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Sos - What a bunch of fukwits

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:18 pm
by 7_Kewell
I work as a national journalist (I’m not a footie hack tho) and I am dismayed by the acts that SOS are carrying out in my name as a fellow reds’ fan. They claim to represent the LFC fans, but they are a fuking embarrassment.

Racist banners, flag burning and anti-foreign protest are NOT the way forward.

At present we are looking for new owners and, chances are, these guys will be foreign.  Yet, time and again you guys are making us out to be a bunch of racist fukwits. This WILL keep investors away.

Do you guys have ANY IDEA how this image appears to the rest of the world? The Premier league is a GLOABAL BRAND and we are part of it, but these protest are doing more harm than good.

Our American owners are incompetent, I know it, you know it but your protests do not say it. Instead, your protestsfocus on the fact our owners are AMERICAN...not the fact they are bad business men. It is racism dressed up.

FFS, sort it out SOS, because i know for a FACT that the footie journalists see you guys as a joke.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:20 pm
by Greavesie
racist banners? care to elaborate?

flag burning - was it done by SOS?

anti-foreign? our owners are from AMERICA!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:23 pm
by 7_Kewell
Greavesie wrote:racist banners? care to elaborate?

flag burning - was it done by SOS?

anti-foreign? our owners are from AMERICA!!!

YANKS OUT...racist

SOS claim to organise all protests, and they knew about the protest with the flag burning...

Why the negative american appraoach? FOCUS ON THEIR BAD BUSINESS SENSE...ffs, it isn't difficult.

I was at a press conference today and a journalist (with an ipad he bought from the US) showed a load of the other footie hacks the flag burning stuff...they all laughed. That is how our protests are seen by the UK media.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:25 pm
by Reg
Are we talking about the nanny state where no one is allowed to protest nor express an opinion, where no one is allowed to differ in their views or show their disgust at the way the club is bring run by overseas shysters?

Are we to roll over and die, but at least put on a good face to the world? LFC went bust, but those scouser fellows were cheerie until the end?

I dont care what neutral spectators think, its my club thats being run into the ground here and for right now, people need to stand up and be counted. And I dont give a dámn if you dont like it.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:25 pm
by Benny The Noon
For a journo you can't spell global . At least you seem well versed in the other characteristics of being a journo

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:28 pm
by Greavesie
Yank - racist? FFS whats next - I never thought it was racist at all. There's a team called the Yankees FFS

The protest with the flag burning was NOT organised by SOS

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:28 pm
by 7_Kewell
Benny The Noon wrote:For a journo you can't spell global . At least you seem well versed in the other characteristics of being a journo

i'm a little drunk, we all went off to a pub after and drank all afternoon.  :suspect:

but my argument is simple...protest by all means, but keep it aimed on the CORRECT subjects..

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:30 pm
by 7_Kewell
Greavesie wrote:The protest with the flag burning was NOT organised by SOS

they knew all about it and a lot of their guys were there.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:32 pm
by Reg
7_Kewell wrote:
Greavesie wrote:racist banners? care to elaborate?

flag burning - was it done by SOS?

anti-foreign? our owners are from AMERICA!!!

YANKS OUT...racist

We called someone a Yank.... well excuse me whilst I shít myself.

In case you haven't noticed 2 fúckíng yanks are breaking our club and if journalists watching an Ipad laugh, then a) I dont see the connection with an Ipad and b) the journalists clearly dont understand the significance of whats going on.

Why do we have to campaign to 'journalists' whoever they are, at whatever level they are, educated to whatever level they are, about the problems of our club? We wasted 3 years campaigning against these 2 and its got us no where so now we have to take more direct action. I would suggest to you that the Echo´s recent articles are putting the owners under pressure in tehir own way, but without the support of SOS and their actions, they cant pretend to represent local opinion.

If your journalists were onside and willing to act on our behalf then they should have reacted by now, so lets not waste further time with billy or terry fúckwíts who pretend to be something but are unwilling to get involved.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:34 pm
by Reg
7_Kewell wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:For a journo you can't spell global . At least you seem well versed in the other characteristics of being a journo

i'm a little drunk, we all went off to a pub after and drank all afternoon.  :suspect:

but my argument is simple...protest by all means, but keep it aimed on the CORRECT subjects..

If you´re pi$$ed then do us all a favour and stop spouting shíte and go sleep it off.

Sleep well.  :nod

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:36 pm
by Greavesie
Kewell, do you want to suggest an alternative while you're in the mood to rip into SOS?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:36 pm
by 7_Kewell
Reg wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
Greavesie wrote:racist banners? care to elaborate?

flag burning - was it done by SOS?

anti-foreign? our owners are from AMERICA!!!

YANKS OUT...racist

We called someone a Yank.... well excuse me whilst I shít myself.

In case you haven't noticed 2 :censored:íng yanks are breaking our club and if journalists watching an Ipad laugh, then a) I dont see the coonection with an Ipad and b) the journalists clearly dont understand the significance of whats going on.

Why do we have to campaign to 'journalists' whoever they are, at whatever level they are, educated to whatever level they are, about the problems of our club? We wasted 3 years campaigning against these 2 and its got us no where so now we have to take more direct action. I would suggest to you that the Echo´s recent articles are putting the owners under pressure in tehir own way, but without the support of SOS and their actions, they cant pretend to represent local opinion.

If your journalists were onside and willing to act on our behalf then they should have reacted by now, so lets not waste further time with billy or terry :censored:wíts who pretend to be something but are unwilling to get involved.

no national journalist is going to get involved with SOS. They have no PR strategy and that is why the protests are one big waste of time.

I mentioned the iPad because it was like watching a tv slide show and no one from the nationals took it seriously. It depresses me that my club is up sh!t creek and we have a bunch of idiots tryint to sort things out. Both inside and outside the boardroom.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:37 pm
by Reg
Dont get depressed, get some sleep then come out fighting.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:39 pm
by Bad Bob
I'm locking this.  First and foremost because it's something that has been and can continue to be discussed in the takeover thread.  Second, because the subtitle of the thread is undoubtedly going to wind up far too many members on here at a time when emotions are more than a little raw.  A little respect towards fellow members who are widely known to belong to SOS is, IMO, a necessity in these kinds of discussions.

And finally, I'm locking this because I'm tired of reading the blatant misuse of the term racist when it comes to protesting against the Americans.  Sorry to be a pedant but the Americans are not a 'race' by any definition of the term.  ('Races' are dubious constructs anyway but that's a whole other discussion).  For the record, neither are the English, the Canadians or any other nationality you'd care to name.  To bring a charge of racism into this discussion is to sensationalize the issue beyond all bounds of common sense.