rather have someone with a future...not someone whose being paid 30k a week to play in the reserves.

Do you know why he doesn't play for Liverpool?  its because he can't run and has the fitness of a 40 year old....if you want 'legends' at the club, then why not get rush back?  i'm sure he's still a quality finisher!  :laugh:

Fowler done his job you fucking knobhead. HE SCORED A GOAL. Please consult his goals to game ratio compared to our other strikers.

People like you ruin the club's support.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:45 pm
by Bad Bob
Smeg wrote:Please consult his goals to game ratio compared to our other strikers.

Even more telling...consult his goals/minute played ratio. Outstanding!  :buttrock

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:17 am
by 66-1112520797
7_Kewell wrote:respect?  coaching??!  what a load of :censored:

He's not good enough AS A PLAYER and thats my opinon.  It would also be an opinion that's shared by Rafa...because could someone care to explain why he cannot get into the first team?

agree to diagree...but my opinion is Fowler was once one of our greatest he's unfit, slow and a shadow of the man he once was.  yes he was a great player...but so was BArnes and Rush.  If they were here taking 30k a week and doing nothing, i'd be calling for them to go too.

get out of the past and into the now...Dudek and Fowler arn't good enough...not even for the reserves.

coaching? who knows...but this thread is about our players...and mainly the ones who are not good enough.

I tell ya what Robbie may not be as fit and as fast as he used to be, but he's still got it upstairs. The lad is the only real natural finnisher we have in the squad and TBH I'd like to see him play more. If he could get a decent run in the side I bet he'd outscore the other three strikers, class is permanent !

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:32 am
by Smeg
Bamaga man wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:respect?  coaching??!  what a load of :censored:

He's not good enough AS A PLAYER and thats my opinon.  It would also be an opinion that's shared by Rafa...because could someone care to explain why he cannot get into the first team?

agree to diagree...but my opinion is Fowler was once one of our greatest he's unfit, slow and a shadow of the man he once was.  yes he was a great player...but so was BArnes and Rush.  If they were here taking 30k a week and doing nothing, i'd be calling for them to go too.

get out of the past and into the now...Dudek and Fowler arn't good enough...not even for the reserves.

coaching? who knows...but this thread is about our players...and mainly the ones who are not good enough.

I tell ya what Robbie may not be as fit and as fast as he used to be, but he's still got it upstairs. The lad is the only real natural finnisher we have in the squad and TBH I'd like to see him play more. If he could get a decent run in the side I bet he'd outscore the other three strikers, class is permanent !

Its pointless arguing with him mate, he is a fucking clueless pleb.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:38 am
by The Manhattan Project
Fowler is a penalty area striker.

True, he's not a Drogba or an Henry, but give the guy the ball in the penalty area and he's the guy I'd trust to put it away. A real goal poacher. Every club needs one. He's got a year or two left.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:58 am
by zarababe
Hello Mr P, just wanted to say Thanks to You for your crazy humour that night of the 'debacle' , made it so much easier to face the pain of the result.. :D

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:01 am
by 7_Kewell
Smeg wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:respect?  coaching??!  what a load of :censored:

He's not good enough AS A PLAYER and thats my opinon.  It would also be an opinion that's shared by Rafa...because could someone care to explain why he cannot get into the first team?

agree to diagree...but my opinion is Fowler was once one of our greatest he's unfit, slow and a shadow of the man he once was.  yes he was a great player...but so was BArnes and Rush.  If they were here taking 30k a week and doing nothing, i'd be calling for them to go too.

get out of the past and into the now...Dudek and Fowler arn't good enough...not even for the reserves.

coaching? who knows...but this thread is about our players...and mainly the ones who are not good enough.

I tell ya what Robbie may not be as fit and as fast as he used to be, but he's still got it upstairs. The lad is the only real natural finnisher we have in the squad and TBH I'd like to see him play more. If he could get a decent run in the side I bet he'd outscore the other three strikers, class is permanent !

Its pointless arguing with him mate, he is a fucking clueless pleb.

thats rich coming from a guy whose named himself something you get under your foreskin  :D

Of course his games to goals ratio is high...he scored shed loads early in his career and any average is high....Ian Rush could come out of retirement tomorrow and you could use the same arguement.
But, Fowler has featured in 20 matches so far this season...and he's only got 5 goals, 1 of which was a thats 4 goal in open play after 20 games...not so impressive now, is it.

now look back over the last 7 years...i think Fowler has scored something like 30 goals in 130 matches....again not so prolific.  Fowler (as a young player) a sensation...he's not that now.