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Watch out for manu tomorrow ! - Rio is playing again ?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:20 pm
by Thor Viking
ManU really need the 3 points tomorrow - as do LFC ! I do believe however that ManU is another team with Rio Ferdinand playing. And as we saw vs the french in CL they came back from 0-2 due to RVN scoring again.
I think the best way of beating them tomorrow is by playing with both Cisse and Baros on top. They have extreme qualities that can challenge Rio and the ManU defense - and hopefully they`ll score at least one each !  :love:

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:23 pm
by LFC #1
Ferdinand has been out for ages so he ain't gonna be on top form, and with the mancs slagging of our spaniards today they will be ready to tear manure to shreds, Watch out for Liverpool tomorrow!!!!!!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:36 pm
by laza
Its going to be a tough match but after 8 months out of the game im not sure how conditioned Rio is going to be especially against Cisse pace.........(please please the offside rulebook in French translation has arrived at Melwood last week)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:39 pm
by The_Rock
i am only afraid of ronaldo. His game as improved a lot from last season. His crossing is amazing now. If we can take him out, should be no problem. As for Rio, i don't know why all the manure fans are seeing his return as a great thing.

I mean, Rio is known to make 1 big mistake each game. He is the defender's version of david james.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:41 pm
by LFC #1
The_Rock wrote:I mean, Rio is known to make 1 big mistake each game. He is the defender's version of david james.

plus he is a smackhead.

I think you mean Silvestre btw.   :D

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:49 pm
by The_Rock
yeah smackhead shd have been ban for 2 yrs.

Also Silvestre has been making mistakes this season only i think. As for Rio, he has a reputation of having a great game & then undoes all that with 1 mistake. He did it at leeds and has been doing it at manure too.

He is not the saviour the scums are hoping he is.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:02 pm
by banana
A draw at Old Trafford is a good result. We get one point and stop them from getting 3. It is going to be a tough game. But I feel if we can stop Giggs and Ronaldo the game will be ours. Riise and Josemi must be at their very best tomorrow. It is going to be interesting to see whether Gerrard and Alonso can control midfield tomorrow against the scum.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:07 pm
by The_Rock
i think hamann will come back in place of alonso. We need more defensive cover in away games.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:58 pm
by 115-1073096938
No we dont.

And secondly whats all this about Ferdinand not being a class player?

I think alot of you need to take off your biased glasses and look at the facts. The scum where 4 points ahead of the ****** last season until his ban, after that they fell to bits. Can you imagine our defence without Hyypia? His pressence on the pitch effects the WHOLE TEAM!! As does Ferdinands.

Make no mistake he will be ready for this game and phyiscally fit. I'd be very suprised if he didn't have a blinder. I'm expecting 1-0 to the mancs if i'm honest. Its still early days for us and i think we'll improve as the year goes on. This game has come to soon for my liking and i don't think its one we'll win. If we don't win its not the end of the world, if we do they're as good as out of the title race. I understand the results aren't going to be great all the time and we still need time to build. So lets not get carried away no matter what the result tomorrow nite.

I hope i'm wrong.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 3:02 pm
by Ola Mr Benitez
Some good points.. Rio is class, without a doupt... Although I think we will sneak a win tommorrow.  We do need Cisse to stat fireing on all cylinders, so far there has been glimpses of brilliance, he just needs a couple of goals and I think he will fly.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 3:13 pm
by Thor Viking
The_Rock wrote:i think hamann will come back in place of alonso. We need more defensive cover in away games.

I disagree ! I think Alonso is needed with his passes - especially if both Cisse and Baros starts - as I suggested ! You must not think defense 1st and attacking 2nd - attacking is the best defence - and LFC has more than enough of striking and goalscoring potential ! BUT - as stated - I think John Arne should be really focused on the ball playing Ronaldo. I mean Ronaldos feet moves like a merrygoround and it`s easy to get dizzy !

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 3:15 pm
by XSD
He is class, but he is playing with a defensive line up which is probably quite alien to him. It could work really well or it could be a disaster (for them). I know which I'm looking forward to, our pace upfront should cause some problems.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:48 pm
by A.B.
Rio will be rusty, he won't be in his top form and Rooney won't be playing. Some have said that Rio might not play.

Oh and everybody remember what Stu said "1-0 for Mancs" because if that doesn't happen I honestly don't want to read his ****** after the game such as  "I TOLD YOU WE WERE GOOD" or anything like that because he obiviously didn't believe we could win or atleast have a draw.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:53 pm
by madred
Id go along with Stu saying that Rio will probably have a blinder against us and not show any real signs that he has been out for so long. Liverpool have had the edge on the Mancs at Old Trafford for the last 5-6 seasons so you wonder if we can pull off another famous victory there? As i said before in another topic i will be happy with a point to be honest.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:57 pm
by A.B.
We win and I'll get drunk for the rest of the week