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Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:17 pm
by Stu the Red
Ok, everyone seems to think on these boards that the garden is rosie and everything is great and we're a wonderful side.


Take Gerrard, Suarez and Coutinho (assuming no one would argue they're our best three players) out of our team and where do you think we'd finish?

Then the same again for the Mancs, Arsenal, Chelsea etc.

Assuming United's best three players are Vidic, Van Persie and Rooney... I still think they would in and around fifth place or so without those players.

Chelsea, without Cech, Mata and Hazard, would for me roughly be around 8th...

Arsenal, Ozil, Wilshere and Koscielny (possibly) still in and around the top four.

City, Toure, Kompany and Aguero, again for me top four easily.

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:56 pm
by RedAnt
What's your point? We can't field 11 world class players. We're doing very well on limited resources. What would you do differently from BR? The post is entitled "lising our three best players". Is this just speculation for something to talk about?

Any team in the world that had Gerrard, Suarez and Coutinho on the books but absent would suffer. But this isn't Football Manager or anything. In FM we can start again if things go wrong.

We're a club built on passion and dignity. We ain't Man U or City or the chavs, thank fook. When our star players aren't available, we have other players who will fill in, just like every club. Alas, we don't have any Ronaldo's or Messi's on the bench. The established players of that level all already have jobs. We aren't into throwing money at players.

We're not doing too badly without Suarez anyway.

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:01 pm
by Stu the Red
The point is simple. Looking at our team without those three players in, how weak or strong do people think it would be. Where do you think they would finish in the league in comparrison to the sides around us if they were to suffer the same fate.

If you don't like the thread, you don't have to reply to it so jog on.

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:12 pm
by Benny The Noon
Don't think at the moment Gerrard is in our top 3 though - currently it would include Sturridge.

On the initial point if we take out those three then we would we struggle to score - in fact we wouldn't score but we would still be strong at the back

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:14 pm
by RedAnt
Not sure what you mean by the last part. I commented on your point from my own perspective.

So far this season we've played without Suarez. Coutinho has yet to find his form this year, and Gerrard looks tired. We're sitting pretty at the top with 3 wins and 3 clean sheets. Our squad isn't as deep or as famous as some would like, but its doing ok.

There's a long way to go, but I think we can allow ourselves to enjoy the seasons start thus far.

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:14 pm
by Stu the Red
I disagree, I think its only a matter of time before we start conceeding ALOT of goals.

I actually think we'd finish around 16th... give or take a place.

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:15 pm
by Fowler_E7
StuYesThatStu » Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:17 pm wrote:Ok, everyone seems to think on these boards that the garden is rosie and everything is great and we're a wonderful side.


Take Gerrard, Suarez and Coutinho (assuming no one would argue they're our best three players) out of our team and where do you think we'd finish?

Then the same again for the Mancs, Arsenal, Chelsea etc.

Assuming United's best three players are Vidic, Van Persie and Rooney... I still think they would in and around fifth place or so without those players.

Chelsea, without Cech, Mata and Hazard, would for me roughly be around 8th...

Arsenal, Ozil, Wilshere and Koscielny (possibly) still in and around the top four.

City, Toure, Kompany and Aguero, again for me top four easily.

Come on mate what are you on, you think Man Utds squad is better than Chelsea’s? without the players you mentioned the Mancs squad is pretty average, especially in midfield. Compare Giggs, Anderson, Cleverly, Young, Valencia, Kagawa, Nani, Flethcer and Fellaini to Ramires, Lampard, Oscar, Schrulle, Essien, William, Mikel, Van Ginkel and De Bruyne. Its a non contest, this is a very weak Manchester Utd team, id say Man CIty and Chelsea easisly have the strongest squads in the league

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:20 pm
by Greavesie
Has Benny mutated into something much bigger and more persistent?  :D

Seriously though, take the best three players out of any side and they'd struggle. City and Chelsea have the best depth but the reasoning behind that is pretty obvious and needs no further explanation. Man U have usually had a strong squad - I actually thought they were weaker man for man than most credited them for - but Fergies mentality usually kept them going, take him out and I'm not so sure - I have faith in Brendan getting that bit extra out of our lot as good managers do.

I don't think anyone particularly fears them these days. As for Arsenal, take out Cazorla, Ozil and Giroud and they're pretty screwed

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:23 pm
by Greavesie
StuYesThatStu » Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:14 pm wrote:I disagree, I think its only a matter of time before we start conceeding ALOT of goals.

I actually think we'd finish around 16th... give or take a place.

Well we've took Suarez out and we're doing fine. Do I think we'd miss Gerarrd so much to take us into the lower half? Not for me, he seems to be getting tired around the hour mark these days and his position discipline, or lack of, is one factor in us getting overwhelmed towards the end of games. Coutinho hasn't been all that so far either, though he's had spells where his class shows, he's another who gets leggy towards the end of a game. We'd definitely miss him though.

Where anyone finishes in the league is all relative anyway

Plus we have the three players you speak of and permitting they stay fit, we won't finish 16th. Are you getting at the squad septh or highlighting the importance of those three players? I think the starting 11 is pretty good on paper, depth may be lacking in some areas but there's enough there to cover injuries and Suarez' suspension this season  :D is it good enough to break the top 4 mould? I'm hopeful but it'll be close, we already have a deccent cushion though so keep that moemtum going, we'll have a good idea around Christmas

Chelsea aren't playing Mata and are coping just fine and Carrick is more important to Man U than your post suggests.

Take each of the top 3 players out, what would your end of season top 6 look like? Just for arguments sake

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:24 pm
by RedAnt
But what's the point in such speculation? We're doing well. A good morale will help us, whilst speculative negativity must surely be counter productive. The transfer window is closed, so this is our squad for the time being. It includes the three you mentioned, and also includes Sturridge who's doing very well at filling Suarez' boots.

Take any teams star players away and they'll be worse for it.

Still not sure i get the point here, so I'll do as you suggest and step out.

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:32 pm
by RedAnt
Greavesie » Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:20 pm wrote:Has Benny mutated into something much bigger and more persistent?  :D

It's Bennys guardian angel, trying to make him look positive :D

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:40 pm
by mkingdom
Morbid, negative post with no value.

If I lost one of my legs, how do you think I would do in the 100 metres?


Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:40 pm
by mkingdom
Morbid, negative post with no value.

If I lost one of my legs, how do you think I would do in the 100 metres?


Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:41 pm
by Greavesie
mkingdom » Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:40 pm wrote:Morbid, negative post with no value.

If I lost one of my legs, how do you think I would do in the 100 metres?


You could win still, its all relative  :D

Re: Losing your best three players...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:43 pm
by Benny The Noon
mkingdom » Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:40 pm wrote:Morbid, negative post with no value.

If I lost one of my legs, how do you think I would do in the 100 metres?


If its the pool then you might still do it ok