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Liverpool 4 blackburn 0 - 4 goals in a league game!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 4:59 pm
by Gbo
Listened to the game on the radio and it should have been at least 10.  I have critisied Houllier this season with his comments after a good win saying Liverpool are turning the corner.
However, maybe this could be the game to ensure a good end to the season (OK i know Blackburn are a poor side but goals will inspire confidence).

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:56 pm
by 115-1073096938
I was there.

10 is a bit harsh 7 or 8 maybe.

We've beaten a good side today imo who are capable of a top 10 finish. Brett Emerton is a hell of player. Thompson is injured and Tugay can spot a pass and pull strings.

Admittedly they weren't a great side and tactically weren't organised but that doesn't detract from the fact we played well. Heskey looked good, Owen was back to something like his best, Gerrard was dominant. This side has the quality with the right additions to improve immensely next season.

We've now gone 4 unbeaten in the league and not conceeded a goal which is a good run compared to the way we've been playing all season. Hopefully we can continue to pick up more form towards the end of the season and with the right additions we'll be much stronger next year.

I just read Gerrard was pleased with the defensive play today and i have to agree. It can still be improved but the closing down and positioning of our players today was first class.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 6:58 pm
by The Manhattan Project
Excellent result.

You see?

When they show passion, they win. That's all I ask. A little desire and a hunger to win.

:angry:  :laugh:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 7:30 pm
by SantaGiveHoullierTheSack
To be honest, I think even Leeds will put a few past this poor Blackburn team. Yet it is still a good win nevertheless but we should've score a few more. Too many missed chances. Heskey had a good game. Let's not get too carried away and start turning corners Gerard!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 8:03 pm
by mrcool2003
yes great win, but im not saying we have turned the corner, if i had a penny for everytime i've heard that after a impressive win, lets see how they do against arsenal on friday, and blackburn aren't a good side at all, thats y they're in relegation trouble, they miss duff, and heskey will play sh##e against arsenal again, and biscan lol what a joke, thats one player we need to sell in the summer, get someone whos decent. oh and traore too, saw the highlights against leicester both defended poorly

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 8:48 pm
by JohnBull
Where was this "good side" on the pitch today ?
Blackburn were rubbish but it was good to see the manner in which Michael took his goals and to hear a few acknowledge the work that Heskey put in.
It was almost like seeing the side from three or four years ago - what has Houllier been doing in the mean time ?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 10:55 pm
by 115-1073096938

don't you think we worked hard today and pressed them every time they had the ball... didn't you think we played with urgency again and looked aggressive in our style?

I think we did and thats why i think Blackburn simply couldn't live with us.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 11:25 pm
Finally Houllier lets us play inventive attacking football ,Owen was full of intelligent running and precise finishing ,even Heskey looked bright,but Diouf made all the difference and provided an outlet for  Kewell to run at  Blackburns defence ,Gerrard was as always superb,and Carragher made up for Biscans ineptitude by running the show at the back ,we will certainly meet better teams than Blackburn ,but some of our football was the best at Anfield since Arsenal fluked an unmerited victory this season ,and Diouf was at the heart of our most piercing attacks along with Gerrard ,we have to continue to stick with this attack minded philosophy and see out our remaining games with this in mind ,I cant help thinking if Houllier had stuck with this style of play ie Arsenal that the fans would have accepted his team selection whatever instead of him running against a tirade of abuse for his cautious game plans,i personally will reserve judgement till the next game because Arsenal away will provide a much sterner test than this inept Blackburn side i watched today  but the win was good and better teams than Blackburn would have buckled under Liverpools assaults foward ,i still think Heskey misses chances most  strikers would bury,and Dudek makes for some undue moments of concern with his punching of the ball ,but overall its an improvement long may it continue

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 12:24 am
by mrcool2003
its funny how everyone ignores my comments, when they're are geninue

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 12:25 am
by Dalglish
Diouf's inclusion after poor recent performances by Murphy and annoymous ones by Cheyrou paid dividends today. We looked incisive, direct and confidant, not something i have said a lot at Anfield this season. Blackburn are low on confidence and it showed at times today. They only started playing second half by which time it was all over. We have some tough Away games coming up , we should secure a point at Highbury Friday and the United Game may yield a win but the one I'm wary of is the Brum game away , potentially a real banana skin. Newcastle have to entertain Arsenal, are away at Vila too so fingers crossed for that 4th spot (I KNOW its not acceptable OK but a second season out of the CL is not worth contemplating) Walk on ........ :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 12:28 am
by Dalglish
Mr Cool ? Against Leicster how could Traore and Biscan have defended poorly when we kept a clean sheet.  You may have watched the highlights mate but I was there and neither stuck out as being poor or particualrly good..I accept the right to criticise them when they drop  a clanger or play poorly but aren't you allowing previous performances to colour your judgment ? ???

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 1:54 am
by XSD
4 premiership games with no goals conceeded and 8 scored says our defence is doing something right. Our problem against Leceister and even Wolves was basically bad passing and weak finishing which is obviously not something Traore or Biscan need to worry much about.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 2:14 am
by DrLiverpool
Its good to see that everybody is happy with the performance except a few who cant admit that everybody had a good game. I saw the match and thaught that it was a great team performance, even Biscan had a good game. 4 scored 0 conceded = everybody did their job.
Since Arsenal are playing 3 games in the next 7 days they will probably rest some players. Now the question is will they rest a no. of players against Liverpool 2 days after playing Chelsea or play them agains LFC and rest a few for the Newcastle game. It would certainly suit us if they rested a few players against us. Whether they play a full strenght or a weaker side Liverpool will still beat 'em.
After todays performance a tired Arsenal team wouldnt be hard opponents.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 2:28 am
by Dalglish
Good post dr liverpool :) I do believe the voice of reason has made an appearance on the forum at last LOL :p Too many fans are quick to criticise and you can't help feeling that cynicism has set in after, what has been a poor season. The ability to deal with 1 game without referring back to previous failures is something not a  lot of fans seem to be able to do. Fact is we were superior, strong and scored 4 gioals without conceding today and for once lets just acknowledge that :)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:47 am
by The_Rock
We beat blackburn. Great result, but should not get carried away with it. A blackburn defence consisting of Andy Todd and Craig short (how old is he) does not strike fear in stirkers.

The perfomance against Arsenal should be the one where liverpool will know if they had turned the corner.. :p  .

But have to say :

Diouf inclusion was the reason for the victory. He had a hand in the 2th & 3rd goals.

Heskey is getting better as the games go by.

Gerrard is awesome. During 1 blackburn corner, he won the ball and ran the whole field towards the opposition end with 2 -3 blackburn players tailing him. Has to be the most in-form centre midfielder in the world today. GH (if he stays) should build the team around Gerrard.