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Apparently anelka's a definite

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:48 am
by jim_morrison_supported_liverpool
some fellar on another forum i've just been on, he's from Koptalk originally, name's Johnny H, says his source says Anelka is a definite, comin in January.
everyone on the site started all the usual "who's yer source, a mate of a mate of a mate of mate, of Anelka's auntie?"  etc etc. then a few other people who already know him are sayin that he's mustard and 90% of his LFC tips are spot on. apparently he's legendary for it.

of course nothing is 100% and it could still be wrong, but assuming we have him whats your reaction guys and gals?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:51 am
by jymbojetset
On loan or permanent?

Reason for asking, Man City have indicated they may loan him out somewhere with a view to sale at end of season. If we had him on loan, still gives funds to buy other players.

I think he'll be a good signing. At the end of the day, he did okay when he was at Anfield.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:56 am
by Scottbot
As i said on another thread, i would be chuffed to bits if we signed the lad. Am not sure i would get too carried with this tip though. You here so many 'he's defo coming' comments on the web it gets worse than the bloodyy tabloids!

It was strange to hear Stevie come out an sing Anelka's praises the other day so maybe there is something in it. I still think Morientes is the number one target. Also, i wonder if Barca will come in for Anelka given all their strikers are injured at the mo.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:58 am
by woof woof !
Considering the state we're in I'd be more than happy to see a striker of Anelka's ability back with us.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:59 am
by jim_morrison_supported_liverpool
all i got was this.

"Had this confirmed by my source - he says Anelka is definitely coming back in January.

Don't know the fee, but apparantly it wasn't reliant on us qualifying for the next Champions League stage, or any investment.

No other confirmed transfers as of yet"

like i say, i know you've got to be weary of these rumours, but the lad didnt even say any more himself, it was left to a  few other fellars who already know him and they were raving that he's pretty much spot on.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 12:12 pm
by 100-1102639321
cant complain, players like him dont come along that often, i reckon we get him

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:13 pm
by LFC #1
If it's true then I am very pleased. :)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:27 pm
by Paul C
I prefer Morientes than Anelka, I'm just unsure about Anelka cos he always complains and gives off the wrong 'vibe' when things are going right instead of pulling his finger out :(

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:29 pm
by dawson99
dunno, anelkas been at man city longer than i thought he would. hes stuck it out without any euro football, and he knows benitez. plus this could help us keep stevie g (sorry to mention stevie again)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:50 pm
by Paul C
dawson99 wrote:dunno, anelkas been at man city longer than i thought he would. hes stuck it out without any euro football, and he knows benitez. plus this could help us keep stevie g (sorry to mention stevie again)

We will only keep Gerrard if we finish in the top 4 and win some type of silverware!!  :angry:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:52 pm
by LFC #1
im chuffed.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:59 pm
by laza
Least Anelka is proven in EPL and personally i think his attitude problems are well in the past. He ego doesnt seem any bigger then any other "professional" player these days

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:59 pm
by Ola Mr Benitez
His Premiership record speaks for itself.. great signing if we get him.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:01 pm
by Paul C
One of the lads I know took his dad to watch City last weekend, when I told him about Anelka he said "you do not want to buy him, he is a real lazy b£stard" and to be honest I'd have to agree :(

I'm not too excited about us getting him :(

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:05 pm
by LFC #1
perhaps he has lost the desire to play for City, a fresh start at a big club like ourselves, who cast him off, could do wonders for him and he will want to prove himself to GH and the likes who didn't sign him for us 2 seasons ago.