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Toshack - The perfect manager

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 1:17 pm
by taff
There was a programme on BBC Wales last night about Toshack as the new Welsh Manager

Along with stuff about Wales and Spain he said the biggest influence on him was Shankly and he took a lot of the Liverpool ethos with him to Swansea then to Spain.

He said that if anybody could think like Paisley and talk like Shankly then thats your perfect manager

He aslo said he was offered the LFC job twice but it just didnt work out, timing etc

Looks like Toshack takes no nonsense as manager, he definitely has pulled no punches down here.  There was a clip of Shankly talking about any player who whinges or doesnt try should be put in jail, then the next scene was Savage complaining about Tosh being appointed :D

Also when he left Liverpool for Swansea he said he went down there with no thought of failure as he's just come from Liverpool and had worked with Shankly and Paisley and couldnt see how anyone from that background could fail

His most emotional game was the Swansea Liverpool fixture which was ironically the first game after Shankly passed away.  There was footage of Shankly in the Swansea dressing room as well drinking tea with the players, and the rumour at the time was there was an astronomical phone bill from the Swansea managers office to Shanklys house  :)

Leighton James an ex Swansea player said a story that 21 of the players were caught in a pub and were being done for after hours drinkng and he was nominated to tell Tosh.  He said the police came in the pub last night, how many players Tosh asked, 21 Leighton said, GOOOD LORD thats teamwork.  He said that he fined the one player who didnt go out  :D

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 1:42 pm
by Judge
quality :D

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:56 pm
by Leonmc0708
Not wishing to sound like JohnnMac (No offence big fella) I read a book ghost written on him, by a guy who writes for the official LFC matchday programme, and its a great read.

Book club maybe we could swap books (LFC ones) on here ?

Anyway, my old fella tells me all the time about how great Tosh was. The time when he brought Swansea to Anfield as their manager just after Bill died. He walked out in his swansea track suit, and then removed the top to unveil his old Liverpool number 10 shirt underneath.

What a tribute.

Sadly some Swansea fans never forgave him for that.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 4:25 pm
by jonnymac1979
None taken mate. :D

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 4:28 pm
by taff
Leonmc0708 wrote:Anyway, my old fella tells me all the time about how great Tosh was. The time when he brought Swansea to Anfield as their manager just after Bill died. He walked out in his swansea track suit, and then removed the top to unveil his old Liverpool number 10 shirt underneath.

What a tribute.

Sadly some Swansea fans never forgave him for that.

well they are an odd lot  :D

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 4:50 pm
by 84-1106852058
taff wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:Anyway, my old fella tells me all the time about how great Tosh was. The time when he brought Swansea to Anfield as their manager just after Bill died. He walked out in his swansea track suit, and then removed the top to unveil his old Liverpool number 10 shirt underneath.

What a tribute.

Sadly some Swansea fans never forgave him for that.

well they are an odd lot  :D

I was at that game,Toshack had always been a hero of mine,but when he took his tracksuit top off that day was one of my greatest memories of the man.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 5:19 pm
by Benitez No1
I was never lucky enough to see toshack play except on video’s...apparently when he used to play alongside keegan they used to play that well together that everyone thought they were telepathic.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:12 pm
by yckatbjywtbiastkamb
liverpool are the only english club to beat barca on their own ground, it was in the 76 eufa cup and we won 1-0.
toshack scored.