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Well was it good for you - Benitez it means a lot

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:25 pm
by kenco
was that good enough for you,in all the years of supporting liverpool i've not been so disappointed in a liverpool manager.why oh why don't these foreign manager's realise how much the F.A. cup means to be beaten by burnley is just to much to just reinforcese's my belief we should have appionted a british manager,was it or was it not one of the most limp performance's seen by a liverpool side in recent years. to under estimate your oponent is a sin that can't be forgivin,and to send out a side like that,just shows the distain these foreign managers class the F.A. cup with.
you can say what you like,but if benitez didn't learn by ferguson's mistake, he wants to take a good hard look at himself and really think in what direction he's taking this great club, look ,it's ok to be loyal to your manager,but mistakes like the one he made tonight are just unforgiveable!!!!  end of story! :down:  :down:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:33 pm
by JBG
There's plenty of other reactionary threads around kenco: post in one of those.