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Owen & gerrard to have say on  new manager - Top players will be consulted

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 11:42 am
by zarababe
So Rick has indicated that Owen and Gerrard (& perhaps other senior players) will be consulted on the qualities required for the new manager. I find this a just a tad worrying, because Owen & Gerrard have the little issue of Euro 2004 .... and when will this consultation happen? there's nothing wrong with the players being consulted but.. when, how and where? Rick's on his hols, O & G and others are heading for Portugal, meanwhile decisions regarding Managerial appointments are being made by some of the key clubs. Am I the only one worrying?

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 11:53 am
by mynameisred
Yeah I just heard that too, Im not worried tho I reckon they know more about the squad and what the team needs than anyone at this time, also we dont want to lose our two best players by bringing someone in they really dont want to work with. The questions we need to ask is who would they both recommend? Hey its just me specualting but what about Sven?, we got money, players he has worked with and he would be given time. Perhaps im getting a bit enthuiastic here.

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 12:19 pm
by drummerphil
i would imagine,any views of the players have probably already been made known.

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 12:40 pm
by Santa
Could it be Benitez? I know he has to give Valencia 15 days notice before he can leave for free. Could it be that he have already agreed but are now serving the notice or pending final negotiation with Valencia? Obviously I am guessing here but I thought the job of getting a new manager is priority and if I were Rick, I will stay put until the job is done.

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 1:32 pm
by zarababe
I agree, I think Parry should have postponed his holdiay and stayed to sort things out, if only to provide clarity to the situation.

I also wonder though... could there be a danger that some players are consulted and the rest (who are likely to stay) aren't, thus leading to some division in the changing room? or am I really getting paranoid now?

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 4:23 pm
by Big Niall
Erickson- he'll probably bring Heskey back, I'd prefer to see the Neville sisters play than for that oaf to be back.

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 11:09 pm
by jack66
I cant understand this.Why is parry on holiday for ****** sake.He should be here sorting out a new manager.apparantly he broke off from his holiday in a 5 star hotel in the caribbean to talk to a reporter for 5 minutes on his mobile phone,about consulting with top players about our manager...This is one of the most important times in our history (that has got to be done right) and hes ****** sunning his ****** in the caribbean.

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 11:15 pm
by cheesecakery
Yeah I just heard that too, Im not worried tho I reckon they know more about the squad and what the team needs than anyone at this time, also we dont want to lose our two best players by bringing someone in they really dont want to work with. The questions we need to ask is who would they both recommend? Hey its just me specualting but what about Sven?, we got money, players he has worked with and he would be given time. Perhaps im getting a bit enthuiastic here.

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 11:20 pm
by supersub
So where is the joke cheesey?

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 11:26 pm
by jack66
cheesecakery wrote:Yeah I just heard that too, Im not worried tho I reckon they know more about the squad and what the team needs than anyone at this time, also we dont want to lose our two best players by bringing someone in they really dont want to work with. The questions we need to ask is who would they both recommend? Hey its just me specualting but what about Sven?, we got money, players he has worked with and he would be given time. Perhaps im getting a bit enthuiastic here.

im sure ive read this somewhere before....... ???

PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:14 am
by redharry
I work at "Jaguar" and they have just taken on a new manager.I am well ****** off they did not see fit to ask my opinion.
What a load of old b-----ks, since when did owners ask workers who they should employ.
Just get the bloody thing sorted.:D :D :D :p :p :p

PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:27 am
by azriahmad
I think when Parry said that Owen and Gerrard would be consulted on the managerial appointment is to show that Liverpool wants these two to stay. Unlike any other workplaces, a football club relies more on a few people than others. Liverpool's worry or concern is to have Owen commit his future to the club.

It was quite obvious that Owen's body language last season is that of an unhappy person when he was on the pitch. He had little support up front, the midfielders' service was horrible, he was often taking on defenders on his own, he was not scoring regularly and he was low on confidence. More importantly, his contract will run out at the end of next season.

Given his quality, Liverpool has to work overtime to convince him to stay.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:40 am
by Red
It was quite obvious that Owen's body language last season is that of an unhappy person when he was on the pitch. He had little support up front, the midfielders' service was horrible, he was often taking on defenders on his own, he was not scoring regularly and he was low on confidence. More importantly, his contract will run out at the end of next season.

I actually watched 12 games in a row where Owen was gettin fantastic support and botching easy goals. Dont know what games you were watching. It astounds me that so many people say this, yet Steven Gerrard is said to have had his best season ever.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:25 am
by Santa
Owen was often left alone upfront and GH chose to play Cheyrou, Kewell behind Owen when he could use someone along side of him to perhaps take some attention away. Why he didn't play Baros more often remains a mystery. And yes Gerrard had a super season but there is no one playing close to his level to provide ammunition for Owen, and his confidence have suffered.

I actually watched 12 games in a row where Owen was gettin fantastic support and botching easy goals. Dont know what games you were watching.

How many quality crosses do you see being provided for Owen in those games? Agreed Owen didn't have a fantastic season by his standard and it is mainly down to (1) injury layoff (2) support (3) formation. Towards the last few games when Heskey was partnering Owen upfront, we did see a better return from Owen.