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Foriegners  need only apply - Where on the globe are our fans?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 4:19 am
by Voices from Yates
As a long time "red till I'm dead " I have always wondered who looks at these forums and from where. LFC is everywhere these days . I do not live in Europe anymore. Where do you carry the blessings of LFC? I would enjoy humorous abuse with your comments. If you weren't born in Liverpool, all you need is a sence of humour and faith in LFC.
Liverpool IS one of the few Global teams.  WE will conquer them all. Go Red or go home!!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 6:00 am
by akumaface
I'm from HK and has been a fan for LFC as far as I could remember especially the 80s. Ian Rush still my favourite all time LFC player.

As for this forum, it took me some time to find it but this is a very good forum as there are so many participants here. Its good to talk to other LFC fans in the world. Most people in HK are ManU and REal Madrid fans. Anyway, I think both teams suck big time. LFC all the way!  :D

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:37 am
by chiggz_likes_owen
HK - Fan all muh life :)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 12:43 pm
by zarababe
I'm gald that you have referred to the the City of Liverpool's neighbour's as "Wonderful".. I know a few scousers who would not refer to us Londoner's in the same way and would certainly have an expletive or two for the Manc sh*te up the M6. :p

A good poll !

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 3:16 pm
by stapo1000
whta about ireland?? dont we get a look in?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:23 pm
by Voices from Yates
I know. VFYates missed out Africa.
Excuse,; I was only allowed ten entries.
Truth; Too many Aussie Whites

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:28 pm
by Voices from Yates
In compensation:
July 23, 2004
Posted to the web July 23, 2004
Phillip Corry

Joel Rookwood, academy coach of English soccer giants Liverpool, is in the country on the invitation of Oasis, a non-governmental organisation (NGO).

The 24-year-old coach, who is part of Liverpool's backroom staff, has been working with under privileged children around the country and Kyebando in particular. He has been teaching football skills and community service.

"It has been a great privilege to work with Ugandan kids. They have lots of skill," Rookwood said at Lubiri yesterday.

His trip is part of Liverpool's Community Service worldwide. He leaves for Zimbabwe today.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:50 pm
by Sean
I started supporting Liverpool after watching the 1981 league cup final against West Ham, as a 7 year old.  Dalglish scored a cracker from a McDermott pass in the replay.

I love the strong Irish connections at Liverpool and think Ronnie Whelan's contribution to our successes in the 80's is often underestimated. Hopefully Steve Finnan will come good next year.

My wife knew nothing about football before she met me, but now keeps asking me when we can make our next trip across the Irish sea to watch the reds.  I even asked her to marry me at the Shankley top the weekend we beat Ipswich the following day 5-0 (May 2002).

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:01 pm
by Zardoz
i drink wine  :laugh:

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:12 pm
by iolsi
i'm french and i hate wine and champagne, i love beer end cider :laugh:

PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:56 pm
by azriahmad
I am a Malaysian. I have been a fan since 1975-76 season when I was in England, just 8 years old, when my dad did his post grad studies in Norwich.

I went to England again from 1988 to 1993 and sadly witnessed the decline during the Souness era. However, I am a reds through and through. We used to have many unsung heroes and Ronnie Whelan comes to mind, we have not really have a player of his caliber since. Great covering the defenders and can score too!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 7:29 am
by Starbridge42
I'm from Australia and proud of it

PS: as you don't live around the Tasman you wouldn't know but generally speaking Aussies and sheep fuc... I mean New Zealanders  :D  :D  :D don't like being associated with each other.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 6:07 pm
by Voices from Yates
A sailin' buddy of mine was in Perth/Freemantle and noticed a style of boat, he'd never seen before. He asked a local what it was.The local replied that it was made to send 100.000's of live sheep to Saudi.He said it was affectingly known as the
"New Zealand Love boat". :D

I'm sure the land of "the long white cloud", will respond.
:p  :) Here we chase anything

PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 8:57 am
by begintoend
Voices from Yates wrote:As a long time "red till I'm dead " I have always wondered who looks at these forums and from where. LFC is everywhere these days . I do not live in Europe anymore. Where do you carry the blessings of LFC? I would enjoy humorous abuse with your comments. If you weren't born in Liverpool, all you need is a sence of humour and faith in LFC.
Liverpool IS one of the few Global teams.  WE will conquer them all. Go Red or go home!!

[color=#000000]Here'a a good post of what comes from my land.

Code: Select all
i understand how you must feel. in s'pore, as in almost everywhere, support for a club is largely premised on its success. that is why you see so many s'porean man u, arsenal and chelsea supporters sprouting up from nowhere. most of these supporters also have real madrid, AC milan and juventus jerseys in their wardrobes.

however, let's look at it from a cold logical point of view. if a club does badly, if a club has a manager that doesn't know what he is doing, how can it win new supporters? LFC is partly responsible for losing its support base by clinging on to Houllier in the last 2 seasons.

sure, there are die-hard fans like liverpool city folks who support the club because their grandfathers and fathers have been supporters. we can't say the same for s'poreans. s'poreans do not have the geographical relationship with LFC the way liverpudlians do.

you also have to be careful of those who demand you support the club at the expense of criticism. these people would say - if you love LFC, you better not say anything bad about it or any of its personnel. this is downright stupid. be an intelligent supporter who criticises because you want the club to improve. remember - the difference between blind faith and deep loyalty is that people with blind faith refuse to see anything wrong even when the ship is sinking.

So I say, so we think....

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:30 am
by Voices from Yates
know the feeling,
I have not been able to watch Gerrard frequently and therefore  I am ignorant of his  publicly recognised qualities.
However, last night was similar to Euro 2004.
He had the ball a few times, but lost it through poor passes,
more often than making progress. 4/10

Also Harry Kewel was 1/109 rubbish)

These comments should get me the death setence I truely deserve.