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Rafas a very clever man ?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:42 pm
by gerrard_steven
I believe rafa has been soo clever that he has outtwitted all the top 3 managers here, we have all been complaining that hes not signed any1 yet bla bla its 2 l8 but the matter of the fact is rafa has been very very clever.

We all no he has good knowledge of the spanish lge hence the speculation with malaga players for example alexis other players like alonso garica etc but the fact remains chelski have said they are not signing anymore players man u have spent all there cash so have arsenal so now Rafa knows he can get the men he wants wihtout getting into a bidding war with the likes of chelski and come on we all no who will win there!

I hate to say it but alonso has been wanted by arsenal, man u , real madrid and im sure if the bidding was earlier in the season chelski would have tried to get in on the action and the fact is liverpool would have been on the bottom of alonso's mind becuase we all no and i really hate 2 say it now but all of the teams mentioned have CURRRENTLY a better reputation than liverpool and can offer a better chance of instant sucess even tho im a very optmistic liverpool fan its true but im sure we will get there within 6 months or so and deffently by the end of this season.

So in my opinion rafa has been very clever and has left it l8 for this exact reason

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:07 pm
by Starbridge42
I suppose thats one way of looking at it

But you wouldn't want to do that consistently, what if this player you've been eyeing has shrugged off bids from Chelsea, Arsenal, Man U etc. and you're about to sign him only for the transfer window to close?  Leaving it late can be risky.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:14 pm
by gerrard_steven
yer not if u have alredy contacted him which we have alredy done because if you remember he was the replacement for gerrard had he left for chelski

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:44 pm
by maximus
gerrard_steven wrote:I believe rafa has been soo clever that he has outtwitted all the top 3 managers here, we have all been complaining that hes not signed any1 yet bla bla its 2 l8 but the matter of the fact is rafa has been very very clever.

We all no he has good knowledge of the spanish lge hence the speculation with malaga players for example alexis other players like alonso garica etc but the fact remains chelski have said they are not signing anymore players man u have spent all there cash so have arsenal so now Rafa knows he can get the men he wants wihtout getting into a bidding war with the likes of chelski and come on we all no who will win there!

I hate to say it but alonso has been wanted by arsenal, man u , real madrid and im sure if the bidding was earlier in the season chelski would have tried to get in on the action and the fact is liverpool would have been on the bottom of alonso's mind becuase we all no and i really hate 2 say it now but all of the teams mentioned have CURRRENTLY a better reputation than liverpool and can offer a better chance of instant sucess even tho im a very optmistic liverpool fan its true but im sure we will get there within 6 months or so and deffently by the end of this season.

So in my opinion rafa has been very clever and has left it l8 for this exact reason

Interesting point, however if a player did 'come on the market' you'e not telling me that just because Manure, chelski and Arsenal, have stated they are not signing any more players, they won't.

Dont be naive..................please!  :p

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:48 pm
by stmichael
i'm impressed by the guy's start as manager. anyone who just expected him to come in and bring in player x, y and z was dreaming. he's assessing what he's got and looking at who is in his long term plans. it's about quality not quantity. you don't need a massive squad to be successful as arsenal have proved. :)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:00 pm
by JBG
No disrespect gerard_steven but I'm not sure thats a terribly valid arguement.

Chelsea signed the players they wanted (with the exception of Gerrard!) and getting the likes of Carvalleho and Drogba have been major success for them.

I'm sure Benitez would have liked some of the guys Chelsea bought but we are out of Chelsea's league at the moment.

It is true that Benitez is biding his time to make the right purchases but there are 100s of possible targets across world football and I don't think he has bided his time so as to allow Man UTD, Chelsea and Arsenal to finish their signings. I doubt if any of these 3 teams are in his mind when he is looking at players (i.e. I doubt he's thinking: "I'll sign Player X from La Liga from under the noses of Mourinho, Ferguson or Wenger".)

Its true that Alonso had attracted interest from Madrid and the papers say Arsenal as well, but I don't think Benitez has any "cunning plan" to steal players from under the noses of our major rivals.

In any event, although Alonso is a very strong rumour, it is still a rumour nonetheless.

Benitez is focussed on strengthening his squad, first and foremost, and I doubt he has had any of our rivals in mind this summer. I think he is wanting to improve our squad and then see how it weighs up against our rivals this season.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:05 pm
by gerrard_steven
maximus not when u have just bought players central midfielders and the only way the likes of chelski buying this season again would be the fatc if the likes of zidane etc come on the market proven world class players

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:51 pm
by JBG
Don't think Chelsea would sign Ronaldo, Beckham or Zidanne even if they were on the market.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:57 pm
by taff
Mourinho seems quite shrewd even if he comes across as cocky and arrogant,
Remember that Benitez won the title against a team with Ronaldo and Zidane and Beckham

Its also his first year so he has to gain the trust and buy in of the existing players and being linked with a handful of players would not have exactly helped team building and morale

Mourinho on the other hand looks like he wanted to bin a lot of his existing squad

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:01 pm
by gerrard_steven
yer but abromovich as much as any1 would want them there, if he wants them he will get them no matter would mourinho thinks remember he was trying to get shevshenco and probably will be th end of the season the only reason he didnt was ac milan refused to sell him at any price and im sure if zidane was on the market most managers would try n sign him n especially wid the money not even an issue at chelski