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Now ive had time to think about it - That game...

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:09 am
by dawson99
ok, so the otehr night we were all very upset, minds were clouded and things were thought that maybe were a little bit silly.
now in hindsight ive had a better chance to think about the pros and cons of the game, and in all honesty i now feel good about myself and the team.

Ok, the bad points first.

We really needed to push for that 2nd goal.
too many long balls
not enough possession
Baros should have come on sooner.

thats it really, wewere a bit like headless chickens out there. But there were some good points:

Risse is a great left winger, weve seen that now
Hamman seems to be having the best games of the last few seasons and is looking better all the time
Nunez prooved that he can actually play some good football
The team and the fans did us proud.

Now finally, lets talk about this "chelsea were all over liverpool and deserved it"
Ok, they had the major lions share of possession. But lets not forget... in the last 3 games of football the have scored a single goal in 90 minutes of play. (2 own goals only)
AGAIN they have robbed us of a clear cut penalty.
Duff was diving about all over the place and ehs lost any little bit of respect i ever had for the guy.
They all tried to get sami sent off as soon as he was on a yellow card.
Basically Chelsea in my opinion just prooved that money can buy a lot of things, but it cant buy decency and i cant stand the scum now.

And also, as a post-script to my little rant, if any of you are still here, i think Stevie will be more detirmined than ever after that episode to stay at Liverpool and get one over that Chelski scum.

Cheers people, and happy tuesday

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:18 am
by Chrissy
But what about the bad point that stevie G could've scored his first ever goal for chelsea  :oh:

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:22 am
by dawson99
Chrissy, thats just stupid talk. :blues:
ive refused to talk about the gerrard speculation any more. im bored of it now, well ive been bored of it for over a year now

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:28 am
by Chrissy
ok dude :(

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:43 am
by laza
i thought another bright spot was  Dudek efforts. While i think he has made too many clangers to be seen as long term prospect No1 . Least in short term its good to see him bouncing back especially after the BL game where after that clanger  he was sitting in that chair that StevieG now currently occupys with some fans

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:05 pm
by anfieldadorer
IF liverpool won it -or probably meaning if stevie hadn't scored; or probably if our luck hadn't been that bad (with also assuming the handsball should have resulted something): The whole world would have noted: money can't buy glory. Roman would have reconsidered his investment policy on Chelsea; Rafa could have been recognized as the most prominent manager in the world beyond Mourinho. Remember; many of our players are injured and the club is in financial 'crisis' while chelsea have unlimited resources. There would have been a significant adverse precedent for those who believe football matters can simpy be sorted out through massive investment.

if.........   :Oo:

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:41 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
come on , time to walk on ... Let get over it ... next game Liverpool will beat Newcastle ...