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Lets try and be positive - Forget last night

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:17 pm
by stmichael
Ok last night was a sh#t result but it's not the end of the world. Win our game in hand and we're back in the top 4 again!

This side is set up in a way that will enable us to dismantle inferior sides at home, and on current evidence we will get far more points at Anfield than we did last season.

Losing away to the Mancs is not a massive problem. We used to do well in that fixture, but it's how we do in the other games that matters. We can get hammered by the Mancs at OT every season for all I care, if we can go on and beat all the ****** teams that rob us of 20-30 points at Anfield.   

I feel we'll do better away at Chelsea and Arsenal (both smaller pitches and less hostile atmosphere). There was too much hype pumping United up last night. It was always going to be tough. Let's write it off as one of those games, and look to the future.

I also feel we'll get more points against Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal at home (shouldn't be tough, we got NONE last year). We're more positive at home these days, and will take the game to those teams.

Winning our home games will be crucial - and once the new players settle in that bit better, and the whole team settles into the new system, we can start looking to pick up draws and wins on the road.

:)  :)  :)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:25 pm
by Redtribe
well said that man

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:31 pm
by laza
What do you mean try and be positive  :)

I am positive, this was always going to be  tough season and early months are going to have teething problems. Maybe if something good came out of last night result was it burst that rather large filled bubble of hype that came out of Monaco win
I hate loosing to the MANCS but it was away game against a team that may be on the slide but still boasts a formidiable line up which had a lot to prove after recent results
The big test is how we bounce back against Norwich this weekend and then away leg in Greece especially with a midfield that has lost Stevie G

There will be more stumbles before the dynasty is rebuilt but future is still Red

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:32 pm
by 72-1090627431
hello, apart from my recent outburst saying i was disgusted, im not too concerned this season, as Rafa has only been in charge for five or six games. I still think we'll finish above the mancs, but most encouragingly for me, Rafa hasnt finished with his spending yet, when the transfer window opens. And if Kewell doesnt get his act together, he'll be playing elsewhere.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:49 pm
by The_Rock
If we perform like we did in the 1st half against arsenal, they will slaughter  us..... no doubt about that (although i hate to tell this).

Maybe we should focus on getting 4th & winning the FA Cup/ League cup for this season.

I am pretty sure RB is gonna buy more player/s in Jan and next summer. Lets face it, he is building from scratch here. He inherited a great squad at valencia & he won the La Liga. Sadly can't say the same here.

I don't wanna sound like sour grapes, but i starting to miss Owen (and i am one of his biggest critics in this forum).

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:49 pm
by Red_Si
The Bolton and Man U games were poor performances but we would have come away with a point from each, had it not been for dodgy refereeing decisions.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:50 pm
by stmichael
To me, xabi alonso showed just why he was rafa's first choice to replace gerrard if he chooses to leave. He is a thinking player who is able to create on the pitch everything that he wants with incredible vision.

While I usually always feared losing gerrard ( thru injury ) at some point in the season now i feel far more reassured that alonso and hamann are will be good enough partnership to tear teams apart.

The man is world class, believe me. :)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:54 pm
by The_Rock
stmichael wrote:To me, xabi alonso showed just why he was rafa's first choice to replace gerrard if he chooses to leave. He is a thinking player who is able to create on the pitch everything that he wants with incredible vision.

While I usually always feared losing gerrard ( thru injury ) at some point in the season now i feel far more reassured that alonso and hamann are will be good enough partnership to tear teams apart.

The man is world class, believe me. :)

No player is bigger than LFC. If Gerrard goes, he goes.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:59 pm
by The_Rock
Red_Si wrote:The Bolton and Man U games were poor performances but we would have come away with a point from each, had it not been for dodgy refereeing decisions.

Although i would love to blame the ref after each liverpool defeat, this defeat against the scums was somewhat justified given how we played. (Believe me, it is very hard for me to say this).

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 3:24 pm
by soworse
stmichael wrote:Ok last night was a sh#t result but it's not the end of the world. Win our game in hand and we're back in the top 4 again!

This side is set up in a way that will enable us to dismantle inferior sides at home, and on current evidence we will get far more points at Anfield than we did last season.

Losing away to the Mancs is not a massive problem. We used to do well in that fixture, but it's how we do in the other games that matters. We can get hammered by the Mancs at OT every season for all I care, if we can go on and beat all the ****** teams that rob us of 20-30 points at Anfield.   

I feel we'll do better away at Chelsea and Arsenal (both smaller pitches and less hostile atmosphere). There was too much hype pumping United up last night. It was always going to be tough. Let's write it off as one of those games, and look to the future.

I also feel we'll get more points against Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal at home (shouldn't be tough, we got NONE last year). We're more positive at home these days, and will take the game to those teams.

Winning our home games will be crucial - and once the new players settle in that bit better, and the whole team settles into the new system, we can start looking to pick up draws and wins on the road.

:)  :)  :)

i think it's always easy to get carried away by the excitement of new players and a new manager to the point that we forget the big picture.

I for one was pumped up for the match and was pretty pissedoff with our performance. But after the red veil subsided, things slowly fell into perspective.

Take away the hype. Take away the anomosity. Simply, this was a very tricky away game. The fact that we lost shouldn't be our main concern now, it should be the way we played.

Obviously, we played badly. But unless we show the same ineptness against norwich and olympiakos, the performance last night will just be a one-off. Let the gaffer work with the players. At least give him the chance to rectify the mistakes he saw in the game last night before slamming every single player in sight.

That's why i agree with StMike. The first task should be to build a fortress at home. And so far, the signs are encouraging.

For me, the Norwich game is massive. With or without SG, if we should somehow manage to ****** that one up, then it's time to get worried.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 3:37 pm
by akumaface
To me, you win some and lose some in Football but the biggest problem is not having any effort from most of the players. I don't mind seeing them lose a game if they actually had put in the effort. You can't win them all and I'm sure most fans would understand. The effort was just not there in yesterday game. Now that Gerrard is out, hopefully, we can hang in there until he gets back from the injury.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:00 pm
by who the hell is diarra
We cant beat the mancs EVERY time we play at Old Traford :D

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:00 pm
by the great one
rafael benitzes has to make it a piority to mark players and not zones because every premiership manger would of taken note of our failure to clear from corners and defend.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:17 pm
by Leonmc0708
Hustlers Revenge wrote:hello, apart from my recent outburst saying i was disgusted, im not too concerned this season,

For a bonus point spell contradiction .......

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:21 pm
by dawson99
i know we shouldnt read to much into it, but i really hate man u, they are scum and this result has ruined my week. You cant tell me that any of u woke up this morning and smelt the roses, u were gutted, like i was and still am.
Its not about anything other than 3 points to the scum as far as im concerned and im gutted
plus  gerrard is injured now and out for 2 months, altho that might keep the wolves at the door who wanna buy him
Mancs just were way too pumped up and we just.. well we werent i guess
the next couple of games will show our resilience though and they can bring the smile back thats totally lacking today

football really can annoy me sometimes, but i lvoe it :blues: :p :D