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Man u website

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:57 pm
by Paul C
My mate in work was saying that apparently on the Man U website they have translated loads of anti Liverpool songs into Spanish so the mancs can learn them  :angry:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 2:12 pm
by Roger Red Hat
lets go flood their site!

im off now....................

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 2:24 pm
by Paul C
It was mentioned in one of the papers and that they could get into trouble for it.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 3:04 pm
by mynameisred
Theres a story on our website about it. They obviously fear us on the pitch so much they have to turn to typical manc 2 brain celled verbal. I didnt realise that they are educted in Mancheter let alone have someone that can talk Spanish. Actually its prob another expensive fergie flop earning a few quid elsewhere.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 3:06 pm
by mynameisred
Im not even from Liverpool but its still b.loody offensive.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 3:14 pm
by dawson99
i really hate the scum, we'll just have to answer with the genius football we will play to beat there sorry manc ******'s :angry: :angry: :angry:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 3:29 pm
by Bruno Zidane!
This just shows the kind of impact are super spaniards have made in manchester, they are absolutly shi**in themselves cos tonite could well prove a pivotal night in are quest to topell the scum.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 4:02 pm
by blind
i saw that in the papers over the weekend very funny how the club said that uit had nothing to do with them as it was on a fans page but 10 minutes later made a statement that it would be off the sight by 8 pm

any way i was supprised a manc could opperate a pc let alone be able to sing in spanish.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:31 pm
by Paul C
I don't care what MUFC say, it was posted in their 'FanZone' and they it should be administered by someone! :angry:

They really are the sh1ttest 'fans' in Britain!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:42 pm
by Yabasic
As a Man Utd fan, I do think who ever posted that needs to be taught a lesson.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:48 pm
by the great one
Yabasic wrote:As a Man Utd fan, I do think who ever posted that needs to be taught a lesson.

as a liverpool fan im asking you why are you here ???

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:16 pm
by Paul C
and as 'the great ones' personally bodyguard I'm backing him up :angry: :D

Get back under your stone you sad manc tw3t