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A passing thought.......

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:20 pm
by Reg
I don't think the owners have a 12 month plan to win the Premiership so I don't think us fans should either.

Its been great to see the revival under Kenny but its still a 4-5 year plan.... step by step. These last couple of games have highlighted the weaknesses on the pitch which won't be cured overnight so lets sit back and enjoy the view.

I'll be 76 by the time we win the league at this rate......  :eyebrow

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:26 pm
by Kenny Kan

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:39 pm
by dawson99
Good ole Reg, keepin' it real :D

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:57 pm
by jacdaniel
Being the top club in England or the world is not something thats achieved over night.  Chelsea and City can spunk all the money they want but they won't be on the top for a long time if they keep making short term decisions in the mannger that they do.

Liverpool have taken a number of actions already that will pave the way for a successful long term future.  Rafa overhauled the youth system and we're finally starting to see the benefits of that.  The standard charter and warrior deals will help maintain a self sustainable business as well as releasing players on crazy wages.

Hopefully Kenny will pass his knowledge on to a younger guy to take the reins when kenny is finished.  Hopefully the new owners can get the stadium situation sorted out and continue their transfer policy of paying for top younger players like Suarez.

If we keep going the way we are, we'll be at the top for a lot longer than the Chavs and City and hopefully the skanks :D

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:33 pm
by maypaxvobiscum
well i guess the first challenge the owners will have is to entice top players to join us despite the lack of european football. next, sell players such as Poulsen, Jova, Ngog, Spearing, Aurelio, Konchesky, Degen and El Zhar. finally, once the squad is ready, launch a challenge for a top 4 position. i'm not expecting us to win the title next season but if we're to play they way we've been doing, with added quality during the transfer window, expectations will naturally get a bit higher.

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 4:31 pm
by metalhead

let's see how it goes next season

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:27 pm
by Igor Zidane
Just can't wait for next season , don't think we will win the league myself. Have no doubts about Kenny though ,he's from the same mold as shankly and paisley i.e second is nowhere . He will be going all out to win the f.ucker ,of that I'm a 100% sure.

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 11:09 pm
by Scottbot
Reg wrote:I don't think the owners have a 12 month plan to win the Premiership so I don't think us fans should either.

Its been great to see the revival under Kenny but its still a 4-5 year plan.... step by step. These last couple of games have highlighted the weaknesses on the pitch which won't be cured overnight so lets sit back and enjoy the view.

I'll be 76 by the time we win the league at this rate......  :eyebrow

These last two games could actually turn out to be a bit of a blessing tbh. I think we were all getting a bit carried with the run the boys had been going on and had we won the last two games perhaps everyone would spend the summer (our owners included) thinking things were pretty hunki dori and that we're nearly there. The football has been so much better under Kenny but the lads have been able to play without too much pressure and expectation. Hopefully the owners will stick their hands into their pockets and give Kenny the £40 miilion (net) he needs to spend as an absolute minimum this summer. I figure that will get us 3 players of the quality we need. I was a  bit gutted we didn't finish in the Euroipa spaces but the more I think about it the more i think it isn't such a bad thing.

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 11:10 pm
by Greavesie
yeh but Reg you're 74 now so it ain't too bad

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 12:09 am
by killerp
Reg wrote:I don't think the owners have a 12 month plan to win the Premiership so I don't think us fans should either.

Its been great to see the revival under Kenny but its still a 4-5 year plan.... step by step. These last couple of games have highlighted the weaknesses on the pitch which won't be cured overnight so lets sit back and enjoy the view.

I'll be 76 by the time we win the league at this rate......  :eyebrow

If you have waited 20 odd years already for the league another 4-5 can't hurt. Just be glad you will witness the rebirth of a new & potentially great squad under a great manager.

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 12:25 am
by Kenny Kan
Greavesie wrote:yeh but Reg you're 74 now so it ain't too bad

he sounds like he's 74.  :D

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:25 am
by lakes10
I think its clear that it might not be a case of us having to chance other clubs, I think other clubs are coming back to us.
this year has shown that man u and the russians are not great teams, lets face it if Man city had sorted themselves out at the start of the season they would have won the prem, i see them as the real deal and think they will win the prem by 10 points next year, i hope we win it but that might be asking too much of kenny next year.

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:17 am
by roberto green
maypaxvobiscum wrote:well i guess the first challenge the owners will have is to entice top players to join us despite the lack of european football. next, sell players such as Poulsen, Jova, Ngog, Spearing, Aurelio, Konchesky, Degen and El Zhar. finally, once the squad is ready, launch a challenge for a top 4 position. i'm not expecting us to win the title next season but if we're to play they way we've been doing, with added quality during the transfer window, expectations will naturally get a bit higher.


PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:27 am
by Thommo's perm
lakes10 wrote:I think its clear that it might not be a case of us having to chance other clubs, I think other clubs are coming back to us.
this year has shown that man u and the russians are not great teams, lets face it if Man city had sorted themselves out at the start of the season they would have won the prem, i see them as the real deal and think they will win the prem by 10 points next year, i hope we win it but that might be asking too much of kenny next year.

Not with Mancini in charge they wont
Too many egos and divas there

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:31 am
by PabloMedina28
Reg wrote:I don't think the owners have a 12 month plan to win the Premiership so I don't think us fans should either.

Its been great to see the revival under Kenny but its still a 4-5 year plan.... step by step. These last couple of games have highlighted the weaknesses on the pitch which won't be cured overnight so lets sit back and enjoy the view.

I'll be 76 by the time we win the league at this rate......  :eyebrow

I understand that we need to be patient and that getting it right for the foreseeable future takes time, but i dont agree it cant be an over night thing as far as winning the league goes. Look at how much weve improved over 6 months. You telling me bringing in even two players of Suarez ability would be for one impossible and two not win us a title? what IF Gerrard gets back to the Gerrard of 2 years ago after his operation, Carroll stays injury free as does Agger and Kelly. Lucas Flanno shelvey etc continue to grow. All ifs but i reckon well be in with a good shout next season.