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Hands off madrid - Hope s.gerrard is staying put

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:51 am
by akumaface
Its been reported that Real Madrid will pursuit S.Gerrard as their top target when the transfer window opens in 2005. I just have one message to them and thats "F**k off". I think its really disturbing to hear other team talks about a player they don't have that openly while the season had just started. Its going to create psychological problem with LFC as a whole. Although many people would speculate for such a move as a possibility but now the whole team will have to go through the same process the pass summer. I never liked Real Madrid my whole life and its really unprofessional with the way they handle things. They must think they are King or something. Hope they bomb this year and the year after. HEck, make it forever.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:54 am
by desperado0831
ignore them..we'll win over gerrard's heart after we'd made the champion.