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Who can come in from the cold..... - And make a difference?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:11 pm
by bigmick
So the question is really a follow up from Roy saying this morning that players who were on the fringe will be looking to make a point. Who if any will and save us a few quid?

Firstly, lets consider the candidates in no particular order, players who it's fair to say haven't really fulfilled their potential as of yet.

Ryan Babel. Pro's- Very pacey, with a good shot and a modicum of skill. Minuses- A bit of a doughnut, a bit clueless and not exactly full of backbone. One thing we can pretty much all agree on surely is that Babel isn't a winger, and not a left winger at that. Surely if he is going to make it with us, it will be as a striker. Can he play alongside Torres though if our star man remains? Untrusted by the previous management and unloved by the fans, can the Dutchman find it in him from somewhere?

Alberto Aquilani. Pro's- good vision and lovely touch, the Italian is very obviously a talented footballer. Minus's-injury prone and not by the looks of it too fond of the more physical stuff. When he did play last season, there were usually flashes of something there. He got a few assists against admittedly poor teams, and scored an excellent goal in Europe. Untrusted by the previous management, can Alberto step up to the plate and be our Gerrard replacement should our captain be tempted away?

Danny Pacheco. Pro's- obviously talented. Minuses- Looks about 12 and you have to be concerned about his physicality. Probably the shining hope of the "superkids" who we trawled the length and breadth of the globe to sign, but has Pacheco got the ability to influence games at the top level consistently. If he has, where do you play him?

Martin Skyrtel. Pro's- No nonsense defender who at his best is a good player. Strangely, a good runner with the ball at his feet. Minus's- does have a tendency to switch off and ball watch. Was a regular two seasons ago but then injuries and loss of form set him back. Could he be the answer if Carra's legs have gone?

Albert Riera. Pro's- Sweet left foot, decent shot and excellent in the air. Minus's- A bit fragile, never seems able to influence a game after the hour mark, and an unusually square head. Fell out with the previous management and therefore with the majority of the fans, but can Albert come back to his best and cement his place in the team?

The Greek bloke. Pro's- Excellent in the air, whole hearted and can score a goal from centre half. Minuses, I think I'm quicker than him. Bought as a stop gap bit part player, could it be that this fella can be our no nonsense stopper?

Phillip Deggan. Pro's- Decent going forward. Minuses-Everything else.

There's probably others who I've forgotten, but my main hopes are Ryan Babel and Albert Riera. If (and it's a big if) Roy could unlock the potential of Babel and we played with him and Torres up top, we'd have pace and power to burn. If Albert Riera can rediscover his best form, the team would instantly have more balance and quality. I also think that we may grow to like Lucas a bit more once he's stopped holding hands with Masherano (who will be sold), and perhaps Aquilani might come to the party if Gerrard goes.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:27 pm
by stmichael
Babel is the most interesting one for me. I don't think I've ever seen such a frustrating player. The talent is there but the application of that talent has too often been poor. People have compared him to Cisse in the past but to me he's a much better footballer tha Djibril ever was. Why would the Dutch manager keep picking him for the national squad if he was no good? For me, it was more his attitude that stunk at times in the past which was unacceptable whether he felt he was being underused or playing out of position or not. You only have to compare his attitude to Yossi who wasn't getting enough football either. One just sulked and whinged non stop whereas the other knuckled down, got his chance and produced and ended up being one of our most important players. I now see Riera as being in the same boat as Babel was. His attitude was a disgrace and everyone wanted him sold. Now it looks like he's staying it's up to the new manager to try and get him playing like he was during the 2008/9 season when he was excellent at times and gave us a balance we haven't had for ages.

Aquilani I maintain will be an excellent player for us provided he's used in the right way. Having seen him live he's got excellent vision and his awareness of finding space is top class. He struggled at times last season when he was played as one of the two in the 4-2-3-1 system which doesn't suit him at all. He's not a defensive player at all. If anything he should be playing in the hole with Gerrard either dropping back or playing wide right. Next season I'd be looking at him hopefully getting double figures in the goal stakes. I honestly don't think that's unrealistic.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:43 pm
by maypaxvobiscum
if Skertel were to rediscover the form he used to have then it would be a major plus. otherwise i agree Babel's potential needs to be unlocked along with Aquilani. and as for Riera, we've already seen what he is capable of and it would be a big loss on the left side if he is sold.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:44 pm
by maypaxvobiscum
stmichael wrote:I don't think I've ever seen such a frustrating player.

Luis Garcia?  :D

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:05 pm
by The Raven
Has to be Babel, the lad has talent by the bucket load.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:18 pm
by Redman in wales
The Raven wrote:Has to be Babel, the lad has talent by the bucket load.

and the brain of an actual bucket!


PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:21 pm
by SouthCoastShankly
bigmick wrote:Phillip Degen. Pro's- Decent going forward. Minuses-Everything else.

Reminds me of Josemi. It seems that both of them were told prior to playing in the Premiership that any tackle goes.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:57 pm
by Fauxy
N'gog? Similiar player to Zamora (ish) :D

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:04 pm
by Effes
I wonder if Roy will try pushing Lucas further up the field, rather than using him deeper like Rafa did.

It makes sense to me - that's how he made his name/reputation in Brazil with Gremio.
He has had his best games when doing that, and I think he has the skill to cause problems.

We'll see.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:14 pm
by tubby
I was wondering that also. Although if Masch does leave will that not leave only Lucas as our only capable holding midfielder?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:21 pm
by Fauxy
If Masch leaves then we will be forced to buy a new holding mid.

We couldnt go through a season with just three midfielders, one of which being injury prone.

Scott Parker is a very good player but West Ham wouldnt let him go cheap and he's already about 30.
Lee Cattermole looks decent but would cost an arm and a leg from fat head bruce.
Cambiasso is a possibility.
Ever Banega from Valencia would be my ideal replacement. Can pick out some AMAZING passes, pretty good in the tackle and has a lot of skill. He isnt reallly the holding type though, he does get forward as well. Would probs cost us a bomb.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:53 pm
by tubby
Can't see Banega coming here now that Rafa has gone.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:03 pm
by jacdaniel
Babel - Cash in now while he is still worth something.  He has pace and a powerful shot but thats not enough.  Id keep him if we didn't need the cash badly though.

Riera - Decent player for the left wing and worth keeping for now at least.  (Should be shown the door if he causes any trouble though).

Skrtel - Tough call, i used to love him but he looks blatantly average these days.  Cash in i think.

Greek - Great squad player that we won't get any money for.  Definitly keep him.

pacheco + nemeth + Spearing - All 3 are at an age were the manager needs to either give them some chances or sell them.  id give them more chances but i can't judge them as i havent seen them enough. (if at all).

Shelvey:  Wouldn't of got a kick under Rafa but lets hope Roy gives him a chance.

El zhar - Cash in.

maxi - useful player that we will certainly benefit from.

Aqua Man - Will prove this year how good a player he is.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:00 pm
by burjennio
Fauxy wrote:If Masch leaves then we will be forced to buy a new holding mid.

We couldnt go through a season with just three midfielders, one of which being injury prone.

Scott Parker is a very good player but West Ham wouldnt let him go cheap and he's already about 30.
Lee Cattermole looks decent but would cost an arm and a leg from fat head bruce.
Cambiasso is a possibility.
Ever Banega from Valencia would be my ideal replacement. Can pick out some AMAZING passes, pretty good in the tackle and has a lot of skill. He isnt reallly the holding type though, he does get forward as well. Would probs cost us a bomb.

Valencia dont need to sell after bringing in a hefty penny for Silva and Villa. Im sure they are planning on building a new side around Benaga because like you said he was fantastic last year and hes only 22 (thanks Wiki) and they have CL footy to look forward to so I think it would take a ridiculous offer to get him.

I forgot we had Maxi Rodrigez he played so little! He looked good for Argentina and it means we could ship out Babel and Riera and focus on getting a left winger, I read somewhere the manager was interested in Ashley Young who I certainly think would be a success at Anfield as he has pace, skill and superb delivery which is something I feel we were short on last year

Aquilani for me is the one to come through next season. If he can stay relatively injury free I believe he could have a real inpact playing in more advanced role, not necessarily behind Torres but in a midfield 2/3 with licence to roam, picking out passes whilst another defensive midfielder holds the fort.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:35 pm
by bunglemark2
Who can come in from the cold and make a difference ?
A: Santa Claus !!
