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Kewell - Warnocks gonna get ye!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 8:49 am
by Bruno Zidane!
After watchin the game on saturday and another poor performance from Harry, i think it may be time to get warnock in the side. He came on for the last 20 minutes and i was again impressed with what i saw from him, the lads got talent and he looks like hes full of confidence, whereas Kewell looks completly out of sorts.....I know droppin him might knock his confidance but it looks like its gonna be the only way to give him a kick up the @rse and the graz game is the ideal chance to give Warnock a full game.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:03 am
by addicted norwegian
I believe that this is a tough call to make. Kewell is a player that has got the ability to win matches for Liverpool on his day. However, the last games he has been a bit out of shape, and it might just happen that we, in the short run, would benefit from pitching Warnock as left mid. But now as we`re about to construct a new mid, I think it would be wise to let the four of them, Garcia, Gerrard, Alonso and Kewell, get the chance getting to know eachother on the pitch. A few games on this excellent mid. might just be the booster he need to raise the game to the standard we know he`s capable of

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:18 am
by desperado0831
stephen warnock is a very talented player and future hope for reds but kewell was irreplacable in positon left winger because if he did some failure or suffers injury,the only players who possibly replace him will be.....john arne RIISE or luis GARCIA (can't believe he take the shirt left by owen). i think the most suitable to place warnock is left defender. considering about warnock show he was aggresive to move forward but he got what we need if we have had to switch our strategy in 90 minutes.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:30 am
by Bruno Zidane!
When people think there irraplaceable thats when they become lazy and dont work as hard and im sure Rafa will have no problem finding that out....Warnock defo deserves his chance left wing, Kewell needs to get his confidence back and stop living of past glories.....and as for Garcia taking Owens no.10, as Benitez said "Michael Owen is history now"

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:37 am
by akumaface
I think we should give Kewell couple of games with the new players before we decide whether it would best leave him for the bench for one or two games. There might be some new sparks and ignite him again. So far in the two games he played, he seems still out of shape. He was labouring and lost a bit of confidence especially in one on one situation. As for the Warnock kid, he did reminded me of a younger Kewell especially with his quickness and competitiveness. Again, this is a happy problem for us because we have two quality left footed midfielders.:;):

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:44 am
by stmichael
I thought Harry played well on saturday. Unfortunately, the crowd around me seemed less aware of the value of his contribution: baying that he take men on at every opportunity, and missing the point that a pass can beat three men quicker than any skill can. As at Spurs, Harry drew men to cover against him quicker than flies around the Mancs. On several occasions he jinked inside to lay on a shooting opportunity; on others, he passed first-time and suddenly we were outnumbering City in another area of the pitch. He played with intelligence and worked hard, but some people will never be happy unless he is doing all the party tricks; and yet on the occasions he tried to beat a couple of men and lost the ball, the same fans were berating him. If he occupies two or three defenders, he is doing his job.

His understanding with Riise is blossoming very nicely indeed. There were four or five delightful chipped passes to Riise overlapping, and each one took some desperate defending or goalkeeping to deal with. Warnock impressed once more as a sub on that side of the pitch, and he looks tough, quick and good on the ball. For all the hysteria about Spaniards arriving like the Armada, we ended the match with three home-grown scousers in the side, and that never happened much (if at all?) under Shankly, Paisley or Dalglish. Even when Alonso and Garcia are eligible and Finnan and Hamann drop out of the starting eleven, Warnock stands a good chance of retaining his place on the bench due to his commitment and versatility.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:43 am
by azriahmad
Kewell played much better than the Spurs game but he does seem to be trying to beat too many opponents each time - same syndrome as the departed goal-shy serial killer Diouf.

Warnock was impressive.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:46 am
by taff
Totally agree St M.
Wait till we get the spanish boys in and the right hand side gets used as well happy days ahead.

The problem we have had is expectation of Kewell and Gerrard keeping us in games with two other midfielders capable of causing chaos it will give HK more room and if not it will give the others room

From what Ive seen of Alonso and Garcia they aint the kind of players you want to give space to so defences have to cover and hey presto Kewell has more space

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:06 pm
by Starbridge42
I'd like to see how the midfield goes once Alonslo and Garcia get there but I agree that Kewell needs to be shown that he's not indespensable.  Once he knows that he can be replaced he'll start working his ****** off again.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:12 pm
by LFC #1
competition for places is always good, it motivates player to perform and gives back up when players are out of form or injured.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:18 pm
by Gareth G
I agree with st.michael too, i watch some games were Kewell has played well and i come on here to find him under fire!

It just seems like people have it in for him and arent willing to give him the chance. Look at how often Owen played sh*te in the last two years, but you were all happy for him starting week in week out, give Kewell a chance for crying out loud.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:23 pm
by Stan Laurel
Well said Kop and St Mick too.

I am getting fed up with some of members are moaning about Kewell's form, just give him a chance.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:46 pm
by Santa
I remember after the Spurs game many called for Baros to be sold/replaced/benched. One good half against Man City and many seems to change their tones...c'mon lads, get behond your players. We need a few more games before making this sort of judgement calls. Warnock no doubt was impressive and definatel talented but I guessed Benitez will only start him in the cup games or injuries to the first XI.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:06 pm
by laza
Phew hope Alonso and Garica get a hattrick each on debut or else they be getting their marching orders as well :D

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:27 pm
by whylongball?
To say kewell played well is not rite. He played ok, far below his best. He needs to improve his consistency and get back his confidence.